Top 297 Quotes & Sayings by Jason Mraz - Page 5

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Jason Mraz.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The internet is awesome and responsible for my success.
I ride a bicycle everywhere I go, the physical strength is obvious, but my mental strength and my capacity to love myself and to love others has definitely expanded. And that's the one thing I need the most in taking on a life of touring and a life of basically being with hundreds of people every day and not exhaust one's energy.
I try not to write songs. I would rather emote them, and I found myself going back to my room every night while on my trip, just pouring out new songs and new stories about what I was seeing, what I was feeling.
You're letting go of having the best possible experience you can have regardless of who you are and where you are. I think that can be applied to all things, but it's easier said than done.
I have always wanted to do an acoustic record from the very beginning of my career. I was a coffeeshop artist where everything I did was acoustic. — © Jason Mraz
I have always wanted to do an acoustic record from the very beginning of my career. I was a coffeeshop artist where everything I did was acoustic.
Whenever there's a camera in my face, that's when I feel vulnerable, and then it turns into a little bit of being self-conscious, which I think is the worst kind of vulnerability.
If I'm having relentless thoughts, I just won't shut up in my head. I know that if I put myself on the mat and just focus on a flow that I will transmute or I will transform, transfer the energy into some other act or put my attention somewhere else, I'll be back. I'll feel stronger not only in my body but most certainly in my brain.
I love eating healthy and doing the yoga thing, because I think I'm going to live to a thousand doing so. And that's because I don't want to leave here so soon. I want to stick around as long as I can, but I know that's not going to be the case. We're all going.
I love the feeling of putting my feet back on the sand after I've been out in the ocean for a while. I love that. I guess the adrenaline calms down when the sense of balance returns in a really grounded way.
The foolish idea that my music can actually make a difference in someone's life - that right there is proof that it's working. It makes me feel great, it really does.
The studio and road both have their charms. The studio allows me to be a mad scientist and the tour lets me feel like James Bond.
I look around my life and it's hard to believe that music has given me all that I have.
I love surfing and bodysurfing. I love getting slammed by the waves - that makes me feel alive. The waves are a good reminder that I'm small and fragile.
I know that if I do the right amount of, say, meditation and hot yoga or something, I can move the energy through my body and get rid of my cold within twenty-four hours.
Being a human means waking up in this world, where we all have to work and slog to put food on the table. — © Jason Mraz
Being a human means waking up in this world, where we all have to work and slog to put food on the table.
Some people they simply just want to hear you. And others actually have things they want to share and talk with you about. So it's important for me to be as strong as I can when I leave home so I can hold space for all of it.
Creating the record is like digging up the earth, planting your seeds and waiting to see what happens.
The soil is actually the greatest technology we have for adapting to climate change. And I feel it's our generation's duty to build it back up.
I get tired of the same albums, the same look and singing the same songs. When I get bored I paint, I plant trees and just do something different. I get far away from singing.
It's through my health that I'm able to maintain that every single day and keep light in people until I'm actually of service to others.
For the first thirty years of my life I exercised very little, and I smoked cigarettes for ten or twelve years, and I ate junk food. And I began to see some elders in my community's health decline, and I didn't want that to happen to me.
My memory is not so good so my most memorable show is the last one I played. Songs are written with intention but they only emerge in the moment.
I'm most grateful for my health. It's taken me a long time to get where I am, to feel as strong as I do in my mind and in my body. It's through that that I'm able to be present in all my relationships and not get overwhelmed by what could seem like a big task, going all around the world constantly.
When I play with the full band, you get to be larger than life, you feel larger than life, and that particular moment in the song where there's passion, you've got nine guys behind you, all driving that sound and that feeling with you. That's like surfing a huge wave, because once you start you really can't stop it, you got it going down a huge mountain.
I love getting a smile out of my girlfriend - that makes me feel like I'm seen, or heard.
We have the ability to manifest our thoughts: to actually say something and express what our feelings are. That, then, transforms the world and puts something into action.
I thought I was the center of the world and that my parents had nothing to do with me, and I regret that. I wish I had been a little kinder to my family and been friends with them and let them into my life and shared with them the things I was doing rather than feel like I needed to do my life in secret.
Through my years as a writer, I've learnt how to simplify the message and pen songs that have a more specific quality - it's not just about my ego and trying to meet girls.
