Top 391 Quotes & Sayings by Jeaniene Frost

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Jeaniene Frost.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Jeaniene Frost

Jeaniene Frost is an American fantasy author, known for her work on the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Night Huntress series and the Night Huntress World novels. Foreign rights for her novels have sold to nineteen different countries.

Vampires, werewolves, fallen angels and fairies lurk in the shadows, their intentions far from honorable.
My parents were dismayed by my love of horror movies as a young girl, then even more dismayed when I kept rooting for Dracula to win instead of Van Helsing.
Perhaps some of the appeal of the dangerous-but-yummy paranormal anti-hero lies in his scorn for societal expectations. Yes, women have come a long way, but there are still some cultural stigmas more associated with women than men.
Similarities in the vampire genre are so rampant that there's really no such thing as an original idea - only an original take on an idea that's been done before. — © Jeaniene Frost
Similarities in the vampire genre are so rampant that there's really no such thing as an original idea - only an original take on an idea that's been done before.
One of my favorite things about supernatural fiction is its vast array of creatures.
I love the 'Underworld' movies because the vampires aren't automatically evil, yet neither are they basically humans with fangs.
Paranormal fiction offers authors - and readers - the chance to answer the question, 'What if?' All the different ways that question can be answered make for extremely entertaining reading.
The appeal of the paranormal bad boy - or James Bond super-spy, as one example of male escapism - can sometimes make everyday problems seem less dire. Thus, a few hours spent immersed in the world of the wicked yet alluring hero is the equivalent of a mini-vacation.
The paranormal bad boy is usually a fiercely loyal partner for the heroine. Once his sights are set on her, he doesn't notice other women, and he's utterly unconcerned with what anyone else thinks of his choice.
The 'Broken Destiny' series will be a trilogy, with each book releasing about a year apart.
When I started writing about vampires, I swore that I wouldn't touch the 'Dracula' legend because it's been done too many times.
Every so often, I'll get an idea from a dream, but most of the time, ideas come to me while I'm toiling away at the keyboard just like every other writer.
The image I'd had of myself as a child was someone I'd never be, and it was only recently that I realized it was okay to be who I was. - Cat
Kitten, your hands are heaven and your eyes are my home. — © Jeaniene Frost
Kitten, your hands are heaven and your eyes are my home.
Winston Gallagher!" I said, recognizing the first ghost I'de met. Then my eyes narrowed & I covered my hand in front of my crotch as I saw Winstons gaze fasten there next. "Don't even think about poltergeisting my panties again". "This is the sod? Come here you scurvy little--" "Bones don't!" I interrupted. He stopped, giving a last glare to him while mouthing YOU. ME. EXORCIST. before returning to my side.
Since you and Crispin are now finished and I have a few hours to kill, how about that shag?” he asked with heavy irony. “Bite me,” I sighed, gathering up the pages. He winked. “Of course. My second-favorite thing to do in bed.
Ask me if I sparkle and I’ll kill you where you stand.” (Bones)
We're going to knock those demons out and slay them with the power of Jesus. Hallelujah, can I get an amen?- Timmie
Now that was informative" were her first words. "Catherine, you never told me that no matter how many times you sliced something off a vampire, it grew back" Charming, "Guess I don't have to ask if you had a nice time.
I couldn't help shaking my head as I looked at him. Ian slept like a baby every morning - well, a baby who continually kept one hand down his pants.
I'm glad you're still upright, Charles, and the only reason you are is because she didn't have any silver. She'd have staked you right and proper otherwise. She has a tendency to shrivel someone first and then introduce herself afterwards." "That's uncalled for!" I said, insulted at the suggestion that I was homicidal. "Right." Bones let that go. "Kitten, this is my best mate, Charles, but you can call him Spade. Charles, this is Cat, the woman I've been telling you about. You can see for yourself that everything I've said is... an understatement.
...that left Francesca to slink into the chair opposite us. My feeling of superiority was short-lived, however, when she settled herself down and then crossed her legs. I didn't need a mirror to know my whole face had just turned red. With a hemline up to her thighs that gesture didn't leave anything to the imagination. Bones curled his fingers around mine and squeezed. His hand was still warmed from our contact moments ago. That's how fast he had to grab me again to keep me sitting where I was instead of yanking off my jacket to make her a pair of panties.
I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count, and even staked. None of those held a candle to the pain I felt at seeing his mouth on hers.
If you introduce yourself to anyone as Mrs. Dracula, I'll bite you in a manner you won't enjoy.
