Top 269 Quotes & Sayings by Jim Carrey - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Canadian comedian Jim Carrey.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Ultimately, we’re not the avatars we create. We’re not the pictures on the film stock. We are the light that shines through it. All else is just smoke and mirrors. Distracting, but not truly compelling.
Uh uh uh, turning the car into oncoming traffic... is counterproductive!
i'm a perfectionist, so i'm never satisfied with myself. i've always been psychotic about that kind of stuff--in a good way. i'm very disciplined. like the food and the whole thing, i'm always looking to "how can i eventually just turn into a ball of light and fly off the planet?". until that happens and God basically pull the blinds back, i will not be satisfied... if i found out that if i ate pine nuts for the next month i could see God, i'd be eating pine nuts.
It's always good I think in general to have different energies on screen, like it's nice to have different characters go at different speeds, just like different people work at different speeds.
I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame, so that they could see that it’s not where they’re gonna find their sense of completion. Like many of you, I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself. My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.
Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all it will ever be is what's happening here, the decisions in that we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.
Our eyes are not viewers, they're also projectors that are running a second story over the picture that we see in front of us all the time. Fear is writing that script, and the working title is 'I'll never be enough'
Every character is a baby. You can't choose between them. If you can, you didn't do your job. You have to fall in love with every character. — © Jim Carrey
Every character is a baby. You can't choose between them. If you can, you didn't do your job. You have to fall in love with every character.
Imagine if you could actually be that happy? That would be powerful, man. People would be tunneling under the street to avoid you. They'd go 'Oh, man - is that happy guy still out there?'
Everything can be made fun of. The most serious things are ripe for making fun of them.
I enjoy my life. The fame part of it freaked me out for a little while, and there are definitely times when it's not so great to be special and known by everybody - you know, when you're wearing the wrong thing, or just in a vulnerable place. But I'm good with my life now.
I hate Christmas. I do think it is odd that I have wound up playing these two iconic Christmas haters. It is the same story, in a way. Scrooge is the original Grinch. I think I am perfectly suited, because I have had some dark Christmases.
Most of the time I live with my pain. I have pain but I won't show it around. I think that's the nobility of the character. There's something noble in not spewing on people all the time about your problems. I'm the light guy, so I identified.
Free cable is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
If we (Lauren and Jim) ever get married, we're just going to put helmets on, run into each other from a hundred yards, and smash together like rams
There are two thoughts that will ensure success in all you do; (1) Don't tell everything you know, and (2) until Ace Ventura, no actor had considered talking through his ass.
The inner child runs rampant. They're just smaller, that's all.
I've been on a quest for spiritual answers for a long time. The things I've learned about interconnectedness and non-duality and the feeling of tapping into your soul that goes beyond the edge of your skin is important to me. Once I learned that, I'm far less often trapped in my own little man problems. Me against the universe problems.
As far as I'm concerned, everything bad that happens in the world stems from the same place, they're people who don't feel important. — © Jim Carrey
As far as I'm concerned, everything bad that happens in the world stems from the same place, they're people who don't feel important.
I laugh at mistakes. I laugh at how you recover from mistakes.
Choose love and don't ever let fear turn you away from your playful heart
The early bird gathers no moss! The rolling stone catches the worm.
You love the person for who they are, flaws and all. You can't help who you love, either. It comes from a different side of your brain than the logic part that tells you that this person is horrible for you - "You should walk away!" While you're walking away, the other part of your brain is trying to gain control of your bodily functions. "Turn around! She's the one!"
I don't think anybody should go through life without a team of psychologists. I have been through times when I'm literally squatting in the living room, having one of those open-throated cries, where you're crying all the way to your butthole. I always believed I would come out of it, though.
I don't think you can know God unless you're passionate about him so you're either screaming at him, enraptured with the idea of being around him or feeling him in your life.
I tend to stay up late, not because I'm partying but because it's the only time of the day when I'm alone and don't have to be on, performing.
