Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Joe Wicks

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British author Joe Wicks.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Joe Wicks

Joseph Trevor Wicks, also known as The Body Coach, is a British fitness coach, TV presenter, social media personality and author.

My aim is always just to get one person a day to exercise and cook healthy food.
Exercise always makes you feel happy, it lifts your mood and gives you energy.
Your baby is your baby and you are free to feed them however you like. Try not to compare your child to others. This is your journey and you can take it at your own pace. Whichever style of weaning you decide to go for is your choice, and remember: all children eventually do learn to eat with a knife and fork.
I don't know Russell Brand but I like him a lot. I think he's a good guy. — © Joe Wicks
I don't know Russell Brand but I like him a lot. I think he's a good guy.
I like getting fresh air.
Don't look too far into the future, just look at tomorrow. One day at a time. Can you win tomorrow? Can you make progress? The answer is yes, you have a choice and tomorrow you're going to win.
I just don't regret anything I've gone through or anything I have been through with my mum and dad, I'm just proud of who I am.
Eat carbs such as sweet potato or jasmine rice within one hour of your workout. Cut down on them on rest days when you don't need the extra fuel.
Well, I started my career as a personal trainer. So I did one-to-one, you know, outdoors, at people's houses and then obviously boot camps and stuff, which I love.
If I have a fizzy drink and an ice cream, I get a sore tummy and a headache.
I never really had an overweight body.
Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.
I applied the same mentality to my social media as I did when I was doing my boot camps. I thought, well, no one's watching, but I'll keep adding value, putting out good recipes, funny workouts and good videos. And it grew and grew.
I want to be the person who completely transformed the health of the nation. — © Joe Wicks
I want to be the person who completely transformed the health of the nation.
I'm staying fit to stay mentally strong.
Plan your workouts in advance and try and stick to them like appointments you can't miss.
I don't come from a very ambitious family. We weren't entrepreneurial. We weren't hard-working academics, or setting up businesses. But for some reason, when I started doing fitness, I always had this voice in my head telling me to keep going - keep going, and people will eventually follow.
You can't smash your business and be a mum or a dad on 1,000 calories a day.
I've got freakishly large big toes. They look like the ace of spades.
There's no wrong or right with fitness. It's whatever you enjoy and whatever you can keep up and keep doing.
People underestimate the impact of lack of sleep; not only will the intensity of your workouts suffer, but you are likely to crave sugary foods the next day.
I live my life online: I don't have many secrets.
Fasting is not sustainable or enjoyable, yet we've been conditioned to think the only way to burn fat is to cut out all the things we love and spend hours in the gym. How can anyone live like that? Don't starve yourself; train, then refuel your body.
If you're a likable person and you're passionate, then people are drawn to that wherever you are in the world.
Unconditional love is so important for people with addiction.
It's all about nutrition. You can train, train, train all you want but I always say you can't outtrain a bad diet.
Think of your body like a car: a glass of water first thing in the morning is like starting your engine.
My goal is to take the nutrition world globally. You've got chefs who do their chef thing, you've got fitness trainers who do the fitness stuff but I'm the only one who does both.
I work with my brother and best mates, but I wouldn't give any old plonker a job. With success, I've been able to spend more time with family and be financially supportive in a way I never thought I could.
The most offensive thing is when people say, 'Everything you do is for the money.'
A golden rule? Do not come food shopping when you're starving hungry and craving stuff. You'll fill your basket with all the naughty things you probably wouldn't eat.
The goal is to get people off low-calorie diets. They're struggling, they're barely eating anything. They need educating.
When I've stopped doing workouts and YouTube videos, I want this content that I've created to be used in schools all around the world. This is what I want to be remembered for.
I think I've opened up my mind to all foods, except tinned tuna. I can't stand that. I will not go near it; the smell is unbearable.
I grew up on a council estate, but I still had a roof over my head, we still had food, I went on school trips. I wasn't completely deprived.
One thing I had more than anything, I had love and support from my mum and dad. My mum used to say: 'I don't care if you become a dustman or a doctor, you can be who you want.'
If you had met me as a kid you would have never predicted me to be a success. I had a pretty ropey upbringing and you might have thought I'd have gone the other way.
I was quite hyperactive as a young kid, and then when I got to high school I was just the class clown. I didn't have much of an attention span.
Start early and hydrate as soon as you wake up. — © Joe Wicks
Start early and hydrate as soon as you wake up.
I want mums and dads to get up together and train with the kids, exercise, have fun together and connect through fitness.
I don't do politics.
I love a feelgood Taylor Swift or Katy Perry pop tune.
I had quite a chaotic home life, it wasn't stable, my diet wasn't great. I was never an overweight child, but I had behavioural issues. I think that was linked to my upbringing and not having a great start with my nutrition.
I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!
Cooking at home with fresh ingredients means you know what's going into your food.
My mum loved housework, she basically had OCD.
My top tips for deep sleep are to switch off your laptop and mobile at least 30 minutes before bed and leave them in another room. Ditch the bedroom TV; listen to music instead. Get a comfortable eye mask. It takes getting used to, but trust me, it will allow you to sleep deeper and longer.
I've never thought much about energy, or a higher power, or the driving force behind someone's purpose.
A lot of people would question, 'is twenty-five minutes or thirty minutes a day really enough to have a good physique?' But that's how I live my life: I do short and intense workouts so that I can enjoy my day and be with my family and not be in the gym for hours.
Never eat food that drains you of energy; eat food that makes you feel awesome. — © Joe Wicks
Never eat food that drains you of energy; eat food that makes you feel awesome.
I Snapchat in the bath. I Snapchat when I wake up. I'm giving people inspiration. It's like a TV show.
That would be the most powerful thing I've ever achieved, if I can take a kid who doesn't like exercise and get them to enjoy it. That would be the ultimate, ultimate achievement for me.
My office is my house.
I've never made a penny from any of the school stuff I've done. I've had brands asking me if they can sponsor my channel for a year, stuff like that. But I've never monetised it. My books and my 90-Day Plan are my business.
I'm always giving out such a positive message that I never really get attacked. There's not much you can attack me for.
It's never too late to get fit; it's never too late to feel good and confident and change the way you eat and train. Just give it a go and momentum will take you the rest of the way.
The antidote to addiction is connection and love.
I'm just trying to use my happiness and motivation to rub off on other people around me.
I don't live with judgement or resentment, I don't have time for it.
Finger foods can help little ones to explore food at their own pace. They are also great for helping them to develop hand-eye coordination and encouraging them to try out a variety of textures.
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