Top 290 Quotes & Sayings by Jane Fonda - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Jane Fonda.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I was shocked into the realization that I myself had played an unwitting role as a movie star and sex symbol in perpetrating the stereotypes that affected women all over the world.
Physical fitness is a three-legged stool: strength, aerobic capacity, and flexibility.
I confess. If the law had been appiled to me properly for what I did in Vietnam, I'd have been convicted for high treason. — © Jane Fonda
I confess. If the law had been appiled to me properly for what I did in Vietnam, I'd have been convicted for high treason.
I am not a do-gooder. I am a revolutionary. A revolutionary woman.
Enjoyable does not necessarily mean easy.
It's better to be interested than interesting.
It is never too late to master your weaknesses.
You shouldn't give up. For a while, you have to stay close to the wall and be careful who you spend time with and take care of yourself.
I don't know if a country (America) where the people are so ignorant of reality and of history, if you can call that a free world.
Working in Hollywood does give one a certain expertise in the field of prostitution.
The secret of losing weight is patience.
We don't need to be perfect. We're not supposed to be perfect; we're supposed to be complete. And you can't be complete if you're trying to be perfect.
You spend all your life trying to do something they put people in asylums for. — © Jane Fonda
You spend all your life trying to do something they put people in asylums for.
I have always been with men who were type A, alpha males. I must exist because I'm with him, I'd think. But what made them what they were also often meant they were lacking empathy genes. And now I know I don't need an alpha male; I need somebody who's interesting. I'm not pretending that I'm 100 percent healed, so I might not know if a man is right for me right away, but it wouldn't take me seven years to figure it out. Maybe a month or two.
The institution of marriage is obsolete.
Relationships are the oxygen of the psyche.
Good physical condition is protection. Our strength comes from our body.
You think you're being broken but you're really being broken open...and that's where the healing happens, in those broken places...if you'll allow it.
Go for the burn! Sweat!
Winning means some kind of approval of the Establishment which means people will more readily accept me, may be less frightened of me and other people who speak out.
Who am I? I'm a survivor. I'm a woman with tremendous inner resources and resilience. I care about people. I believe in 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,' and I live by that. I am becoming authentic, and that's important to me. I have surpassed both my parents in terms of emotional stability, happiness and well-being. And I'm a lucky woman. I've deserved my luck.
Getting fit is a political act - you are taking charge of your life.
If our work is stimulating and rewarding, if it pushes us to grow...we become more valuable human beings.
I thought I had learned how to have an intimate relationship. And I thought I'd learned how to be happy. Everybody has issues. For me, the challenge is intimacy, but I really didn't start to get that until I turned 60.
The challenge is not to be perfect. It’s to be whole.
I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft carrier [actually, it was in an anti-aircraft gun emplacement, not a carrier], which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. [Actually, that was her intention in posing for the photograph the way she did.] It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless.
Christ was the first feminist and because of that I've learned from his teaching to call myself a Christian feminist, adding that her faith is not a matter of traditions and dogmas but, rather, a spiritual experience.
I'll smoke pot every now and then. I cannot see a movie on pot. The number of movies I've seen thinking, This is probably the best I have ever seen, and then I'll see it again sober and think, What was I thinking?
Everyone should know that feeling of overcoming fear and mastering something. People who aren't taught that become soggy.
My life is a stairway to heaven, not a 'decline into decrepitude.
So much is made of good, strong roles for women. Actually, it's really interesting playing vul­nerable people as well.
Address things now that could otherwise turn into regrets.
An exercise outfit helps because it sets this time apart from the rest of your day and makes it matter more.
I never would've imagined in the first part of my life that I could've stood up and said anything. The war in Vietnam changed me. I was so angry. Some of my speeches probably weren't well considered.
No distractions. Center yourself. This is your time.
