Top 110 Quotes & Sayings by John Grant

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician John Grant.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
John Grant

John William Grant is an American musician, singer and songwriter who holds both American and Icelandic citizenship. He came to prominence as the co-founder, lead vocalist, pianist, and primary songwriter for the alternative rock band the Czars. After releasing six studio albums from 1994 to 2006, the band split up and Grant took a break from music before starting a solo career in 2010.

I just felt that I was going to fall apart if I didn't learn to be myself.
Icelanders love to speak English. Their English is a joy to hear because of how colloquial and idiomatic it is, but they appreciate your efforts with Icelandic.
Most of the bad things that have happened to me happened in Denver. — © John Grant
Most of the bad things that have happened to me happened in Denver.
I could probably use some tips from a vocal trainer or something about breathing, but we all know it's not about technical prowess.
The first 20 years had such a profound effect on me, I spent the next 20 dealing with them.
I don't really listen to my old music.
The snappier lyrics come when I'm feeling really good and up. A lot of times, they come after I've just had a meeting with somebody that was uplifting, and you get home, and you're feeling playful or upbeat or whatever, and then they just seem to pop right out.
I spent many years trying to fit in and do things the way I thought I was supposed to - trying to be perceived the way I thought people wanted to see me. I grew up in a very religious household and wasn't taught to feel comfortable or good about my sexuality, so it feels great to be able to say things the way I want to say them.
It took me a long time to find my own voice, even after I started making my own music.
It really was an amazing thing when Midlake brought me down to Texas and created an atmosphere in which I felt really safe and was able to do whatever I wanted artistically.
I think the thing that I find the most difficult to talk about is religion.
It's always been my goal to have backing singers.
I would love to be part of a community.
I think I have a great voice, but it's not special enough to be remembered. But what's special about me is much more than just my voice. — © John Grant
I think I have a great voice, but it's not special enough to be remembered. But what's special about me is much more than just my voice.
Part of what I do, after feeling invisible for a long time, is make an effort not to be invisible any more.
I know I'm likeable, but living with me is different. Yes, I can be charming. That desire to please people and learning what to do to charm their socks off is something many of us do. But you get into a relationship, and the party's over at some point. They see the real you.
In my family, I was loved, but only if I would fight this gay thing and not let it take over me. I would be loved unconditionally if I could be cured of my 'sickness,' but it certainly would not be OK if I couldn't.
I felt like a failure for so long because I wasn't able to access myself in the way I knew I would have if I was going to make music that mattered. I knew I was going to have to learn how to be honest.
I'm not a big punk fan, but I love a good, solid screamer.
My mother was a very sweet soul and a beautiful person, but she had a lot of fear.
My music is definitely very personal. The songs are about moments, snapshots of everyday life, and about having one's say, or at least feeling like one has had one's say.
I can't create music if I'm wearing a mask and not being myself, and that was the problem with The Czars.
I still deal with triggers and neuroses that I've developed over the decades. But I do think I have a great amount of compassion for people who feel that they don't fit in, or people who feel they have trouble finding their place in this world.
I can't allow myself to censor myself.
The most horrifying thing I ever did was work as a steward on an airplane. I wanted to get hired by United. I thought, 'With my languages, this will be amazing; I will work in First Class.' But I could only get a job with an airline going from Newark, New Jersey to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
I love a lot of different styles, but my heart belongs in electronic music.
When I was young, people were so disgusted by me. Before I even knew that I was gay... everybody else had it figured out and, you know, they were letting you know.
That inner narrative - the desire to understand the way I am - never really switches off.
Becoming a musician was all about escape. It was about getting away from the foulness that was me.
If I had a good scream, like Frank Black, I'd be doing punk music, 'cos I love that.
I'm angry because I was so scared for so many years about just being myself.
Being in school, whenever I laughed or smiled, I would turn to find someone staring at me with this terrible hatred and disgust. I had to control everything - control my voice, control my facial expressions, control my hair and my clothes, and where I walked and where I sat - at every moment. I think that drove me to terrible anxiety.
I'm not saying that I don't have skills. I'm saying I don't feel like I can use my skills to achieve self-esteem. I feel like it's cheating. I think that I should have self-esteem simply because I am a human being who deserves love and deserves everything just as much or just as little as everyone else.
I just feel like this guy who's visiting the music business over the weekend. Every time I write a song, I feel like it's never going to happen again.
I do feel I have a hard time dealing with things being OK.
I really do feel like music is the only thing that I can do.
I spend a lot of my time just looking at words and grammar and writing things down that I don't know.
I could have easily said that I don't believe in anything when I came out of the upbringing that I had, but I do still believe that there is something there, and I have a difficult time figuring it out. I suppose I don't want to be thought of as stupid or unintelligent because I believe that there's something out there bigger than us in the world.
I don't let the computer into my bedroom. It would get in the way of life, sleep. And I really can't let that happen. — © John Grant
I don't let the computer into my bedroom. It would get in the way of life, sleep. And I really can't let that happen.
I'm a seriously flawed individual, but I guess everybody is.
The rejection I received when I was young for being a homosexual... that's nothing compared to the number you do on yourself when you've been taught that you are not a human like other people.
In order to not have to deal with being gay in the world, you have to control everything. You try and walk in an un-gay way so as not to be found out. You try to control every situation, check the people around you, that you're not in the wrong place, and that can be exhausting. It goes on for decades, and it becomes mental sickness.
I love patchwork quilts. But not in music.
For me, every single thing I do seems to be about the process of letting go because that's what I so desperately need to do with so many things: with fear, with what people think of me, and all these things I've worried about my whole life.
I think the humor, when applied in the right amount, only serves to intensify the other emotions in a given song; it highlights them, makes them stand out.
I realized that a lot of the things I had been telling myself about not being good enough just weren't true, and 'Queen of Denmark' gave me the chance to prove to myself that I could do something real.
I grew up singing in a church choir.
I think The Czars had an identity crisis, as we were five guys pulling in different musical directions.
Me becoming a person, instead of somebody who just hides and is afraid, has happened in tandem with me learning to write music and become a good songwriter. — © John Grant
Me becoming a person, instead of somebody who just hides and is afraid, has happened in tandem with me learning to write music and become a good songwriter.
When I reached my senior year in high school, I fell into a hole that took a couple of decades to get out of.
I love that phrase that parents say to their children when they cry: 'I'll give you something to cry about.'
I was so ashamed of who I was. And I also felt like an outcast in gay society as well because I wasn't good-looking enough; my body wasn't good enough.
When I got into languages, I needed to amass things to make myself more palatable or more acceptable as a human.
I overthink everything.
I don't really experience much embarrassment.
I've kept most of my friends for decades, and I continue to make new friends.
I'm quite gregarious. But when it comes to relationships, I mean, I'm no good at it. I suck at it. And people say I'm way too hard on myself, but I always feel like somebody else is going to say it if I don't. Why not just beat them to the punch so it doesn't hurt so much?
I believe humans have a soul that continues to exist after they die, but I don't know what form that will take.
Reykjavik has a mixture of southern and northern mentality. There's a laid-back, relaxed attitude but also the feeling things are going to get done.
I have trouble with things like Facebook. It presents such a warped vision. I get sick of people's opinions about every little thing and this warped view that everyone is as happy as a pig in garbage.
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