Top 151 Quotes & Sayings by John de Ruiter

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Canadian author John de Ruiter.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter is a Canadian spiritual leader and author who conducts meetings in Edmonton, Alberta and abroad. He operates a centre called the College of Integrated Philosophy and conducts his seminars and lectures from the Oasis Centre, a large auditorium venue in west Edmonton also used to host weddings and events.

For you to access your own innermost as awareness is for you to surrender form after form after form, enabling you as awareness to recede to what you first are, for you to be meaning.
When you are relaxed and you hear what you know is the truth, regardless of your experience, you love. You love the truth. You love hearing, knowing, responding to the truth, because all of that is really you.
Your real strength within isn't the strength that you experience in your self. Your real strength within is in what you are as a being, deeper than what your self is. Your real strength is within your weakest weakness.
When you are in the mundane from what is deeper than your self, you realize the mundane to be more than your self, and your self opens. It opens in its structuring and in its form, enabling you as the form of your self to move in the deeper levels of the mundane
Sunny is what you are. Everything else is what you think. — © John de Ruiter
Sunny is what you are. Everything else is what you think.
It isn't the kind of profession that you have that makes you flourish; it's what you are coming from, within, that makes you flourish. Then everything that you step into turns into your garden.
When you move the deeper levels in you and the deeper levels in your body, you'll be relating to that mystery in her. You'll relate to it directly and you'll lay hold of it through the deeper levels in you and in your body.
The more clean you are in awakening to your own being, the more you'll be able to move your own being toward others. Your evolution as awareness is in the purity of thatit's in the cleanness.
Awareness, one with knowing, is love.
The cure to your self is that you are not yours.
When awareness believes what it knows is true, the truth of what awareness really is, moves. That movement is love.
Your life has little purpose if you are separate from your own knowledge within.
Without your entrance to greater reality in this life, greater reality has no entrance to this life. The meaning of all of this lifeisn't as it appears. The meaning of this life is for greater reality to manifest through all the forms of this life.
If you die of cancer with only openness and softness in your heart, you will live and die integrating your self.
For you to be free of your thinking mind, that will cost you the way that you've put your self together. It will cost you your patterned self. — © John de Ruiter
For you to be free of your thinking mind, that will cost you the way that you've put your self together. It will cost you your patterned self.
There's a depth of meaning all on its own in awareness being gentled. From within the subtlety of being gentled, the level of perception changes. Instead of perceiving the obviousness of experience, you're able as awareness to perceive most subtle meaning.
When you are on your deathbed, and you look back into your life, it won’t matter to you what you have done with your life. What will matter to you is what you have done all of your life with your heart.
With real relationship within, you are as delicateness really listening.
Let everything that comes your way, help you be new.
Find the most delicate qualities within; then treat these qualities as tiny little seeds that you would plant in your heart, with you being the gardener.
When you are free of your self in your heart, your labouring within your self is therapeutic to your self. It is a constant blend into your self of what your own Being is. The movement of love, enjoying being at work in the self. The movement of love, enjoying making a change in your self. The enjoyment of application.
When you are being true to what you know in your heart, your whole heart becomes clean.
When a city is inundated with water, the water will move in all of the streets. Every pathway that has been made will be used. It doesn’t matter the reason of its making.
The let-go of the last little bit is the biggest because, in that, there is no return.
Everything needs to touch your heart. Everything that touches your heart brings out the deep in you.
Your sexuality is the engine of your humanness. Freed of your self, it is an engine of movement. It isn’t there to move your experience, but to move your being into your experience, bringing your being into the physicality of your self.
When you are being what you really are you absolutely flourish in the midst of absolutely everything.
Your deeper sense isn’t a springboard; it’s a landing place. If you draw conclusions too quickly or too slowly, you’ll establish your self where it doesn’t belong. The fine line between the two is in your own deeper sense. It is in your actual knowing within that deeper sense.
When your self and your life belong to your being, your self opens, your life opens, your being comes in, and it will have everything. It is the single greatest turning point in your life.
You need to bring your awakening into city life. Bring it into fast-paced complexity where it thrives.
High level womanness occurs and is freed when the filters and the boundaries in your womanness are no longer of use to you. As a woman you then move as your own Being.
As what you first are moves in the context of form, you have real reflection within that form, real reflection of what you are, what you are being and what you are doing. The movement in form enables you to comprehend what you are.
To really evolve as awareness, be just like your own being in a self like yours and on a planet like this one.
Give others their dignity by opening and softening in your heart to them.
When resistance no longer serves you, you'll no longer have it.
The source of love isn’t in your self. It isn’t in your experience. It’s in you.
Where the observer is at first a real goodness realized, later it is a sophisticated power holder. The observer is given power and control that belongs to oneness. When oneness has that power and that control, there is love.
Whatever you have awakened to, you belong to.
Depth of feeling and clarity of thought isn’t the same as knowing.
Where there is humility, there is no story. — © John de Ruiter
Where there is humility, there is no story.
With your reorientation as awareness, difficulty calls upon your resources - not first the resources that you're familiar with, but the resources of your own being.
Your past determines your future unless you’re clearly moving past your self and responding to what you know in your heart.
What moves you, you move. That brings your sexuality into your being, through your heart, and that movement brings your being, through your heart, into your self.
As soon as you give your heart to something new you will immediately be able to think in a way that is new.
When you, awareness, are mastered by the deepest that you know the truth of, then you are no longer awareness. You are oneness aware mastering your self and your life.
If you are all open in your heart, you are clean. If you are all open in your self, you are naive.
For you to have real love, you need to be able to move past your self.
Your real home isn't your patterned self. It isn't your thinking. It isn't your feeling. Your real home is the deepest within that you know the truth of. Your real home, your only home, is direct knowledge.
Your self doesn't represent the truth in you, your being does. Give your ease only to what you know represents the truth in you.
Your being is real and it gets to have everything. It gets to have your preferences, your person, and all of your plans. — © John de Ruiter
Your being is real and it gets to have everything. It gets to have your preferences, your person, and all of your plans.
Live only for what you know in your heart is worth dying for.
Everyone is giving something. Everyone is giving what has their heart. What I'm giving you is what has my heart.
As awareness recedes into the deep, as when it falls asleep, everything seemingly ends. All that it takes is a gentle touch to your body; meaning has moved and meaning is again aware, knowing, seeing, and if it is home, meeting and communing.
While sincerity is to carry the weight of knowledge in the self, it is also to be the lightness of being clean.
When you rest in the weakness of your heart, your being moves and your self becomes quieted.
The softer your heart is the less that your past is forming your present and your future. When there is openness and softness of heart, what forms the present and the future is not your past but the reality of your own being.
Be warmed in your heart in the midst of your sexuality. Your response to your own sexuality is that you are warmly in it, not exploiting it, not moving away from it, that you are completely present in it, warmed.
The more that you bypass of your own mechanisms, the more in your self that will come apart.
Truth is not a mystery - its greatest secrets are yours to know through simple honesty and surrender to what that honesty reveals.
Whatever you know in your heart, live at the expense of anything else.
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