Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by James Gordon Lindsay

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an author James Gordon Lindsay.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
James Gordon Lindsay

James Gordon Lindsay was a revivalist preacher, author, and founder of Christ for the Nations Institute. Born in Zion, Illinois, Lindsay's parents were disciples of John Alexander Dowie, the father of healing revivalism in America. After the family moved to Portland, Oregon, the young boy was influenced by John G. Lake and converted to Pentecostalism by Charles Fox Parham. At the age of eighteen he began his ministry as a traveling evangelist, conducting meetings in Assembly of God, British Israelite churches and other Pentecostal groups. By 1940 he was organizing large convention meetings, including the 1940 Anglo-Saxon World Federation meetings in Vancouver. In 1947 he began serving as campaign manager and publicist for William Branham, with whom he established Voice of Healing magazine in 1948. Lindsay gradually took over full management of the Voice of Healing association which helped launch and popularize the ministries of Oral Roberts, A. A. Allen, an dozens of other prominent evangelists. In 1971, Lindsay renamed the organization Christ For The Nations to reflect the growing missionary focus of the organization. He led the organization until his death.

Author | June 18, 1906 - April 1, 1973
Never dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith. — © James Gordon Lindsay
Never dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith.
It is in recognizing the actual presence of God that we find prayer no longer a chore, but a supreme delight.
In becoming part of the Body of Christ, sickness should have no more mastery over us than it had over the Body of Christ when He was on the earth.
To young men who are looking for an opportunity and who complain there is no opening for them, permit me to say this: 'Go where the poor and the under-privileged are. They will be glad to hear you. When you have learned to bless them, others will be calling for your services. Don't wait for opportunity to come walking up to you. Go to meet it.'
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