Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by Jody Lynn Nye

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American writer Jody Lynn Nye.
Last updated on September 10, 2024.
Jody Lynn Nye

Jody Lynn Nye is an American science fiction writer. She is the author or co-author of approximately forty published novels and more than 100 short stories. She has specialized in science fiction or fantasy action novels and humor. Her humorous series range from contemporary fantasy to military science fiction. About one-third of her novels are collaborations, either as a co-author or as the author of a sequel. She has been an instructor of the Fantasy Writing Workshop at Columbia College Chicago (2007) and she teaches the annual Science Fiction Writing Workshop at DragonCon.

Write what you would love to read. Finish what you begin to write. Your voice is uniquely yours and we are all waiting to hear it. — © Jody Lynn Nye
Write what you would love to read. Finish what you begin to write. Your voice is uniquely yours and we are all waiting to hear it.
But I should not have to explain to you how important it is for science and simplicity to coexist. One must not fear to be a little child again, when times of wonder are at hand.
The trouble with today is, things are a little easy. Teens don't feel as if anyone needs them or their talent, and that's wrong. We need them. They are the future. And if I can encourage them to think about the sciences as something they could do, then I think I've done a good job.
Zeus Is Dead is full of laugh-out-loud moments, lashings of sly wit, moan-worthy puns, and a complex, fast-paced storyline. There aren't very many humorous fantasy murder mysteries out there, especially not as intricately constructed as this one. Michael G. Munz takes a 'What if,' and runs with it like a toddler with Mom's smart phone. The guffaw-worthy throwaway bits will remind you of Douglas Adams. A very enjoyable read.
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