Top 154 Quotes & Sayings by Janet Reno

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American public servant Janet Reno.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Janet Reno

Janet Wood Reno was an American lawyer who served as the 78th United States attorney general from 1993 to 2001, the second-longest serving in that position, after William Wirt. A member of the Democratic Party, Reno was the first woman to hold that post.

We tried our best for the longest time to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the matter, and at each step, we were thwarted by those that said, No, we will not turn the boy over to his father.
It was not the president's responsibility to run a law enforcement operation. It was ours.
We simply must find ways both to bridge the differences that still seem to divide us and focus on the things that we share. — © Janet Reno
We simply must find ways both to bridge the differences that still seem to divide us and focus on the things that we share.
You are not going to put 100,000 police officers on the streets overnight and do the right job. To put them on the streets, to see that they're properly trained; you have to do it in an orderly way over a period of time.
I think, clearly, where you have a situation in which the Solicitor General tells me, 'I cannot in good faith argue a certainly legal position,' and if the president told us to argue that position, we would have to tell him, 'No, we can't do that, Mr. President.'
I think lawyers who engage in pro bono service to protect those who cannot help themselves are truly the heroes and the heroines of the legal profession.
I was personally opposed to the death penalty, and yet I think I have probably asked for the death penalty more than most people in the United States.
We must try to understand the true weight of law enforcement officers' burdens.
I had concluded when I was the prosecutor that I would vote against the death penalty if I were in the legislature but that I could ask for it when I was satisfied as to guilt.
I worked with some wonderful people, tried my best and I feel comfortable.
My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.
Do and act on what you believe to be right, and you'll wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself.
We want to continue the efforts against domestic violence and spread the drug courts, and develop real effective means of providing treatment for drug abusers without having to have them arrested.
Juveniles as well as adults need to know they're going to be punished for their violent acts. — © Janet Reno
Juveniles as well as adults need to know they're going to be punished for their violent acts.
I'm interested in elder justice and what we can do about elder abuse and neglect.
There are those who profess to support law enforcement but who have attempted to undermine the efforts of hard-working officers who make difficult decisions.
At this moment I do not have a personal relationship with a computer.
It is the police of America who are on the front lines, who are on the streets, who are in the daily contact with American citizens, who translate the dreams of American citizens when they succeed and frustrate the dreams when they fail.
I would like to visit with people who are so interesting and so... and there are so many wonderful people out there that I would love to have the chance to talk to for a longer time.
I have been surrounded by some of the smartest, brightest, most caring lawyers, by agents who are willing to risk their lives for others, by support staff that are willing to work as hard as they can.
I think the answer to civil disorder in America, the answer to police problems in America, the answer to jail overcrowding and all the problems that we see is - the one answer is that government must go back to its people.
If the end brings me out right, what people said about me won't make any difference, and if the end brings me out wrong, 10 angels saying I was right won't make any difference.
Peer mediation is a chance for students to work with other students to help them resolve problems, arguments, disagreements without having to get the teacher or the administration involved.
If you disagree with me about a position I have taken, or what I've done, tell me, argue with me, debate. Sometimes, right and good are not that clear; at other times, it is only deliberate and respectful debate that leads us to understand what road we should take.
Everybody should want to make sure that we have the cyber tools necessary to investigate cyber crimes, and to be prepared to defend against them and to bring people to justice who commit it.
We've got to make sure that the young, violent, serious juvenile offender is punished, that it's fair punishment, that it's punishment that fits the crime and that is understood and that is anticipated and expected.
I love lawyers. And I like to talk to lawyers, and I like to engage in a spirited discussion with lawyers.
I have learned that raising children is the single most difficult thing in the world to do. It takes hard work, love, luck, and a lot of energy, and it is the most rewarding experience that you can ever have.
Let us develop an agenda for children that says we can do something about teen pregnancy. Let us make sure that parents are old enough, wise enough, and financially able to take care of their children.
I'm vitally interested in cyber crime and in preparing law enforcement for a time when crime is international in its origins and its consequences.
I just try to do my best and make the best judgments I can.
While service in the Department of Justice is itself one of the highest forms of public service, the Department further strides to increase access to justice for all and to strengthen our communities.
It helps to know how to lose. You know it is not the end of the world, and you pick yourself up and move ahead.
Lawyers are very important people to me.
When I went to law school, I had Roger Fisher for Civil Procedure. I never heard anything about negotiations.
We, the American people, owe the nation's police officers our deepest gratitude, our best efforts, and our strong support, for they have done so much for us against such great odds.
I'm not fancy. I'm what I appear to be.
We have initiated programs for re-entry offenders, since some 500,000 to 600,000 offenders will come out of prison each year for the next three or four years. We want to have positive alternatives when they come back to the community.
I think young people can make such an extraordinarily important difference in making this world a better place. — © Janet Reno
I think young people can make such an extraordinarily important difference in making this world a better place.
Until the day I die, or until the day I can't think anymore, I want to be involved in the issues that I care about.
I just don't like greedy, indifferent, selfish lawyers. And there are not that many of them.
I think one of the keys to any crime-prevention program that's got to be developed is to focus on punishment - to let people know that there is a sanction and a punishment for hurting others.
One of the problems in America is that everybody focuses on their own narrow little bit of the problem without connecting punishment and prevention together, without connecting the schools and the police together, without connecting the pediatricians and the social workers together.
The keystone to justice is the belief that the legal system treats all fairly.
We must honor, protect and support our police officers and their families every day of the year.
The good lawyer is the great salesman.
The president really shouldn't be involved in terms of dictating what course the investigation should take.
I would like to explore and see this country. I have had so many opportunities to see it from the air! I would like to climb the mountains that I wished I could climb at the time but had to get back to Washington.
I'm humbled by the honor that President Clinton has done me in nominatinq me as Attorney General of the United States, and I'm going to do my very best to deserve his confidence.
What has too often happened in the past is that people have threatened punishment but have failed to carry it out. It's imperative in any initiative that is undertaken that punishment be real and that there be truth in sentencing, and that the truly dangerous offenders - the recidivists and the career criminals - be put away and kept away.
If somebody thinks I have an integrity problem, then the honest thing to do is to tell me what they think it is and let me address it. — © Janet Reno
If somebody thinks I have an integrity problem, then the honest thing to do is to tell me what they think it is and let me address it.
As a child, I wanted to be a lawyer because I thought lawyers and the law were wonderful. But they are more wonderful, I think, than I had thought.
There is so much to do, and I want to continue my efforts.
One of the reasons I love the law is because I was raised in family - my grandfather was a lawyer, but more importantly, my grandmother was his secretary. And she taught me that lawyers were some of the most civil, most courteous - and in those days, most courtly - people that she knew.
What makes our country unique is its commitment to being open, to making its leaders accountable.
Being a lawyer is not merely a vocation. It is a public trust, and each of us has an obligation to give back to our communities.
Draw great strength from your family and give in turn to those who come after you.
This is a beautiful country. Each of us has a favorite river, a mountain, just a patch of sky for some of us. I want to use the law to make sure that the waters, the land, and the skies of this nation are protected.
Anybody that thought that I tried to protect the president has forgotten that I asked for the expansion of the Monica Lewinsky matter.
We're building on an international network with many others for the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are so many things we can do to carry forward policies.
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