Top 2 Quotes & Sayings by John E. Hines

Explore popular quotes and sayings by John E. Hines.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
John E. Hines

John Elbridge Hines was a bishop in the Episcopal Church in the United States. When he was elected the 22nd Presiding Bishop in 1965, at the age of 54, he was the youngest person to hold that office, which he held until 1974. Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of Cape Town, said Hines' movement to divest church-held assets in that nation played an important role in the demise of apartheid.

October 3, 1910 - July 19, 1997
And when we would make much of that which cannot matter much to thee, forgive us -a frequent part of the prayer that opened sermons. — © John E. Hines
And when we would make much of that which cannot matter much to thee, forgive us -a frequent part of the prayer that opened sermons.
In the spectrum of God's mysteries, preaching is a sacrament: Because of its sacramental reality some people have never again been the same.
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