Top 9 Quotes & Sayings by Joe Moore

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American celebrity Joe Moore.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people He gives it to.
It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.
You can't trust a promise someone makes while they're drunk, in love, hungry, or running for office. — © Joe Moore
You can't trust a promise someone makes while they're drunk, in love, hungry, or running for office.
Our laws are a reflection of our culture. Our culture does not condone the torture of innocent and defenseless creatures. And we as a society believe all God's creatures should be treated humanely.
Marriage: love, honor, and negotiate.
Money is a strange thing. It ranks with love as our greatest source of joy, and with death as our greatest source of anxiety.
Before borrowing money from a friend it's best to decide which you need most.
A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.
The laws that we adopt embody the values and mores of our constituents.
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