You're the light I can never have and I'm the darkness you'll never succumb to.
Anytime you want to lay off the paybacks God, that'd be great.
You can run from the grave, but you can't hide.
Time has no dominion over love. Love is the one thing that transcends time. (Bones)
Before we go, I gotta know: If mind-reading abilities are real, there's something else I wondered if fiction got right about vampires-" "Ask me if I sparkle and I'll kill you where you stand," Bones cut him off with utmost seriousness.
Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child.
Brush teeth. Wash hair. Rule undead world with an iron fist.
When I heard the ghouls coming for you, all I cared about was reaching you in time. How often must I tell you that you mean more to me than vengeance? I can live without defeating my enemies, but I cannot live without you.
You're not a woman," he said finally. "You're the Grim Reaper with red hair!
That face. That body. And you know he’s packing. Look at the angle on that dangle.
Careful, luv. I might be angry with you, but that doesn't mean I don't still want you. So if you do that again, I'll shag you right here, right now, and sod anyone who wants to watch
I stretched out my hands as if to ward him off. “Not yet. I want to know what your end game is first.” Another flash of teeth, this time showing his fangs. “To have you screaming my name within the hour.
If you run from me, I will chase you, and I'll find you.
You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.
You should be afraid. Very afraid. Before, I told you if you wanted to end things between us, I would let you go, but, Leila"--his voice deepened--"I lied. — © Jeaniene Frost
You should be afraid. Very afraid. Before, I told you if you wanted to end things between us, I would let you go, but, Leila"--his voice deepened--"I lied.
You chose to come to Paris, of all places,” Mencheres replied. So what? Got something against the French?
I was slumped next to him. He didn't pay any attention to me, but kept snickering as he drove. It was annoying. I had PMS and a test this morning. Boy, had he picked the wrong girl.
If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again… (Bones)
Where are you, bloodsuckers? Here, fangy, fangy, fangy...
If anyone's under a spell, Justina, it's me. Your daughter put one on me five years ago, and I haven't broken free of it yet. Oh, and you'll be delighted to know, we've decided to resume our relationship. Don't bother with congratulations—trust me, your expression is congratulations enough.
I know you think I was pressured into binding myself with you before, but that's not true,I always intended to marry you, kitten.
I’d heard Bones threaten to beat someone with their own limb before, but I’d always assumed that was a figure of speech. Apparently not.
I told you once before,” I said, the words husky from remembrance. “Everyone holds their sins close to their skin.” Fangs gleamed for an instant before Vlad bit into his wrist, pooling up two deep crimson holes. “Then come,” he said, holding it out. “And taste mine.
All I'm saying is that sooner of later, you'll have to come to terms with yourself. You can't wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn't keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone.
I am a nice young girl here to pick up your granddaughter for the weekend... We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her. - Bones to Cat's grandparents — © Jeaniene Frost
I am a nice young girl here to pick up your granddaughter for the weekend... We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her. - Bones to Cat's grandparents
If you were Catholic, you'd singe the ears of the priest you confessed to.
We are all more than the sum of our sins.
See?” I’d whispered to Bones, nudging him with a grin. “He never argues with her. Isn’t that sweet?” A snort preceded his response. “Keep dreaming, pet.
Movies. Drinks. Headless chickens. You know, girl stuff.
It hurts to much to be close to you, but continually pushed away.
How can you stand touching her?” my sister blurted, staring at our clasped hands. “Doesn’t that hurt?” I seized on the change of topic. “These gloves are specialized rubber. They block the current.” Gretchen’s gaze traveled over Vlad, disbelief still stamped on her features. “Yeah, but how do you two do anything else, unless he has a special, currentrepelling glove for his—” “Gretchen!” my father cut her off. My cheeks felt hot. Don’t say a word, I thought to Vlad, seeing his chest tremble with suppressed laughter. “He has a natural immunity,” I gritted out.
We are not helpless...Many times in our lives we’ve been powerless, but not this night. Right now we have the power to choose the manner in which we die. If you have been a master of nothing else in all your days, you are now a master of this moment. And I for one am going to give such an answer to this insult that others will dearly regret not being by my side to see it!
You're shagging a woman who can turn into a dragon? Blast you, Charles, I am sick with envy!
You can have all of me, I silently told him, but I'm taking all of you in return.
You see, you don’t want me to love you. You want the version you’ve made up. The knight, even though I’m the dragon and I always will be.
…well just call me Hannibal Lecter. With cleavage.
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