Top 311 Quotes & Sayings by Jeb Bush

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Jeb Bush.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Jeb Bush

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. Bush, who grew up in Houston, was the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and a younger brother of former President George W. Bush. He graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a degree in Latin American affairs. In 1980, he moved to Florida and pursued a career in real estate development. In 1986, Bush became Florida's Secretary of Commerce. He served until 1988. At that time, he joined his father's successful campaign for the Presidency.

People with deep faith and big hearts are concerned, as I am about the circumstance that Ms. Schiavo is in. I want them to know I will do what I can, but there are limits to what any particular person - irrespective of the title they currently hold - can do.
Second-generation Hispanics marry non-Hispanics at a higher rate than second-generation Irish or Italians. Second-generation Hispanics' English language capability rates are higher than previous immigrant groups'.
We need to focus our energies there, not these broad, blanket, kind of statements that will make it harder for us to deal with ISIS. We need to deal with ISIS in the caliphate. We need a strategy to destroy ISIS there. You can't do that without the cooperation of the Muslim world because they're as threatened as we are.
We are stronger because we recognize that government isn't the sole answer to the most important questions, and we welcome community and faith based organizations as partners to serve the needs of Florida families.
I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems. — © Jeb Bush
I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.
I was blessed to have a mother and father that recognized the value of education.
Florida has its own rhythm, too. People go to work, they watch their children learn and grow and start families of their own. They play in the sun and pass their lives enjoying the outsized blessings that make our state unique.
Our children can achieve great things when we set high expectations for them.
You have to maintain your principles but have a broader appeal.
You have to remember that in a state like Florida, independent voters will decide the election.
I think President Obama has used the bully pulpit as a way to attack capitalism.
It's been painful to see the people that you love be attacked when you know it's not fair or true.
It's a complex relationship when your dad happened to be president and you are president and then you have all the amateur psychology that goes on when people try to speculate about motivations.
It's a volatile time.
I think the voters can make up their own minds.
Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker. — © Jeb Bush
Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker.
I really think that elected officials should be focused on how you create sustained economic growth, how do you create jobs and all of these issues that made people - segments of our society believe are really important are diversions politically.
Candidates are making lasting impressions on voters, not just primary voters, in how they campaign.
I'm fairly accessible.
I have a proven record, a record of accomplishment, a record of cutting taxes, of shrinking the government, of reforming education, of challenging the status quo, eliminating career civil service protections, shrinking the government workforce by 11 percent, but leading the nation in job growth.
I have never wavered from my intention to advance the cause of diversity in new and more effective ways.
We have a wealth of talent in the Republican Party.
Teachers make a difference, and we would serve our students better by focusing on attracting and retaining the quality teachers by raising teacher pay.
I would say national security is work in progress.
There's a fine line between stubbornness and the positive side of that, which is dogged determination.
Treating people fairly and with civility is not a bad thing... It would be good for our country if political leaders actually took that to heart.
I reject the notion that a high turnout helps Senator Kerry. I think in Florida at least, it's going to help President Bush because we have gotten more registered voters than the Democrats, and our base is just fired up - thanks to your help and a lot of others.
Who among us has never looked up into the heavens on a starlit night, lost in wonder at the vastness of space and the beauty of the stars?
There should be a path to earned legal status for those that are here. Not - not amnesty - earned legal status, which means you pay a fine and do many things over an extended period of time.
I've always believed that if you support reform or you support a particular idea that you ought to fund that idea first and not the system.
When businesses go through hard times, through down markets, what do they do is they challenge every basic assumption of how they operate. They innovate. They create disruption for a while that leads them to even greater heights when the economy turns around.
But without a caring society, without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility, government is destined to grow even larger, taking more of your money, burrowing deeper into your lives.
I don't think a party can aspire to be the majority party if it's the old white guy party.
I never felt comfortable with making political decisions based on whether, you know, it was the right thing to do in terms of a poll.
Well, I think lower taxes and less regulation would actually promote growth.
I don't know if I'm a national education figure.
Apparently there are some Democratic leaders in the Senate that are running for office who now believe in tax cuts.
Any time an elected official in the world we're in today that appears so dysfunctional challenges a core constituency not of their opponent but of their own political base, I think we should pause and give them credit.
As governor, I saw the link between economic prosperity and the ability to acquire knowledge.
I had the chance to be governor for eight years and I took a year to transition out and a year to transition in, so that's a decade of my life where I pursued my own ambitions and I thought it was time to rearrange my life to focus on other things.
People are moping around and I think campaigns can be about lifting the spirits of the American people. — © Jeb Bush
People are moping around and I think campaigns can be about lifting the spirits of the American people.
I'm happy to be helping people that are passionate about empowering parents for student learning.
Right now people seem to be very tentative about the positive benefits of capitalism.
It's important to build trust if you're trying to deal with big things. Big issues require everybody to get outside their comfort zone, and people are more willing to do so if they believe that their partner is sincere in their efforts. And the only way you can do that is to engage them on a personal level.
Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.
We awoke one morning in September, and the world lurched on its axis.
In Washington, particularly, the loyal opposition has a job to be the opposition. But you can't stop there.
My guess is my brother would call his mom and his dad pretty regularly, a lot more than I probably did.
There's a direct link between percentage of young people that are educated and how we live our lives.
We had rising student achievement across the board because high standards, robust accountability, ending social promotion in third grade, real school choice across the board, challenging the teachers union and beating them is the way to go.
There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds. — © Jeb Bush
There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.
I have a blessed life in so many ways.
Florida is a place of unparalleled diversity of backgrounds, experiences and vision. It makes our culture unique, but it can also make it difficult to define a common identity and create a sense of community that reaches beyond our neighborhoods to all corners of our state.
If we don't empower families to be able to have a quality education, then their children - for the first time in American history, truly the first time - will not have the same economic opportunities.
If you had to pick the values that would be held dear to a broad number of Hispanic voters, access to opportunity would be a higher value than guarantee of security, particularly amongst the newly arrived, meaning the last 20 years.
I've been so blessed to be part of a family that has dedicated its life to public service.
We should have a path to legal status for the 12 million people that are here illegally. It means, come out from the shadows, pay a fine, earn legal status by working, by paying taxes, learning English. Not committing crimes and earn legal status where you're not cutting in front of the line for people that are patiently waiting outside.
If you have to deal with our friends at ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, it's like a Kafka novel. Files just disappear.
If more people were actively engaged in advocating their positions I think we'd have a better society.
You focus on the things that you can control, and that's what I'm doing.
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