Seven Guidelines For a Healthy Diet 1. Substitute low-fat foods for high-fat foods 2. Cut down on meat-eat low on the food chain 3. Avoid salty and sugary foods 4. Cut down on sugar 5. Emphasize whole grains 6. Beware of alcohol 7. Emphasize the Healthy Five: Raw unsalted nuts and sesame seeds Sprouted seeds such as soybeans Fresh raw wheat bran and wheat germ Yogurt and kefir Fresh fruits and vegetables
You don't have to have a man! Masturbation is especially useful for older women, because men die sooner than we do. And so: Use it or lose it. It's not critical that every woman wants to stay juiced up. But if they do, it's perfectly fine. It's a lot easier to feel sexy and perform safely when you're flexible and have a certain amount of strength left. If you keep moving - walking, staying strong, doing squats - then having sex is both safer and more pleasurable, and you feel more empowered and better about yourself.
The bravest soldiers aren't unafraid, but they're the ones who are able to harness their fear on behalf of courage. — © Jane Fonda
The bravest soldiers aren't unafraid, but they're the ones who are able to harness their fear on behalf of courage.
Movies are collective, cooperative endeavours, which I like a lot. But writing is all up to you, it's what's so scary; it's just you and that page. But I really like it a lot.
When a significant other - a spouse, a parent or someone you're close to - is dying, it forces you to think about your life, about what you feel about death. What I realized from my dad's dying was that I wasn't scared of dying. But I was terrified of regrets. I was terrified of getting to the end of my life with a lot of Why didn't I's.
You can do one of two things; just shut up, which is something I don't find easy, or learn an awful lot very fast, which is what I tried to do.
In this country, the only way a minority can get anything done is to make a little noise.
I like to think both - it's not either/or. It's and.
To do life right, you have to feel like you're growing up until the day you die. The thing I'm proudest of is that I have stayed curious. I have every intention, when I'm on my deathbed, of saying, "Oh, my God - I get it!"
We understand that Nixon's aggression against Vietnam is a racist aggression, that the American war in Vietnam is a racist war, a white man's war...We deplore that you are being used as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism. We've seen photographs of American bombs and antipersonnel weapons being dropped, wantonly, accidentally perhaps, on your heads, on the heads of your comrades.
You can do yoga and be thinking about going shopping. The goal is kind of like meditation, is to be totally present in your body in the moment. That's when the most profound effects of yoga can happen. That's what I urge people to try to do. It's very important to be in your body.
So I grew up feeling that I wasn't good enough, and that no-one would love me unless I was perfect. But no-one's perfect, we're not meant to be perfect. We're meant to be complete. But it's hard to be complete if you're trying to be perfect, so you kind of become disembodied. And I spent a lot of my life that way.""And if you don't own your strength... Women like me tend to always look over their shoulder to see who... "Who's the leader? Who's the smart one?" Never thinking it might be ME. Took a long time for me to get over that.
I like to be wild in passion and calculated in expression! I'm both. I like to be wild in passion more. But I think the balance is what's essential. — © Jane Fonda
I like to be wild in passion and calculated in expression! I'm both. I like to be wild in passion more. But I think the balance is what's essential.
Well, what is a relationship? It's about two people having tremendous weaknesses and vulnerabilities, like we all do, and one person being able to strengthen the other in their areas of vulnerability, and vice versa. You need each other. You complete each other, passion and romance aside.
When a child enters the world through you, it alters everything on a psychic, psychological and purely practical level.
Whatever kind of workout you settle on, it should include the Big Three of exercise for health and fitness-aerobics, resistance exercises, and stretching.
If you can intervene early in the lives of girls here and in other parts of the world, you can begin to change the prospects for the future.
You can run the office without a boss, but you can't run an office without secretaries.
Prostitutes are the inevitable product of a society that places ultimate importance on money, possessions, and competition.
I vowed I wouldn't get married until someone gave me one good reason to. No one ever did - but I got married anyway.
I left acting for 15 years, and I think it's really nice to have another life. I took too much for granted when I was younger.
I found that you're more powerful when talking from your soul.
Someone once said that under the bell jar of compliance, the only thing that blooms is rage.
To make the revolution in the United States is a slow day by day job that requires patience and discipline. It is the only way to make it. . . . All I know is that despite the fact that I am one of the people who benefit from a capitalist society, I find that any system which exploits other people cannot and should not exist.
Being by myself, that is to say, without a man - it's been a long time - is allowing me to know what it feels like - to live in my own skin, to remember what I miss and don't miss about a relationship.
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