Top 88 Quotes & Sayings by India.Arie

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer India.Arie.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.

India Arie Simpson, also known as India Arie, is an American singer and songwriter. She has sold over 5 million records in the US and 10 million worldwide. She has won four Grammy Awards from her 23 nominations, including Best R&B Album.

I was born in love with music. My mother is a singer, many of my aunts and uncles on my mother's side are musical, my grandparents sang and played blues piano. It's literally in my blood. My mother wrote an original song to teach me the days of the week.
The only thing constant in the world is change, that's why today I take life as it comes.
When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me Every freckle on my face is where it’s suppose to be And I know my creator didn’t make no mistakes on me My feet, my thighs, my Lips, my eyes, I’m loving what I see
Your work is to find healing. And I find, for me, it's a little bit at a time, and eventually it's barely there. And the journey is finding what works for you and doing it. — © India.Arie
Your work is to find healing. And I find, for me, it's a little bit at a time, and eventually it's barely there. And the journey is finding what works for you and doing it.
The worst disease in the world is hate. And the cure for hate is love.
I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel but I learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen
Every mountain needs someone to climb it, Every ocean needs someone to dive in, Every dream needs someone to wish it, Every adventure needs someone to live it
God is infinitely creative, and everyone's different, and everyone has a different path, a different lesson, a different song, a different face, a different voice.
Some people just don't like to be their self. I'm always looking, analyzing myself.
When I think about the cause I'm most passionate about, it's all in my music all the time, because I'm always singing about the empowerment of women. Always, even when it's a little love song - it's still about the empowerment of women and this high spiritual nature of love. It's the biggest healer ever.
I managed because of my mother. I managed because I'm strong. I managed the same way every other abuse survivor survives, you just do. So many people have been abused, it's not rare, it's a very common human experience, and we survive. Also, my music plays a big role in my thriving. Having an outlet, it really makes a difference.
I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within.
It's always sad to me when certain people are excluded from being considered beautiful... because of someone else's expectation. That bothers me.
I cant control everything, and I dont need to — © India.Arie
I cant control everything, and I dont need to
If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad; no, 'cause there's a blessing in every lesson, and I'm glad that I knew him at all.
One of the things that I've worked my way out of doing, and I knew that I needed to, was comparing myself to other people. That just poisins everything. It all of a sudden dtermines even clothes you're going to choose to wear that day or what you're going to do with a music production or how you're going to sequence it. It poisinseverything. Your real job in the world is to be you. Comparing yourself to other people I think that hurt me more than anything. Allowing myself to go there so much in my head hurt me.
If you create the game, then you create the rules.
You're only human. Let's break free of this gravity of judgment And fly high on the wings of forgiveness.
There's another style of meditation that I've been doing since my mid-twenties. Tapping into your higher self to get a glimpse of yourself from the outside and get insight into what's going on in your life. I learned that from my godfather in my mid-twenties.
Your real job in this world is to be you.
I choose to be authentic in everything I do
I don't see social media as lending my voice as much as I see it speaking my truth. If you look at my open letters, the one I wrote about Blue Ivy too - you see, I am always as the foundation, talking about us being a better humanity. I believe in that.
What tried to demolish me, I allowed to polish me.
Life is a journey, not a destination; there are no mistakes, just chances we've taken.
The difference between living and feeling alive, is using your fear as fuel to fly.
What did not demolish me simply polished me.
I'm African American, I'm a lot of other things, a musician and an artist. But that woman part holds the most pain for me. And therefore, obviously, the most lessons.
Strength, courage &'s been inside of me all along.
Because you never know where life is gonna take you, And you can't change where you've been, But today, I have the opportunity to choose.
There is no secret, you try and never stop trying. If you have to sleep all day, and get up the next day, you keep trying. If you have to take 3 years away, do it and then come back. But it's all about trying. Not everything will work, but some things will, and you have to try.
The truth, it needs no proof. Either it is or it isn't.
The songs that I've written about Africa, and AIDS and HIV and about the power of humanitarian love, those songs, I'm gonna sing them because I know that it's real.
I'm passionate about the empowerment and healing of girls and women. Where I do the most work in that regard is in my songwriting.
It doesn't cost a thing to smile.
There aint no substitute for the truth, either it is or it isnt. You see the truth it needs no proof, either it is or it isnt. And you know the truth by the way you feel.
I will be patient, kind, faithful and true To a man who loves music a man who loves art Respect's the spirit world and thinks with his heart
My life is so tumultuous. I dive into everything. I'm feeling all up and down and sleepy and moody and hormonal - it just gets crazy. Just to keep myself balanced, I do things like yoga and meditation.
I have, my whole life, been healing the girl inside, the part of me that struggles about being a female in the world. That's why I write about the things I write about.
The thing that makes me most vulnerable is romantic relationship. — © India.Arie
The thing that makes me most vulnerable is romantic relationship.
There is one relationship I was in that I learned a lot from. I learned a lot from the situation about myself and about relationships and about love, about how to relate to people, about forgiveness and the stuff that comes with being in a relationship.
Beautiful jewelry, a beautiful room - that's what museums are - a beautiful painting, a beautiful face, it makes you feel good to look at, and that's a beautiful thing.
I'm still afraid of things, obviously - we're human. But I like that feeling of being afraid.
Any time someone is passionate about a cause, it's because they want to heal something inside of themselves.
You're beautiful like a flower More valuable than a diamond You are powerful like a fire... There is nothing in the world that you cannot do When you believe in you, who are beautiful Yeah you, who are brilliant Yeah you, who are powerful Yeah you, who are resilient
In a world of smoke and ashes, you are milk and honey
No matter what anybody says, what matters most is what you think of yourself.
If you give me half a chance. I'll prove this to you. I will be patient, kind, faithful and true.
I'm a Libra, I always have two sides of everything.
Back when I had a little, I thought that I needed a lot. A little was overrated, but a lot was a little too complicated. See, zero didn't satisfy me. A million didn't make me happy. That's when I learned a lesson that it's all about your perception....THERE'S HOPE. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. Better thank God for that.
Break the Shell”: “Child, it’s time to break the shell Life’s gonna hurt but it’s meant to be felt You cannot touch the sky from inside yourself You cannot fly until you break the shell.
There's hope. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. You better thank God for that. — © India.Arie
There's hope. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. You better thank God for that.
I'm just in that stage where I pray for God to show me how I can be effective in the world and things come up and I go. But I have yet to really dig in.
My body is beautiful and sacred, and I'm going to celebrate it.
Make choices that are loving for yourself - with your diet, your relationships, and in speaking your loving truth - that are in alignment with what you want to be doing. When you see that in a person, you are seeing their passion and fulfillment, and that person feels good to you because they feel good to themselves. I know that I feel good and I think that comes across on stage; when I didn't feel good before, I think that came across on stage.
Tolerance is the seed, and the gift of pure acceptance is the tree
I heard a voice that told me I'm essential. How all my fears are limiting my potential. Said it's time to step into the light and use every bit of power i have inside.
Success is clarity of my intention....and reaching that intention while being true to myself and with joy.
You know how people are becoming sexually active way too early because they think it's going to be like it is in the movies. And people are not aware of their bodies in a certain way, because they are afraid to see themselves for who they are because they want to see themselves in someone else's shoes or whatever.
Go on and love yourself, cause everything's gonna be alright.
In the quest for fortune and fame...don't forget about the simple things.
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