Top 104 Quotes & Sayings by Joey Jordison

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Joey Jordison.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Joey Jordison

Nathan Jonas "Joey" Jordison was an American musician. He was the original drummer and co-founder of the heavy metal band Slipknot, in which he was designated #1, as well as the guitarist for the horror punk supergroup Murderdolls.

The drum records that I like are ones on which the drumming didn't repeat itself. The players didn't stick to a format or formula.
I'm not more into one scene than any other, and that's why I feel very lucky to be able to go into two different styles of music and be successful at both.
Man, failure was not an option whatsoever, 'cause I'm here to play music - that's what I've been put on earth for. — © Joey Jordison
Man, failure was not an option whatsoever, 'cause I'm here to play music - that's what I've been put on earth for.
I'm always in the right headspace! I live pretty much in isolation, so there are really no distractions. That's not a manufactured thing; it's just the way I live.
'My Swan Song' - that song is so depressing but uplifting at the same time, you know what I mean?
You can't think about what other people think. You just can't. It's stupid. You've got to look inside yourself.
I don't use a Beatmap; I don't use any click track. Any time I count off, it's just in my heart. Sometimes I'll go off the feel of a crowd, like if they way they're bouncing is a little quicker than the song, I might kick up the tempo a little bit. I see where the crowd is at. It's nothing drastic, but all the tempos are from my internal clock.
You meet people, and you realize that you can never judge a book by its cover.
I pretty much use the same stuff live that I use in the studio. I don't like the feel to change too much.
I've got so much material; like, it feels as if every day I'm coming up with so many riffs.
I'm just as much into Emperor as I am Alice Cooper.
The mask is a pain thing. It's clammy, and your body is moving all over, and you're locked into this thing, and you can't get out.
I got really, really sick with a horrible disease called transverse myelitis; I lost my legs. I couldn't play anymore. It was a form of multiple sclerosis, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
My advice always is to start very simple and master your timing and master the most simple beats that you can, and you just keep elevating from that. Trying to go right into playing fast is not necessarily the best way to go about it, because if you don't have your foundation locked in, it's hard to progress.
I've been using Pearl for so long, ever since I was a kid. Same thing with Paiste. They have both taken such great care of me, and I can't thank them enough. — © Joey Jordison
I've been using Pearl for so long, ever since I was a kid. Same thing with Paiste. They have both taken such great care of me, and I can't thank them enough.
Without blood and pain, there is no Slipknot.
The power of music, and the power of your determination in life, especially when you're playing extreme metal like this... it just conquers. It conquers everything.
There was a time when I was beat down, and I lost my way.
Without Metallica, we wouldn't have a lot of the bands that we have now.
Slipknot will never die. As long as we're together, it just won't. When it's time for us to end, we'll know when it's time.
With me, I would never lose my sight of music.
I'm writing music that people can grasp and hold on to... something that resonates. If you don't have that, then you have nothing.
Every day, I look at life different; I don't take things for granted.
I suffered from asthma when I was a kid.
The heart bleeds music no matter what, and it bleeds different types of music.
When you have the power of music within your soul and your heart, nothing can stop you.
When everyone tells you, 'No, no, no,' your creative forces get a little twisted and turn into something more apocalyptic than ever.
That's the way a musician is. You're isolated, in a weird way, because music is haunting you as much as it's loving you. It's non-stop.
Playing drums, for me, is like breathing. It's like thinking. It's like eating. It's like walking.
'Master of Reality' rules; it's one of my favorite records of all time. It has some of the most evil riffs on it - and some of the sexiest riffs as well.
The first mask I had was an original pale-white kabuki mask.
Keith Moon was amazing as a drummer, but he was also a nut, and it reflected in his drumming. And the great thing about Who records is that you can almost get hold of the vinyl and feel his heart.
I got 'Reign In Blood' for Easter one year - how ironic is that?
How I found out is, I landed in Des Moines from a plane ride back from the Rob Zombie tour. I was, like, 'Okay, cool, I'm home. I can finally get some rest.' Once I landed, I turned my phone on, and my manager rang, and I'm, like, 'Oh, what?' He said, 'Paul Gray just died.'
A lot of the time, I will write a guitar riff first. I don't write drum riffs first.
I saw Kiss on 'The Dick Clark Show' in, like, 1980 or something, and 'Kiss Alive!' was the first record of theirs I had.
I think that no matter how old you get, you are always learning about yourself.
When someone's in the hospital - be it a family member or anyone that has something wrong with them - if you love 'em, then you visit them. — © Joey Jordison
When someone's in the hospital - be it a family member or anyone that has something wrong with them - if you love 'em, then you visit them.
Without Metallica, I wouldn't play the way that I do.
What better to get all the anger and stuff out for what I do in Slipknot than to play the drums? You're punching everything, really fast, concentrated.
What's cool about making music is when you create a record, it comes from somewhere.
I want to get out as much art as I can while I'm here, and I seem to get better the more that I do it.
Without Slipknot, I would not necessarily be where I am today.
Without Metallica, I wouldn't be doing what I am doing. I have every Metallica record, of course, and I would spend hours on drums in my parents' basement with the stereo behind me, cranking those records and learning Lars' drum beats, beat by beat.
Playing drums is how I communicate. It's how I speak to people. That's my God-given gift.
You can't give up in life. You just can't do it, no matter what it is that is going on.
Metal music is a very fan-oriented, fan-protected music - very sacred.
It's not about the names or the faces: it's about the music we are creating.
I have a ton of Slipknot demos that I have at home. Maybe some day they'll surface; maybe they'll never be heard, but I don't translate them to any other band: they still stay in the Slipknot safe. I won't use them for anyone else besides Slipknot, if that ever happens again.
Every day is a good day above ground, and especially being able to play metal and being able to your craft and everything. You've gotta respect that, because it's something that can be taken away from you really quick.
I play guitar all the time, and I'm constantly thinking of songs... Every time I pick up a guitar, I come up with different riffs, all different bands I've been in. Sometimes there is a song or riff that could only belong with Slipknot, and I just can't use it for anything else, regardless of whatever happened.
What made me want to play drums in the first place was Led Zeppelin and The Who. My parents had their records, and I grew up listening to them with the stereo cranked. — © Joey Jordison
What made me want to play drums in the first place was Led Zeppelin and The Who. My parents had their records, and I grew up listening to them with the stereo cranked.
I sleep music. I wake up, and there's a riff in my head. Every step I take, there's a riff, a beat, or something.
Slipknot is my baby. It is my life. It means everything. Everything I do means the world to me, but when it comes down to it, Slipknot... that's my blood.
I lie more with drums and the more heavy and darker aspects of music.
Life takes you down weird paths.
I didn't quit Slipknot. I would never have quit Slipknot, ever.
The simplest beats, on what rock music or any music has been formed on, can be the toughest beats to execute and perform, because it's really easy to not respect a simple 4/4 beat, because people always want to play fast.
The doctors said I might not be able to walk again. Today, I can almost run, but back then, I couldn't even stand up. I was bed-ridden. If I wanted to turn over in bed, I had to move my legs with my hands. I was in and out of the hospital for months.
No matter what comes your way, being a musician, you will never, ever learn to play it all.
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