Top 57 Quotes & Sayings by Jessica Biel

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Jessica Biel.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Jessica Biel

Jessica Claire Timberlake is an American actress and model. She has received various accolades, including a Young Artist Award, and nominations for a Primetime Emmy Award and two Golden Globe Awards.

At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be a surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken.
We lived in Colorado, and my parents were outdoorsy mountain people. My father would always say, 'Go out and don't come back until you have something to show me.' Which meant he wanted me to come back with a scraped knee or an injury. When I went out to play, I felt like I'd better get hurt.
I'd like to start writing scripts. I think I'd probably be inclined to write a very dark comedy or a tragic romance. As a kid, I used to write really dark stuff. — © Jessica Biel
I'd like to start writing scripts. I think I'd probably be inclined to write a very dark comedy or a tragic romance. As a kid, I used to write really dark stuff.
When I'm working and I eat healthily all week, then I give myself one day - usually Sunday - when I eat just what I want. You have to; otherwise, your mind goes a little nutso.
I was skeptical about doing Texas Chainsaw at first because it's such a cult classic. I'd seen some of the sequels and was not a fan of those.
I've always been physical. I have no concept of what life is like without physical activity.
For a very long time, I wasn't thought of as anyone with any credibility in the film world. Everybody is tramping through the swamp every day in this business. 'I'm worth it, I'm credible - believe me, give me a shot!' That's the way I feel on a consistent basis.
I definitely had dolls when I was a kid. I don't remember being very thorough with them and making sure they got fed in my make-believe world. A lot of Barbie haircuts were given, though. I had a Tamagotchi as well, but I think that thing died really quick. They were hard to do!
It's not my plan or whatever in my life to be a sex symbol. It never is. You are who you are, but you can't help what you look like. And when you do a film, like for me, it's just not about that. I would prefer to downplay it. I prefer to downplay the sex appeal.
I've never gotten to do romantic comedy like most of the girls. Maybe because I'm fit, people assume that I'm not funny?
I'm not squeamish at all. As a child I dragged a dead squirrel home on my skateboard and cut it open and tried to look at its brain.
I feel my knees changing - like, why do I have this pain when I'm running on the treadmill? What's going on with my lower back when I wake up in the morning? I just feel changes. And I'm definitely fearful in a very vain manner about my body ageing.
I work with a couple charities called Serving Those Who Serve and Rebuilding Together. Both are supportive of veterans when they come home. — © Jessica Biel
I work with a couple charities called Serving Those Who Serve and Rebuilding Together. Both are supportive of veterans when they come home.
I do like potato chips, French fries and Barney's burgers in L.A. with seasoned curly fries.
Everyone has areas they're not comfortable with, and mine are my bum, thighs, and legs.
I love being someone I'm not for a period of time. I love every minute of being in someone else's skin.
I might just be way too boring to ever be a really great actress.
I'm not going to give up doing interesting things. I'm going to do it as long as I possibly can and hopefully have longevity in this business.
I like to do a couple of yoga classes during the week. Yoga for me is more of an elongating thing.
I had my bad-boy moment in my teens. I'll never do that again. It wasn't pleasant, and I learned my lesson. It was sexy and mysterious, and it's like, 'Look how cool they are,' but it's just not worth it. He was lying to me and accusing me of cheating - but then I realized he was the one cheating.
Eating Paleo just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat and water-weight right off your body.
In the car on my way to premieres and awards shows, I'll sit with tissue paper under my armpits so I don't soil the delicate dress fabric. The whole time, I'm telling myself, 'Please don't sweat, please don't sweat.' I throw the tissues out right before I step out of the car, and nobody ever knows! I just put on a smile and fake it.
I love somebody who can make me laugh and be a goofball. I think it's incredibly sexy if a guy can look uncool and completely not care. Also, somebody who likes to show affection. I show a lot of affection.
I kind of go back and forth about marriage and kids. I feel like, if it's an organic way for me and the right time in my life, then, yeah.
I'm not a perfect person who doesn't mess up, eat bad, not work out - I do all those things. It's just for the most part, when I'm working, I don't feel like I have the choice. I have to bring my A-game.
On the red carpet, I'm playing a character. As soon as I get off that thing, I think, 'Oof, wipe that gloss off.' I'm wiping and wiping and pulling my hair out and trying to change my outfit. I'm immediately trying to get comfortable. It's really a part I play.
Being Sexiest Woman Alive definitely didn't just open all the doors for me, which I thought it would. I thought, 'This is going to be huge for me!' And it really wasn't at all.
I don't feel very glowing, especially after wearing makeup - and not necessarily my choice of makeup - for 12 hours straight on a movie set. When I'm playing a character, her look is sometimes different from my own.
