Top 30 Quotes & Sayings by Isaiah Washington

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Isaiah Washington.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Isaiah Washington

Isaiah Washington IV is an American actor and media personality. Following a series of film appearances, he came to prominence for portraying Dr. Preston Burke in the first three seasons of the series Grey's Anatomy from 2005 to 2007.

Not just art for art's sake, but I want to have films out there that will provoke authentic, holistic conversations about the human condition. And not provide the easy answers, but put it out there.
The average person in Hollywood just assumes that if you're on a hit TV show, then that's the first thing you've ever done.
Even if I'm playing a bad guy, I work hard to make him multi-leveled and interesting. — © Isaiah Washington
Even if I'm playing a bad guy, I work hard to make him multi-leveled and interesting.
I love Facebook. I could brush my teeth with Facebook.
Humanity is in my heart. Do I suffer fools? No. Am I a stickler for my profession? Yes. I am a task master? Yes. My military background, football background, I'm a team player all the way, and I love winning.
I didn't know what gay was until I lived in New York for 10 years. You know, I was just underexposed in that regard.
I would still work with Mel Gibson! He's talented, man! Come on, he came up with 'Apocalypto,' man! I want to work with this guy. I've worked with Steven Seagal. He's out of his mind. I mean, I've worked with Spike Lee for four films. I've worked with some people that you can say are right there teetering between genius and madness.
Whatever I'm throwing out there in my work, you either catch that detail because you're ready to catch it, but if you're not, that's OK - you're still being entertained.
I only became an actor to get your attention, to challenge the archetype of an African American male; I can't be anything else in this lifetime than an African American man.
I hate the term 'black' because it doesn't bring to life who we are as a people. The term 'black' has more negative synonyms than the term white.
Not only our political system is broken, but how we do business and have public discourse with one another. The system in Hollywood, specifically, is not depicting people of color; we're not even talking about Asian Americans or Latino Americans; we're not even getting into that question.
I've been so incredibly blessed. I've worked with some of the greatest professionals in town. I stood at the Golden Globes.
I'm proud to say that I was that guy playing the character of Dr. Burke on 'Grey's Anatomy.'
It's, like, bigots want to embrace me, and I politely take their arms from around my neck. I don't share their views - never have.
Everything is not black-and-white. I'm really interested in the gray area - not justifying it, not glorifying it, not condoning it, but at least having people see there's a genesis for every event in our lives. There's some divine order to it, whether it's ugly or beautiful.
The whole time I was on 'Grey's,' I'm still reconciling myself to my 11-year-old son, because he never saw me during that time. By the time he got up, he'd see a dent in his pillow, but by the time I got home, he was already asleep. So for three years, he had a daddy that he never saw because I had to work.
I'm no longer going to play thugs or debauched cops that I can't possibly make complex characters. I'm bigger than that. I owe too much to too many good people at the Goodman, Arena and Playwrights Horizons.
I'm a human being first and foremost, and I have something to say that I think is worthwhile. 'Blue Caprice' is just the second installment of so much more coming.
I've written a book; I've become a better husband and father because I'm home every day. My connection to the Hollywood world has only been through Facebook.
I am not homophobic - in no way, shape or form.
People forget that it's an acting assignment. You can work with someone for three months, three years or 30 years, and then you move on. I've done I don't know how many films, and I can look at the film and know that I worked with Clint Eastwood, but I'm not still trying to hang out with Clint Eastwood. We did our jobs.
I enjoy bringing humanity to complex characters.
Seek the truth. Tell the truth. Live in truth. — © Isaiah Washington
Seek the truth. Tell the truth. Live in truth.
Becoming a junior usher at a black church was my entry into the wonder of worship.
I firmly believe that we are all given signs and dreams and put in situations that define who we were and who we are to become. All of it points towards our destiny. All we need to do is listen carefully to the messages and follow our dreams. It is in our dreams that we find our true identities and where our destiny awaits.
You don't want to be on a show that no one wants to see, and then think your phone is going to be ringing off the hook to do other jobs. I'm not tethered to the fact that my demise may be reached this season or next season, or whatever.
Falling in love is easy, but somebody tell me how to stay there.
Everything is not black-and-white . I'm really interested in the gray area - not justifying it, not glorifying it, not condoning it, but at least having people see there's a genesis for every event in our lives. There's some divine order to it, whether it's ugly or beautiful.
I laugh a lot and laugh loudly!
You need a blueprint to build a house because you need to know how far the concrete is going to be poured and you need to know how think the walls have to be.
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