Top 9 Quotes & Sayings by Johan Galtung

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Norwegian mathematician Johan Galtung.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Johan Galtung

Johan Vincent Galtung is a Norwegian sociologist, and the principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies.

Peace appeals to the hearts; studies to the brain. Both are needed, indeed indispensable. But equally indispensable is a valid link between brain and heart. And that, in a nutshell, is what peace studies and peace practice are all about.
Peace equals ability to handle conflict, with empathy, nonviolence, and creativity.
As professor of global peace studies at the International Islamic University of Malaysia I am committed to the ending of war also through criminalization of war, an approach that has not been sufficiently used in spite of the UN Charter outlawing war - with too many loopholes used buy aggressive countries.
The new book by Nafeez Ahmed, based on very extensive and deep research, is by far the best on the 9/11 syndrome. Articulating and documenting what many feel, and empowering them into action, the book will have an impact on entrenched US empire elites unwilling and unable to take it on. Votes of thanks to Ahmed, and to Interlink!
Marshall took nonviolence a step further - beyond Gandhi. — © Johan Galtung
Marshall took nonviolence a step further - beyond Gandhi.
One basic formula for understanding the Community is this: 'Take five broken empires, add the sixth one later, and make one big neo-colonial empire out of it all.'
Every religion contains, in varying degrees, elements of the soft and the hard. For the sake of world peace, dialogue within religions and among them must strengthen the softer aspects.
By peace we mean the capacity to transform conflicts with empathy, without violence, and creatively- a never-ending process
The topdog may win the game of force. But not the moral issue - and when that dawns upon him and his allies, change of consciousness sets in, and demoralization starts thawing the frozen heart. The game is over.
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