Top 53 Quotes & Sayings by Jane Welsh Carlyle

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Scottish writer Jane Welsh Carlyle.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Jane Welsh Carlyle

Jane Welsh Carlyle was a Scottish writer and the wife of Thomas Carlyle.

Either I am just what God intended me for, or God cannot 'carry out' His intentions, it would seem.
Young children are such nasty little beasts!
Does not a man physically tremble under the mere look of a wild beast or fellow-man that is stronger than himself? Does not a woman redden all over when she feels her lover's eyes on her? How then should one doubt the mysterious power of one individual over another?
Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement. I will not try it. Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother.
Men may be rivals, opponents in their fortunes, and yet be friends in their hearts and fair towards each other's worth; but woman, the instant she is rivaled, becomes unjust.
Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother. — © Jane Welsh Carlyle
Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother.
I have lived so long among people who do not understand me, been so long accustomed to refrain and disguise myself for fear of being laughed at, that I have grown as difficult to come at as a snail in a shell; and what is worse, I cannot come out of my shell when I wish it.
There is never much to be feared for anyone that is born with sense and truth in him, whatever else he may have or want.
It is odd what notions men seem to have of the scantiness of a woman's resources. They do not find it anything out of nature that they should be able to exist by themselves; but a woman must always be borne about on somebody's shoulders, and dandled or chirped to, or it is supposed she will fall into the blackest melancholy!
Who knows but I shall grow reasonable at last, descend from my ideal heaven to the real earth, marry, and - Oh Plato! - make a pudding?
I wonder that among all the evils deprecated in the Liturgy, no one thought of inserting flitting. Is there any worse thing? Oh no, no!
Homeopathy - an invention of the Father of Lies! I have tried it and found it wanting. I would swallow their whole doles' medicine chest for sixpence, and be sure of finding myself neither better nor worse for it.
They call me 'sweet,' and 'gentle'; and some of the men go the length of calling me 'endearing,' and I laugh in my sleeve and think, 'Oh, Lord! If you but knew what a brimstone of a creature I am behind all this beautiful amiability!'
'On earth the living have much to bear;' the difference is chiefly in the manner of bearing, and my manner of bearing is far from being the best.
The surest way to get a thing in this life is to be prepared for doing without it, to the exclusion even of hope.
Use the noble gifts which God has given you! — © Jane Welsh Carlyle
Use the noble gifts which God has given you!
It is much to be wished that one had a post that knew what it was doing again; and lawmakers that knew what they were doing. If I were the Government, I should feel rather ashamed of making regulations one month and unmaking them the next.
Teaching, I find, is not the most amusing thing on earth; in fact, with a stupid lump for a Pupil, it is about the most irksome.
I rely on the promise, 'God is kind to women, fools, and drunk people.'
If I have an antipathy for any class of people, it is for fine ladies. I almost match my Husband's detestation of partridge-shooting gentlemen.
I declare I would rather be a kitten and cry, 'Mew!' than live as I see many of my female acquaintances do, tearing each other's characters to pieces, and wearing out their lives in vanity and vexation of spirit.
A fashionable wife! Oh! Never will I be anything so heartless! I have pictured for myself a far higher destiny than this. - Will it ever be more than a picture?
One of the main uses of a home is to stay in it, when one is too weak and spiritless for conforming, without effort, to the ways of other houses.
But what are friends? What is a husband, even, compared with one's Mother? Of her love, one is always so sure! It is the only love that nothing - not even misconduct on our part - can take away from us.
I do think there is much truth in the Young German idea that marriage is a shockingly immoral institution, as well as what we have long known it for - an extremely disagreeable one.
How many precious things do we not already possess which others have not - have hardly an idea of! Let us enjoy these, then, and bless God that we are permitted to enjoy them, rather than importune His goodness with vain longings for more.
Indeed, I should be very stupid or very thankless if I did not congratulate myself every hour of the day on the lot which it has pleased Providence to assign me. My Husband is so kind! So, in all respects, after my own heart!
One feels as if it could never, never be less. And yet all griefs, when there is no bitterness in them, are soothed down by time.
The glittering baits of titles and honours are only for children and fools.
The habits of study in which I have been brought up have done much to support me. I never allow myself to be one moment unoccupied.
There is nothing like a good bit of pain for taking the conceit out of one.
People who are so dreadfully "devoted" to their wives are so apt, from mere habit, to get devoted to other people's wives as well.
If they had said that the sun or the moon had gone out of the heavens, it could not have struck me with the idea of a more awful and dreary blank in creation than the words: Byron is dead!
The triumphal-procession-air which, in our manners and customs, is given to marriage at the outset - that singing of Te Deum before the battle has begun.
On earth the living have much to bear; the difference is chiefly in the manner of bearing, and my manner of bearing is far from being the best.
I am not at all the sort of person you and I took me for.
the less one does, as I long ago observed, the less one can find time to do.
The longer one lives in this hard world motherless, the more a mother's loss makes itself felt. — © Jane Welsh Carlyle
The longer one lives in this hard world motherless, the more a mother's loss makes itself felt.
The longer I live, the more I am certified that men, in all that relates to their own health, have not common sense! whether it be their pride, or their impatience, or their obstinancy, or their ingrained spirit of contradiction, that stupefies and misleads them, the result is always a certain amount of idiocy, or distraction in their dealings with their own bodies! ... either by their wild impatience of bodily suffering, and the exaggerated moan they make over it, or else by their reckless defiance of it, and neglect of every dictate of prudence!
Blessed be the inventor of photography! I set him above even the inventor of chloroform! It has given more positive pleasure to poor suffering humanity than anything else that has ''cast up'' in my time or is like to -- this art by which even the ''poor'' can possess themselves of tolerable likenesses of their absent dear ones. And mustn't it be acting favorably on the morality of the country?
Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement.
When one has been threatened with a great injustice, one accepts a smaller as a favour.
Instead of boiling up individuals into the species, I would draw a chalk circle round every individuality, and preach to it to keep within that, and preserve and cultivate its identity.
cracked things often hold out as long as whole things; one takes so much better care of them!
I rely on the promise, God is kind to women, fools, and drunk people.
A positive engagement to marry a certain person at a certain time, at all haps and hazards, I have always considered the most ridiculous thing on earth.
The only thing that makes one place more attractive to me than another is the quantity of heart I find in it.
all griefs, when there is no bitterness in them, are soothed down by time. — © Jane Welsh Carlyle
all griefs, when there is no bitterness in them, are soothed down by time.
Not a hundredth part of the thoughts in my head have ever been or ever will be spoken or written — as long as I keep my senses, at least.
In spite of the honestest efforts to annihilate my I-ity, or merge it in what the world doubtless considers my better half, I still find myself a self-subsisting and alas! self-seeking me.
youth is so insatiable of happiness, and has such sublimely insane faith in its own power to make happy and be happy!
Homeopathy - an invention of the Father of Lies! I have tried it and found it wanting. I would swallow their whole doles medicine chest for sixpence, and be sure of finding myself neither better nor worse for it.
It is sad and wrong to be so dependent for the life of my life on any human being as I am on you; but I cannot by any force of logic cure myself at this date, when it has become second nature.
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