You've got to love this business. You have to be able to take rejection.
I trust my makeup artist to apply dark lipstick, but I get nervous about reapplying it, so I'll just use gloss instead. The last time I tried to reapply dark lipstick, I dropped it on my dress and it left a spot.
My Barbies were usually naked. Once, I took their heads off, cut their hair, drew on their short, spiky hair with some markers, then stuck the heads on Christmas lights. Every year, we'd string our tree with those Barbie heads. It looked demonic. My parents were so cool - they saw it as a form of self-expression.
I like really uberfeminine, classic-looking things mixed with something rougher around the edges. I've been looking at Rihanna a lot, checking her out. She's got something going on that I am sort of craving a little bit.
As much as I hate auditioning - it's so hard and awkward - it's way better to walk out of that room and win a role because of what you did.
I think I could drink my own blood. Is that weird?
I concentrate on making everything strong, and you can't do that with just cardio. I strength-train one day - and I'm not talking heavy weights, just a little. I see my trainer one day, next day I take a yoga class or cook. I'm not someone who just opens a pantry and rustles something up.
My grandmother, whom we call Biel, thinks it's very unbecoming of me not to smile for the paparazzi. So every time I see them, I think, 'Smile for Biel!'
I've been involved with sports my whole life, which made clothes and makeup and handbags not that important as a kid. I just didn't care. — © Jessica Biel
I've been involved with sports my whole life, which made clothes and makeup and handbags not that important as a kid. I just didn't care.
For me, getting married doesn't mean we should limit ourselves to some pre-defined idea. Rather, it's an opportunity to explore new things in life.
Five, six weeks or two months into the diet and the absolute crazy training regimen is a brutal nightmare sometimes. But in the same breath, that's what is so wonderful about it because it's so structured and your body is changing and you're able to do things that you've never done before. You're stronger than you've ever been before.
My definition of sexy is not just using what you got from God, but also that you represent what you believe in. I don't want people to think I'm sexy for what I look like, I want them to find me sexy for who I am and what I do.
A lot of the times once you've finished a scene, the best reaction is to say you don't really remember what happened. I don't really remember what I did or the choices I made.
If I got a dollar every time someone told me to name my future kid 'Batmo' I'd almost have enough to pay for therapy for a kid named Batmo.
Smile… Even when your life is at its worst, you never know when you’ll meet the one who takes your breath away!
I can't even go to the dry cleaner by myself anymore. You're seen in public with anybody that you might not even know, and you're speculated about.
Being willing to suffer often brings great rewards.
I love the discipline. I love the schedule of pushing your body to an extreme and getting it to a particular type of physical shape. Learning a new self defense or some kind of martial art that I didn't know before and the loving of that is also hating that at the same time.
Get out there, even if it's a hike or something, just break up the monotony of going to the gym. — © Jessica Biel
Get out there, even if it's a hike or something, just break up the monotony of going to the gym.
My mom was [a hippie]. We weren't allowed sugar cereal. We weren't allowed processed foods - except Van de Kamp's fish sticks. We never locked the front door.
There is so much pressure to look a certain way in this town. But it's nice to have a little meat on you, and I hope I inspire women to appreciate their muscular calves.
You know how great villains just believe in what they're doing? In their minds they're not villains, they're not doing anything wrong; they're just self-righteous in their dedication to their cause.
I was never one of those girls who dreamt of Prince Charming. To piss off my mom, I would say, 'I'm never having kids and I'm going to be a fabulously rich old maid with cute butlers and dogs.'
Being someone I'm not for a period of time and loving every minute of being in someone else's skin.
Definitely. Cate Blanchett or Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore - women that have no boundaries, no borders. They can do anything, They can be any character and you accept it and go with it as a viewer, and as an audience member. That's the kind of career that I'm looking for.
I just want an opportunity. If you don’t like the audition, don’t hire me! But if you don’t want to even see me - that’s hurtful. And why? You know nothing about me!
It's a new stage and a new moment in my life. I'm moving forward. It feels quite inspiring, fun, and positive. As I get older, I find a greater sense of self-confidence. I've learned that it's fine to not try to be anything else but myself.
You know, those iconic things we wanted to throw in for fun, but I think the point to see it was to see how totally different it was from what Len wanted to do with it. It's a different beast completely.
It's the same kind of preparation you do for something like this you do for anything. It doesn't matter if it's a drama or a comedy, the need to get the emotion and the character arc across is way harder in something like this so was more of a preparation.
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