Top 66 Quotes & Sayings by Israel Folau

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Australian athlete Israel Folau.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Israel Folau

Israel Folau is a Tongan Australian professional rugby union footballer who currently plays for the Shining Arcs in the Japan Rugby League One and the Tonga national rugby union team. He has previously played Australian rules football and rugby league. In 2019, he became the record holder for most tries scored in Super Rugby history.

I had purpose in my heart that I would stand up for the truth regardless of what I might lose in life.
My principle and my faith is what is driving me from the get-go.
They are allowing young kids in primary school to be able to have the permission to change their gender if they want by taking away the permission of the parents. They are trying to take control, as a government, to make those decisions for young kids who are basically 16 years old, or young.
You want to try to play the game in a really good positive way, not just on the field but off the field as well in being a positive person and getting good vibes out to the community.
I totally understand everyone else's view. They are obviously different to mine and I respect that but what I don't want to do is compromise what I believe in. — © Israel Folau
I totally understand everyone else's view. They are obviously different to mine and I respect that but what I don't want to do is compromise what I believe in.
I'm thankful I have my faith.
God's word says for a man and a woman to be together, one man and one woman in the covenant of marriage to be together.
No Australian of any faith should be fired for practising their religion.
You don't want to do sevens just for the sake of going to the Olympics. its something you've got to want to do.
Billy Slater was one I used to see do extras after training and his catching technique was unreal, so I really looked up to him and followed.
The way Satan works is he offers you stuff that could look good to the eye and makes you feel comfortable, and if you follow that path all the worries and troubles will go away.
I have love towards everyone that might be saying negative things. I choose to love them because God loves me.
I really want to be a mentor to other Islander kids, because I understand the pressure they are under from their parents.
I've been watching a whole heap of video footage of different players on different teams and how different players get the football. But the best way I learn is getting out there and playing.
It was a really tough transition going from rugby league to AFL. — © Israel Folau
It was a really tough transition going from rugby league to AFL.
I want to be clear that I only share passages from the Bible as a gesture of love.
Just my relationship with people - my teammates, my family, my partner everything. I don't really know how to explain it, it's just a peaceful feeling inside.
All the changes that have happened in my career have been since I left the Mormon faith.
I get excited when the ball goes up in the air. I try to always get up there... I get a buzz out of it.
True believers in Christ, are we going to follow through and profess Him wherever we go?
League was everything to me, I put that in front of God, and He took me away from that to go to AFL.
I've just got to be a little bit cautious with my technique and all that sort of stuff, going into tackles. But I'm not going to change the way that I go into it. I'm going to be aggressive.
In Ezekiel, chapter 33, verse 11, it says, that 'God has no pleasure in the person that's living in sin.' He's a loving God and he wants people to turn away from what they're living in and he'll give them life. That's the message I'm trying to share, even though it comes across as harsh.
I got caught up in all the party things and I guess I'd say my head was above the clouds.
I can't change what the word of God says.
We used to do a lot of kick-catch work with Carlton, and it really taught us some great skills catching above our heads, off our chest. Those things I've carried throughout my career and I'm really thankful I got the opportunity to learn that.
I never had a special social media clause, I had a standard contract, the same as every other player.
I understand that not everyone shares my faith and some find it difficult to reconcile with their own beliefs.
Don't ever be ashamed of the Gospel. Stand up, and be bold.
There are different reasons why I wanted to try AFL - some of them family reasons and others were more personal ones.
If I had my time over I'd probably not get any tattoos.
The goal for me is to stand up for the word of God which is so important to me. It means more to me than what I have.
All the success I want is to inspire and impact on people that I come across that watch the game.
I just got caught up in the alcohol, women and all that sort of stuff.
I was taught some very good life lessons and morals as a young kid growing up.
I probably realized when I was maybe 13 years of age that I could make a living out of playing professional sport and from that time on it was really a goal for me do that as soon as I can.
All the materialistic things I have been able to have over the last number of years are slowly being taken away from me. It's been really challenging but also it's been encouraging to myself to see what my God is actually doing.
Mum didn't have shoes. She was the eldest of 10 kids, and some nights they went without food. That's why, from a young age, I wanted to work hard and change that cycle, to provide not only for my parents but my siblings, too.
For me speed and power is the most important thing on the footy field as well as agility which I work on everyday.
If I'd had my way, I would still have been playing NRL. — © Israel Folau
If I'd had my way, I would still have been playing NRL.
I'm very confident in my own ability but I'm not guaranteed to get a starting spot.
I enjoy watching the NFL, but you've got to have a real passion to make that transition and have a real crack at it.
I think probably all of my determination and eagerness to want to play professional sport came from my family.
Obviously the gospel was offensive to a lot of people and it was offensive to me at one point but that caused me to have a change of heart, to come to repentance and realise I was a sinner and needed a saviour.
I do a lot of core strengthening exercises and the plank push up is a great one that you can do anywhere and anytime.
First and foremost, I live for God now. His plans for me are better than whatever I can think.
My two younger brothers play football as well and they are obviously pretty talented and my two older brothers like to sing and I obviously can't do that.
I grew up as a Mormon.
I was lucky enough to play with great platers Cameron Smith, Billy Slater, Darren Lockyer and that's where I learned about leadership.
As Christians, we must be strong. — © Israel Folau
As Christians, we must be strong.
The last thing I want to do is force tries to happen.
Coming to the Waratahs was the first time I felt I gained some independence. I was telling my parents I had to go out on my own, and learn and grow, and if I made mistakes, then so be it.
In a Polynesian family it's not always about yourself, you've got to look after your parents and your younger siblings.
Most people don't realise there's certain things that players go through off the field. Most times, guys are good at hiding things.
If I am playing the game freely, and those opportunities come up to cross the line, then I get enjoy that a lot. But when I try to force things, I am not playing my best footy.
I'm extremely proud to have represented my country. It's truly an honour.
You can't please God and please man at the same time. It's impossible; you can't do it. You've got to choose one.
I get a huge excitement from seeing the other guys cross the line. It really is a team game rugby, so if we are getting points on the board I am still very happy.
My faith is what defines me as a person, that is who I am.
The whole AFL experience was important for me not only as an athlete but as a person.
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