Top 261 Quotes & Sayings by Jesse Ventura - Page 4

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Jesse Ventura.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Al Gore in 2000. He got a half a million more votes than George Bush and lost. How can that be? It's ridiculous. It's an elitist system. It's so they pick your President. You don't - the people - and it needs to be abolished.
I will never stand for a national anthem again. I will turn my back and I will raise a fist.
A bag of quality marijuana in Minnesota will cost you 400 bucks, in Colorado it'll cost you 100 and a quarter. Medical Marijuana, a pill that you've got to pay for - which, it's allowed in Minnesota, but it's so restricted - costs $600 a month. If you live in Colorado you can get the same medical marijuana for $30 a month. See why it needs to be legalized across the board?
I view the United States, today, much like East Berlin. And I'm off the grid. I've tried for 20 years to warn the country about the Democrats and Republicans, and nobody's listening.
Eternal vigilance must be maintained to guard against those who seek to stifle ideas, establish a narrow orthodoxy, and divide our nation along arbitrary lines of race, ethnicity, and religious belief or non-belief.
Dusty Rhodes wouldn't win a body building contest for best abs, MacMahon, he'd win for MOST abs. — © Jesse Ventura
Dusty Rhodes wouldn't win a body building contest for best abs, MacMahon, he'd win for MOST abs.
You can't legislate against stupidity, but we try to do it all the time.
I'm not disparaging suicides when I call them weak, I'm pointing out that anybody who would consider doing a thing like that needs help. I don't think a normal, mentally healthy person commits suicide.
The war on drugs causes other supplemental crimes to take place because of the original illegality of it. But then again, that's the other reason that they're fighting it is the corporate prisons they have now. Because they've privatized all our prisons, corporations have to make money, and the only way they can make money is, I believe, the prisons have to be at least 80-90 percent full. That's why the United States - which is home of the brave, land of the free - we have more people in prison than any other country in the world.
I ain't got time to bleed.
With freedom comes responsibility
I wish everyone in this country could magically leave the country for six months and view the United States from the outside for six months, and I think you'd see a new perspective to the people of this country.
How many elderly people you see have to leave the house they've had their whole life because their fixed income and their property taxes keep rising every year and they can't afford to stay there. And nobody gives a crap about it, and they're booted out, they have to leave their homes.
I don't want Democrats in the boardroom and I don't want Republicans in the bedroom.
Prostitution is criminal, and bad things happen because it's run illegally by dirt-bags who are criminals. If it's legal, then the girls could have health checks, unions, benefits, anything any other worker gets, and it would be far better.
You want to know my definition of gun control? Being able to stand there at 25 meters and put two rounds in the same hole. That's gun control. — © Jesse Ventura
You want to know my definition of gun control? Being able to stand there at 25 meters and put two rounds in the same hole. That's gun control.
Anything in life has a ying and a yang. It has a good and a bad. And in the case of freedom, well, freedom also gives you the freedom to be stupid.
If I could be reincarnated as a fabric, I would come back as a 38 double-D bra.
I live by the golden rule: Treat others as you'd want them to treat you.
It's convenient how everyone who supports waterboarding and torture, or "enhanced interrogation techniques" as they like to call it, have never experienced it themselves. Yet everyone who has, myself included, are firmly against it.
I have metal in my body, so every time I go to an airport ,the metal detector goes off.
When we build a public library, we don't have to pay to get in, but when we build a stadium, we have to pay the owner every time we go to a game.
I believe in the separation of church and state. We all have our own religious beliefs. There are people out there who are atheists, who don't believe at all. . . . They are citizens of Minnesota, and I have to respect that.
When you elect chicken hawks, chicken hawks take you to war.
Want a hot dog, McMahon?
I went out to testify in front of the Ways and Means Committee out in Congress on open free trade to China. Now, this would affect literally every Minnesotan in some way or another, if not all Americans in some way or another....The local media sent no one out to cover my testimony....Well, then a couple weeks later, I go out to do The Young and the Restless, the TV soap opera, and everybody sends crews. We had to move them into a room in three different sections or three shifts of them because there was so much media covering that.
The Mexican government understands that when you turn 65, your ability to earn money diminishes. They don't want you kicked out of your house that you've worked your whole life for, no matter what that house is.
Government cannot be your parent.
Anyone can run for office. When I ran for Governor of Minnesota, the only requirement was that you had to be a state resident. I believe you had to be over thirty five years old, something like that. That's the way our country was founded. That anyone can run for office. That you're not required to be a lawyer, you're not required to be anything.
Learn from history or you're doomed to repeat it.
If you're going to accept freedom, there's the freedom to be stupid.
Marijuana was made illegal because of William Randolph Hearst, the big newspaper guy. He owned thousands of acres of timberland and he didn't want hemp to be used for paper, he wanted to force everyone to buy his trees. And that's why he was the one that spearheaded making it illegal in Washington. Always follow the money, it's done for money purposes.
The pleasure was all yours.
They look like to carp going after the same piece of corn.
If you don't vote, then you may be leaving the decisions up to someone dumber than you.
If you tell the truth, you don't need a long memory.
Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people
Listening is as important as talking. If you're a good listener, people often compliment you for being a good conversationalist.
Well my question is if the federal courts don't have jurisdiction over a constitutional question then who the hell does?
[the downfall of our political system is the] buying and selling of politicians...bribery. In the private sector, you're arrested for it. In the public sector, it's the norm.
In a free society, how can you commit a crime against yourself? — © Jesse Ventura
In a free society, how can you commit a crime against yourself?
I don't have the patience to sit and write.
In the United States, if you buy a property and you're a good citizen, and you improve that property, what do they do to you? They tax you more. So they penalize you for good behavior.
Now our biggest environmental problems come from our own actions, our own choices, rather than pollution produced by big business.
People are going to do stupid things, but you don't take away the freedom because somebody makes a stupid decision.
We got victims out there that are getting shot four and five times, point blank range. That's not self-defense. You're not going to tell me that's self-defense.
How come life in prison doesn't mean life? Until it does, we're not ready to do away with the death penalty. Stop thinking in terms of "punishment" for a minute and think in terms of safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible murderers.
The people need to understand that marijuana is an unbelievable plant that has huge medical - it's a medical plant, is the best way to describe it. It has huge benefits for us as people in many, many - so many different ways.
Some felt I'm not academically qualified, and they're right.
I don't want to live in a country that lies can prevail in court. Where you can walk into a courtroom and fabricate a story and then have appellate court judges uphold it after a jury has made a decision.
You can drink yourself to death, you can smoke yourself to death, you can eat yourself to death. — © Jesse Ventura
You can drink yourself to death, you can smoke yourself to death, you can eat yourself to death.
If you buy the flag it's yours to burn.
If you're stealing a television, that should not be the death penalty.
I will criticize President Obama on this level: it's a good thing I'm not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law.
The main thing I despise about America now is driving on the freeways.
Most people would assume, as I do, that the courtroom is a place for the truth, but it's not with our corrupt judges today - and I'm talking about the corrupt ones on the court of appeals.
If we would end the war on drugs, you would see the end of the militarization of our police forces and you would see an end to a lot of the shooting violence that's going on when people are being pulled over for traffic stops and then suddenly executed right in the street.
If you ride in a group, then you're okay. Then the cars will respect you. But if you're riding alone, you get no respect out there from cars at all.
Our theaters, our museums, our culture. We have everything New York has without the hassles.
Donald Trump is finding out what I found out: when you run for office, you are not allowed to tell a joke.
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