Top 289 Quotes & Sayings by Jennifer Aniston - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Jennifer Aniston.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Everybody who has ever been snubbed, you know that is very humiliating.
My most disastrous date was not so much a disaster as uncomfortable for both parties involved.
Marriage is wonderful. — © Jennifer Aniston
Marriage is wonderful.
It's a really nice thing to have so many fans and people that really care.
It's so easy to be boxed into one part and one part only.
Yes, I play dress up! I do it for a living, like a retard!
I'm just so happy, and I'm grateful for my fans. I just hope I keep doing work that they love.
I have a lot of amazing women, you know, women in my life who have been an example for me of what not to do.
I was always the mediator.
Kids are messy!
I'm a bit of a clothes hoarder, admittedly.
People who do comedy are always underrated because they make it look so easy.
I've never sat there and plotted out how I was going to become successful or famous. — © Jennifer Aniston
I've never sat there and plotted out how I was going to become successful or famous.
I was always reading those beauty magazines and wanting to become this unattainable thing.
You train your man to do nothing.
I've seen people go through divorces and stuff, crossroads that don't end well. Often.
I don't know why women feel an affinity with me.
My father and I are friends and my mother and I don't speak. It's a bummer. I miss her.
I actually feel I've been unbelievably lucky in love.
I don't know if I ever really get mad in real life.
I don't think I got thin. I think I got healthy.
The tabloids, instead of being about alien babies and stuff, it's my triplets, quadruplets, marriages, feuds.
No, I'm not adopting any children.
I love seeing a house and thinking about how it should be redone or restored.
I think there are opportunities for women in comedies - how zany is up to them.
There are many stages of grief.
Designing a house is like doing a movie: Once you're done, you want to say, 'I hope you all enjoy it.'
The women that inspire me are the ones who have careers and children; why would I want to limit myself? I've always wanted to have children, and I would never give up that experience for a career. I want to have it all.
As an adult, I can't blame my parents any more.
I entertain for a living, and I entertain.
I just stay fit and in shape.
You can't blame someone for not knowing what his or her job should be if you don't ask for it right off the bat.
I love clothes, but I don't know what to put on myself, let alone others. I have a lot of help getting dressed.
The fun stuff comes when someone is not so strict on sticking to the script. You're allowed the spontaneity, and great moments can happen.
Women are realizing it more and more knowing that they don't have to settle with a man just to have that child. Times have changed and that is also what is amazing is that we do have so many options these days.
Maybe it's a fairy tale, but I believe in happily ever after.
I realised how paranoid and guarded and not trusting - walled-in - I had become. Not consciously so, but just this armour that I kind of have, protective armour. It's not for my friends or family, but for being.outside in the world, always on guard.
Life is about making mistakes. Death is about wishing you made more. — © Jennifer Aniston
Life is about making mistakes. Death is about wishing you made more.
There was the period where I wanted to be a therapist, if the acting thing didn't work. That was pretty much it. I don't know why. I was just always the girl that people would come and talk to about their problems.
Relationships are two people; everyone is accountable. A lot goes into a relationship coming together, and a lot goes into a relationship falling apart. Even if it's 98 percent the other person's fault, it's 2 percent yours.... You can only clean up your side of the street.
I think there comes a point where you have to grow up and get over yourself, lighten up…and forgive
I think we have to change our perspective. I don't think life stops after 50 - if anything, it gets more and more exciting. For some reason, we don't honor or pay respect to aging. It's something that we look at as a negative, and yet every single person on this planet does it. I don't understand why it's not something that's celebrated, why there's some sort of an expiration date on who you are as a person worth watching and a story being told about you. It makes absolutely no sense.
I just want to keep trying to surprise myself and I want to keep challenging myself.
My approach is just being conscious of everything.
If our bodies aren't being taken care of then our work starts to suffer and we're not getting the most from our daily lives.
Don't wait until life has given you an expiration date to live.
I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it
I don't have this sort of checklist of things that have to be done, andif they're not checked, then I've failed some part of my feminism or my being a woman or my worth and my value as a woman because I haven't birthed a child. I've birthed a lot of things, and I feel like I've mothered many things. And I don't feel like it's fair to put that pressure on people.
I don't know. I don't like girls whining and complaining about wanting a man! I never liked "Sex and the City", the kind of thing where women only feel empowered once they find The Man. It is just not up my alley. I don't believe in it. There is nothing you can control about love.
There's always a different energy when you're surrounded by a group of women creatives. — © Jennifer Aniston
There's always a different energy when you're surrounded by a group of women creatives.
People laugh at me. Sometimes I know why, and sometimes I don't. But I can pretty much find humor in anything. That is a necessary part of life. I don't want to say laughter is healing, because it sounds corny, but it's a release.
I don't like injustice. We're living in a time where, whether it's the Internet or tabloids, being sh-tty has become a sport. We're just grown-up bullies.
It's impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.
As women, we do feel like we have to live up to an expectation, whether it's on camera or going to the market or whatever it is. And the truth of the matter is, that's not always the way it is. We don't always have our high heels on, we don't always have our makeup on.
If you only love 70% of yourself, that's what is going to come back to you.
I think when I was younger, it was like - who cares? You don't realize the longterm effects. It takes its toll, which is I think why I'm better about it and take care of my body now more than ever.
I was a dumpy teenager. My mum was a model and was all about looks, so I rebelled by going goth. It took me years of peeling back the onion to finally stop using make-up as a mask and feel comfortable in my skin.
If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.
The thing about chemistry, it's sort of you get along with a person and then sort of if the movie does well, then you have great chemistry.
Just be mindful of what you're doing.
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