Top 180 Quotes & Sayings by Jonathan Edwards

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American priest Jonathan Edwards.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards was an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian. Edwards is widely regarded as one of America's most important and original philosophical theologians. Edwards' theological work is broad in scope, but rooted in the pedobaptist Puritan heritage as exemplified in the Westminster and Savoy Confessions of Faith. Recent studies have emphasized how thoroughly Edwards grounded his life's work on conceptions of beauty, harmony, and ethical fittingness, and how central The Enlightenment was to his mindset. Edwards played a critical role in shaping the First Great Awakening, and oversaw some of the first revivals in 1733–35 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts. His theological work gave rise to a distinct school of theology known as New England theology.

The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music.
I assert that nothing ever comes to pass without a cause.
The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh. — © Jonathan Edwards
The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.
True liberty consists only in the power of doing what we ought to will, and in not being constrained to do what we ought not to will.
Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.
Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.
Sincere friendship towards God, in all who believe him to be properly an intelligent, willing being, does most apparently, directly, and strongly incline to prayer; and it no less disposes the heart strongly to desire to have our infinitely glorious.
Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.
To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.
The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.
Christ is like a river in another respect. A river is continually flowing, there are fresh supplies of water coming from the fountain-head continually, so that a man may live by it, and be supplied with water all his life. So Christ is an ever-flowing fountain; he is continually supplying his people, and the fountain is not spent. They who live upon Christ, may have fresh supplies from him to all eternity; they may have an increase of blessedness that is new, and new still, and which never will come to an end.
Almost every natural man that hears of hell, flatters himself that he shall escape it.
Nature is God's greatest evangelist. — © Jonathan Edwards
Nature is God's greatest evangelist.
Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs.
Of all the knowledge that we can ever obtain, the knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourselves, are the most important.
How can you expect to dwell with God forever, if you so neglect and forsake him here?
They who truly come to God for mercy, come as beggars, and not as creditors: they come for mere mercy, for sovereign grace, and not for anything that is due
Remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building, and is the most difficultly rooted out, and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts, and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility.
In all your course, walk with God and follow Christ as a little, poor, helpless child, taking hold of Christ's hand, keeping your eye on the mark of the wounds on his hands and side, whence came the blood that cleanses you from sin and hiding your nakedness under the skirt of the white shining robe of his righteousness.
Resolved, to ask myself at the end of every day, week, month and year, wherein I could possibly in any respect have done better.
A truly Christian love, either to God or men, is a humble broken-hearted love. The desires of the saints, however earnest, are humble desires. Their hope is a humble hope; and their joy, even when it is unspeakable and full of glory, is a humble broken-hearted joy, and leaves the Christian more poor in spirit, and more like a little child, and more disposed to a universal lowliness of behaviour.
Spiritual delight in God arises chiefly from his beauty and perfection, not from the blessings he gives us.
I go out to preach with two propositions in mind. First, every person ought to give his life to Christ. Second, whether or not anyone else gives him his life, I will give him mine.
A true love for God must begin with a delight in His holiness, and not with a delight in any other attribute; for no other attribute is truly lovely without this.
The seeking of the kingdom of God is the chief business of the Christian life
The door of God’s mercy is thrown wide open, and Christ stands in the door and says to sinners ‘Come.’
Trust in God and ye need not fear.
He who has Christ has all he needs and needs no more.
The foundation of the Christian's peace is everlasting; it is what no time, no change can destroy. It will remain when the body dies; it will remain when the mountains depart and the hills shall be removed, and when the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll. The fountain of His comfort shall never be diminished, and the stream shall never be dried. His comfort and joy is a living spring in the soul, a well of water springing up to everlasting life.
A truly humble man is sensible of his natural distance from God; of his dependence on Him; of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom; and that it is by God's power that he is upheld and provided for, and that he needs God's wisdom to lead and guide him, and His might to enable him to do what he ought to do for Him.
God is the highest good of the reasonable creature. The enjoyment of him is our proper; and is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Better than fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of any, or all earthly friends. These are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops, but God is the ocean.
Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls.
You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.
Christ gives peace to the most sinful and miserable that come to Him. He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds.
Christ is the true light of the world; it is through him alone that true wisdom is imparted to the mind.
He, whose heart is fixed, trusting in Christ, need not be afraid.
Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church.
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility. — © Jonathan Edwards
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility.
A man who knows that he lives in sin against God will not be inclined to come daily into the presence of God.
The smallest sin is an act of Cosmic Treason against a Holy God.
God’s purpose for my life was that I have a passion for God’s glory and that I have a passion for my joy in that glory, and that these two are one passion.
Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.
We must view humility as one of the most essential things that characterizes true Christianity.
If there be ground for you to trust in your own righteousness, then, all that Christ did to purchase salvation, and all that God did to prepare the way for it is in vain.
He who does not know Him, knows nothing else as it truly is.
It is not by telling people about ourselves that we demonstrate our Christianity. Words are cheap. It is by costly, self-denying Christian practice that we show the reality of our faith.
When God is about to do a mighty new thing He always sets His people praying.
The enjoyment of God is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. — © Jonathan Edwards
The enjoyment of God is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied.
There are people who love those who agree with them and admire them, but have no time for those who oppose and dislike them. A Christian’s love must be universal!
We are dependent on God's power through every step of our redemption.
Resolved, never henceforward, till I die, to act as if I were any way my own, but entirely and altogether God's.
True salvation always produces an abiding change of nature in a true convert. Therefore, whenever holiness of life does not accompany a confession of conversion, it must be understood that this individual is not a Christian.
You have reason to wonder that you are not already in hell.
Envy is a spirit of dissatisfaction or opposition to the prosperity or happiness of other people.
It is God’s will through His wonderful grace, that the prayers of His saints should be one of the great principal means of carrying on the designs of Christ’s kingdom in the world. When God has something very great to accomplish for His church, it is His will that there should precede it the extraordinary prayers of His people; as is manifest by Ezekiel 36:37. and it is revealed that, when God is about to accomplish great things for His church, He will begin by remarkably pouring out the spirit of grace and supplication (see Zechariah 12:10).
True boldness for Christ transcends all, it is indifference to the displeasure of either friends or foes. Boldness enables Christians to forsake all rather than Christ, and to prefer to offend all rather than to offend Him.
A true and faithful Christian does not make holy living an accidental thing. It is his great concern. As the business of the soldier is to fight, so the business of the Christian is to be like Christ.
He that lives a prayerless life, lives without God in the world.
If you long to be more like Christ, then act like Him, and walk as He walked.
If I murmur in the least at affliction, if I am in any way uncharitable, if I revenge my own case, if I do anything purely to please myself or omit anything because it is a great denial, if I trust myself, if I take any praise for any good which Christ does by me, or if I am in any way proud, I shall act as my own and not God’s.
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