Top 2 Quotes & Sayings by John Rousmaniere

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American writer John Rousmaniere.
Last updated on September 10, 2024.
John Rousmaniere

John Rousmaniere is an American writer and author of 30 historical. technical, and instructional books on sailing, yachting history, New York history, business history, and the histories of clubs, businesses, and other organizations. An authority on seamanship and boating safety, he has conducted tests of equipment and sailing skills, and led or participated in fact-finding inquiries into boating accidents. He has been presented with several awards for his writing and his contributions to boating safety and seamanship.

...surely these victims of the sea...had rushed willingly down the hills to the water, only to find themselves caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who should judge whether they were there for the wrong reason?
The goal is not to sail the boat, but rather to help the boat sail herself. — © John Rousmaniere
The goal is not to sail the boat, but rather to help the boat sail herself.
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