For the most sensitive among us the noise can be too much.
My father used to brag that I wasn't a ham, I was the whole pig.
I enjoy fame except when I'm with my daughter. Kids stop me all the time and I don't want her to be jealous of the attention. Also, sometimes I just want to be left alone and I refuse to make rubber faces. That's when they start asking, What's the matter, man, don't you like your job? I say, Yeah, I like my job. But I also like having sex, and I'm not going to do that in front of you either.
I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize and go eat a sandwich.
Any1 who would run out to buy an assault rifle after the Newtown massacre has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting. ;^
The future is now! Soon every American home will integrate their television, phone and computer. You'll be able to visit the Louvre on one channel, or watch female wrestling on another. You can do your shopping at home, or play Mortal Kombat with a friend from Vietnam. There's no end to the possibilities!
Psychologically, it's what I love to be. Tearing apart a person from the inside out.
If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer.
In retrospect it always seems to work out that you can look back on something that was a disaster and find some gems in there.
Comedic actors can be looked at as a lower form because we have to put ourselves in a lower place than most of the audience. I think lofty emotions are somehow considered more special. The best stories in the world to me are the ones that elicit a real emotion, but have humour.
When I started to realise how important the film was to people I thought there is a lot of negative stuff going on in the world, maybe they need these two people
I've often said that I wished people could realize all their dreams of wealth and fame so they could see that it's not where you'll find your sense of completion.
Not hope, but Faith. I don't believe in hope. Hope is a beggar.
Movies are great, but the real romance happens right here, somewhere - real close-up. I really couldn't have done it if I hadn't been through a lot one way or another. Either you're the one erasing or you're the one being erased, so it's not a pleasant feeling!
I try to stay in decent shape always. I pride myself on staying at least a month away from really good shape.
Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat?
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter. — © Jim Carrey
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter.
The thing is, I've always tried to create transcendent moments. Moments that take people away from their concerns. Heaven to me is when people find a way to become so involved with life that they're no longer concerned for the future.
I would do anything to be anywhere in the vicinity of Eckhart Tolle.
50 years: here's a time when you have to separate yourself from what other people expect of you, and do what you love. Because if you find yourself 50 years old and you aren't doing what you love, then what's the point?
I have spiritual beliefs that I could literally go out and make an entire comedy routine about, and tour as some sort of spiritual guru, but it kind of goes against that [as] I actually believe the things, so I'm always kind of caught in the middle.
I hope everybody could get rich and famous.
comedy is a high form of art becaus it brings us more joy than anything else, practically but at the same time, it doesn't get a lot of respect. that's the sacrifice you make to do it.
Everybody expects the fairy tale - you're going to be together forever with somebody. I don't really subscribe to that. I'd love that to happen if that happened, but ten years is enough. Ten years is a good thing with somebody, I think. It's a nice thing. A lot of good love can happen in ten years.
There is a huge difference between a dog that is going to eat you in your mind and an actual dog that's going to eat you.
I'm talkin' about a place where the beer flows like wine, where the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talkin' about Aspen.
Christmas was really where I started coming into my own as a performer because I did all this stuff on my own, all this performing on my own. When other kids were outside playing, I was in my room conjuring characters and impressions and things like that.
You are the vanguard of knowledge and consciousness; a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities. — © Jim Carrey
You are the vanguard of knowledge and consciousness; a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities.
One man's toxic waste is another man's potpourri.
I come from the philosophy of: "Whatever happens to me is the greatest thing that could happen, no matter what." Sometimes in the moment I have a regret, but then I have found myself every time down the line saying to myself: "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that so called failure."
As far as I can tell, it's just about letting the universe know what you want and then working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass.
Don't you just hate it, when you are in bed with three beautiful women, and the least attractive one whispers: save it for me!
I don't remember yesterday. I pretty much live in the moment.
I spent most of my time in my room staring at a mirror. I never knew I was supposed to socialize. I just spent hours making faces at myself, having a good time.
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