Top 5 Quotes & Sayings by Joe Madison

Explore popular quotes and sayings by Joe Madison.
Last updated on September 10, 2024.
Joe Madison

Joseph (Joe) Madison, alternatively known as "The Black Eagle" or "Madison", is an American radio talk-show host and activist heard daily on SiriusXM Urban View.

Born: June 16, 1949
We`re the ones who can fire [Donald Trump]. We`re the ones who can fire members of congress. — © Joe Madison
We`re the ones who can fire [Donald Trump]. We`re the ones who can fire members of congress.
Let`s not hesitate. This is where the press corps, the media should all stand together. And I hope that you have the same response that you had when it came time to defend Fox.
[Donald Trump] is not somebody who`s fit to be president in any circumstances. I would feel deeply frustrated, not because of anything he said about me, but because I would fear for the future of our country.
You put the republican members of congress who are up for re-election, and quite candidly, the democrats, because every democratic congressperson ought to be writing, tweeting, and you put them on notice. We are the boss of this government, not the [Donald] Trump.
Here`s the problem, and here`s what he`s going to learn. I do not work for Donald Trump. Come the 20th, Donald Trump works for us. We`re the boss.
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