Top 3 Quotes & Sayings by John Parish

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English musician John Parish.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
John Parish

John Parish is an English musician, songwriter, composer and record producer.

Collaborations work when both or however many parties are the right people to be working together for whatever reason - whether it's two musicians or a musician and a filmmaker or a musician and a choreographer, if the combination is right, the possibility exists to make something greater than the individuals could make. But if the combination is wrong than you generally end up with a compromised piece is probably less than the individuals could make.
When you're writing for theater or TV, it's open-ended in scope. You can write 10 separate pieces that are really effective but have no place on a rock record or whatever. — © John Parish
When you're writing for theater or TV, it's open-ended in scope. You can write 10 separate pieces that are really effective but have no place on a rock record or whatever.
I like the way you can stretch things out and leave a huge amount of space that, on a record, would feel like silence. I enjoy the possibilities.
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