Top 58 Quotes & Sayings by Jackie Collins

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British novelist Jackie Collins.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Jackie Collins

Jacqueline Jill Collins was an English romance novelist and actress. She moved to Los Angeles in 1985 and spent most of her career there. She wrote 32 novels, all of which appeared on The New York Times bestsellers list. Her books have sold more than 500 million copies and have been translated into 40 languages. Eight of her novels have been adapted for the screen, either as films or television miniseries. She was the younger sister of Dame Joan Collins.

I think I'm a born storyteller. Inspiration is all around me. I can read a newspaper article and come up with an idea for a book.
I know that I am very popular in Holland, in fact I have visited Amsterdam several times to publicize my books. I have a great publisher in Holland and they have published all of my books in Dutch.
I really fall in love with my characters, even the bad ones. I love getting together with them. They tell me what to do; they take me on a wild and wonderful trip. — © Jackie Collins
I really fall in love with my characters, even the bad ones. I love getting together with them. They tell me what to do; they take me on a wild and wonderful trip.
My philosophy is, unless you're sick and need help, why bother?
I have considered rap music stars, and there is one in my new book, Lovers and Players, and there is also a hip-hop music mogul who I think you will like a lot.
I have written 20 books, and each one is like having a baby. Writing is not easy; some people want to write books but just can't put a story together. I can put together a story that interests both me and my readers.
All of my books have the potential to become movies, it's just a question of finding a studio who wants to get behind me and put up the money to make the movie.
Whatever you have a passion for, then you must do. If you want to write, write about something you know about.
I have this theory that people in Hollywood don't read. They read 'Vanity Fair' and then consider themselves terribly well read. I think I can basically write about anybody without getting caught.
I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down-the truth is much more bizarre.
Agents are essential, because publishers will not read unsolicited manuscripts.
Do not copy my style! The first rule of writing is write about what you know, not what you think you know. So, think about what you've done in your life and write about that.
I was never confident about finishing a book, but friends encouraged me. When I finished my first book, it was accepted by a publisher right away and became an instant bestseller. One male critic called it the most shocking book he ever read.
Where was Paris Hilton a year ago? She's a fabulous character to write about. — © Jackie Collins
Where was Paris Hilton a year ago? She's a fabulous character to write about.
I write about the American dream: if you set your mind to do something, you can do it. My fans know they're getting the real thing.
Authors change publishers because it's like being married for a long time and suddenly you want to go out and have a wild affair! No, not seriously, sometimes the deal is more interesting with a new publisher, and other times they have more enthusiasm for your books.
My weakness is wearing too much leopard print.
I have visited Australia several times, and I always try to make a point of going to Melbourne because it's almost my favorite city there, Melbourne and Sydney. But I shouldn't say that because I haven't been everywhere-and I'm very fond of Perth too!
If you want to achieve your dreams, you must follow them, and the best way to follow them is not to think about wanting to be very rich, but to think about doing something that you really want to do.
You've got your hands full if you have three children under 2 years old.
I don't believe in writing anything that I don't know about or haven't researched about personally. I like to transport the reader to places, and in order to do that I have to do the research.
I managed to take a family trip to the Bahamas and it was quite lovely.
I write synopses after the book is completed. I can't write it beforehand, because I don't know what the book's about. I invent something for my publisher because he asks for one, but the final book ends up very differently.
People are intrigued by fame, power and wealth and I think Hollywood is the only place where you get all three together.
I am still shocking people today, and I don't know why. Is it because I'm a woman talking about sex and men? One magazine said that no one writes sex in the back of a Bentley better than Jackie Collins.
I am currently talking to one of the studios about making American Star as a TV series.
The husbands, who sometimes have another family who's grown, are going, Now I can spend time with my baby. Oh yeah, I bet your other family is really thrilled.
Brittany Murphy... who knows if she's going to be around. Kirsten Dunst, I think she's really boring. Reese Witherspoon? She can open a movie.
Ideas are all around me. If I wasn't interested in them myself, I don't think anyone else would be either.
The biggest critics of my books are people who never read them.
Who is ready to settle for five minutes when three hours does nicely?
I love London and Los Angeles equally. I was born and brought up London and then I went to Los Angeles as a teenager to stay with my sister Joan. So I feel I belong to both.
Men are cheaters. Women are not to be trusted. And most people are dumb.
If you want to be a writer-stop talking about it and sit down and write!
Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what's happening. It's inevitable. An event you can't control. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course.
I don't plan my books. I don't know what's going to happen. That's why I could pick up any one of my 30 books and I could continue the story on.
I'm a storyteller; I write what I want to read. — © Jackie Collins
I'm a storyteller; I write what I want to read.
I like to design my clothes; I design my jewelry, yeah. It's fun.
If you want to have great sex, find a partner who really turns you on. Pills are merely props, and props can turn out to be a big drag.
I wake up in the morning and I still have a passion for what I do, and I'll be doing it when I'm 105, I'll be scribbling away. If it was 100 years ago I'd be sitting by the campfire, saying, "Have I got a story to tell you."
If you wrote a page a day, at the end of the year you would have a book. Whether it's any good or not is beside the point, but you would have a book, instead of just talking about it all the time.
I love people-watching at the clubs in Los Angeles, where girls make fools of themselves and guys pay thousands of dollars for a couple of bottles of vodka just so they can get a table. It's quite a scene.
The easier you make it look, the more difficult it is. Creating characters out of nothing, and making them interesting - and that's another advice I would give to writers.
I woke up last night and thought: 'I must call somebody in my next novel Casablanca.' It's such a great name. I don't want to call anybody Fred or Jane or Susan, so when three people get into bed together, you don't know who they are.
I've never been on safari because I've got a phobia of bugs. I just don't want things crawling on me when I'm sleeping. It's a shame given my passion for big cats. But I really enjoy photography, so I'd love to photograph leopards in the wild some day.
As soon as I reach my destination I have a cup of tea, something to eat and then sleep for about 13 hours. I make that an absolute rule and I always feel fresh afterwards and never have jet lag.
My biggest critics have never read me.
My books flow. People say they pick them up and they can't put them down. It's because when I'm writing them I pick my pen up and I cannot put my pen down. — © Jackie Collins
My books flow. People say they pick them up and they can't put them down. It's because when I'm writing them I pick my pen up and I cannot put my pen down.
Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board.
Viagra is a drug, just like cocaine. It can cause you to become addicted.
There's always things that you know about that nobody else, because everybody's life is different. So you write about what you know. That's number one.
A lot of people talk about writing. The secret is to write, not talk.
I try not to bore my readers.
I'm a storyteller, I'm not a literary writer, and I don't want to be a literary writer. People say to me, "Oh, when are you going to write something different?" What? I don't want to write anything different. I'm writing relationships between people, all different colors, all different sizes, all different sexual orientations, and that's what I want to do.
Your whole life is ahead of you. Don't you ever forget that.
For a perfect holiday I need my iPhone and my writing tools. I write all my books by hand so black felt pens and yellow legal pads are a must. And my eyebrow pencil. I'm very low-maintenance.
The biggest critics of my books are the people who never read them.
I don't like being in one place too long. Five days just about does it for me because I have a very low threshold for boredom.
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