What I get on a yoga mat, and from a yoga teacher, has been more beneficial onstage than any other workshop I've ever done.
I was a horrible student! It just sort of evolved as I started playing. I guess I became a master of it when I declared myself a wordsmith or a... word-play guy. As soon as I declared it and started that affirmation, I just became it.
Yoga makes my day better as I am less likely to fall victim to my otherwise foolish & forgetful mind.
Sometimes touring can warp reality because you're never in one place long enough to get a feel for it. You don't interact with people long enough to know what real life is. That's why a lot of artists write songs about longing and missing people when they're on the road. I do my best to keep my mind open and I read a lot when I'm on tour, so I hope I have good things to write about. I'm constantly in the songwriting process.
If i were to lose my memories, I would rely on music. There is so much of my story embedded in each.
I still go through stages of wanting to try other trades. When I was young I thought I'd be a magician. And then a cartoonist. Or a professional roller-skater. But there wasn't much support for those on career day.
When I first started, my message was about joy, but I didn't really have the vocabulary and life experience to fully deliver it.
EVERYTHING is love, so the only thing that's not love is our resistance to love, is us trying to be separate from the world.
There's nothing more vulnerable than just standing in front of a thousand people, or ten thousand people, and doing your best to entertain them, touch them in some way.
Being out in nature inspires me as a writer.
One thing I'm most passionate about is that I'm geared up and ready for another cycle of touring, to go out in the world and be whoever I need to be for someone. — © Jason Mraz
One thing I'm most passionate about is that I'm geared up and ready for another cycle of touring, to go out in the world and be whoever I need to be for someone.
I like to sit in front of the computer, going through files of music, and recording the final vocals, guitars and what- nots. But the windows are always open and you can hear the crickets, birds, chickens, and even the sound of rain hitting the studio. The farm is a great place to hang out in, learn from and create music.
My touring isn't about collecting souvenirs and always being on the go. My souvenirs are writing in my journal and creating new music, because that fits easily into my backpack when I'm travelling around the world. It's something that I can share later with fans or with future family members.
I aim to write songs in a way that you don't have to have gone to Ghana to relate to it, you really just have to have a heart.
If you have a dream, this is your chance. We don't always have to play it safe because people might think you're weird.
When you're writing a song and there are five people invested in it, it's easy for one person to say, 'Oh, this song is about this and that', and everyone has to hear the idea and see if they can do better.
It makes me feel great, knowing my songs are being heard and of service to people.
Anything that we're connecting with that's happening right now, there's an obvious vulnerability - because we're just fragile human beings in the middle of a just-now expression.
How we treat food is how we treat ourselves. Eating and buying organic means we're committed to a healthier world overall. It's good karma.
I had to have a lot of jobs until I was supporting myself through music, but I knew that those jobs were all leading me to something. It was all, again, about taking things one step at a time, one day at a time.
I love the sound of the wind in the trees and the song of the birds and the shuffle in the leaves of my many woodland friends. — © Jason Mraz
I love the sound of the wind in the trees and the song of the birds and the shuffle in the leaves of my many woodland friends.
Thanks to music I have found a deeper connection to an otherwise elusive God. Thru music I get to commune directly, and daily. On a side note to readers, any service or craft you give your heart to will give you the same effect. Don't be afraid to work less and play more! We are human. We didn't come here to hold down a dayjob. We came here to live and learn!
I would enjoy doing what cats do: singing, sleeping, and licking my nuts.
Music is my way to shine back and express positive vibrations for a common healing. It's similar to farming, or surfing, or yoga. Before world peace, we have to have inner peace and music helps us get there.
I'm not always a positive person. I wake up grumpy, I read the newspaper and I get furious that the world is still at war.
I feel like I write the same album every time but each time I try to convey the message more simply.
Spirituality is nothing more than the art of paying attention. When I give my whole heart and mind to a task such as singing - life's worry, suffering, or conflicts don't exist in that moment. Additionally, singing is about breath work, which is the most essential practice to living a conscious & healthy life.
My days could be described as an ever changing palette of blues, greens, browns, and golds. Mostly because of surfing and garden-gazing. On tour, the colors are desaturated by florescent lights and dull grey carpets.
I'm a lover, not a fighter. No battles for me.
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