Top 348 Quotes & Sayings by Joseph B. Wirthlin - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businessman Joseph B. Wirthlin.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I loved my mission in Switzerland and Germany. As I left on the train from Basel, Switzerland, tears flowed down my cheeks because I knew then that my full-time service in the Church had ended.
Building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence.
Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years. — © Joseph B. Wirthlin
Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years.
Financial problems cause distress and loss of self-respect.
The Savior encouraged brotherhood. He was not a long-distance leader. He walked and worked with those whom he led. He was not afraid of close friendships. He spent many hours with his disciples, and his relationships with them were intimate.
We don't have to be perfect today. We don't have to be better than someone else. All we have to do is to be the very best we can.
There are many reasons our prayers may lack power. Sometimes they become routine. Our prayers become hollow when we say similar words in similar ways over and over so often that the words become more of a recitation than a communication.
In the lonely hours, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about eternal things. I have contemplated the comforting doctrines of eternal life.
The next time you're tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead.
In my early teens, I was a janitor. In high school, I got up early to deliver to accounts that required early service.
All too often, lotteries only add to the problem of the financially disadvantaged by taking money from them and giving nothing of value in return.
There is no substitute for kindness in the home. This lesson I learned from my father. He always listened to my mother's advice. As a result, he was a better, wiser, and kinder man.
Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't, for he sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming. — © Joseph B. Wirthlin
Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't, for he sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming.
What people think and believe and plan are all very important, but what they do is the thing that counts most.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our partner, helper and advocate.
Everyone has wondered if his or her life will ultimately be a happy one.
Occasionally, family members treat each other with less courtesy and kindness than they do acquaintances or even strangers.
Not even death can take us from the eternal blessings promised by a loving Heavenly Father.
Some pass their days as though suffering a deep sadness they cannot name. Others are unhappy because life didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
Self-control is one mark of a mature person; it applies to control of language, physical treatment of others, and the appetites of the body.
William McKinley Oswald was my high school football coach. He was a great coach and had a profound influence on my life. But I think he could have learned his method of motivating players from an army drill sergeant.
We can easily get our lives out of balance.
Priesthood lessons are regularly devoted to topics of family leadership, and quorum leaders everywhere are feeling more and more their responsibility to teach and train their quorum members to be better husbands and fathers.
At the final day, the Savior will not ask about the nature of our callings. He will not inquire about our material possessions or fame. He will ask if we ministered to the sick, gave food and drink to the hungry, visited those in prison, or gave succor to the weak.
Yes, education is the catalyst that will hone and sharpen our talents, skills, and abilities and cause them to blossom.
It is not hard for me to remember when I was in college. I loved many things about college life: I loved learning. I loved the comradery. And I loved football.
When we make purchases on credit, they give us only an illusion of prosperity.
We have no middle ground, no foggy gray area where we can sin a little without suffering spiritual decline. That is why we must repent and come to Christ daily on submissive knees so that we can prevent our bonfires of testimony from being snuffed out by sin.
Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has established His Church once again among men.
Nets are generally defined as devices for capturing something. In a more narrow but more important sense, we might define a net as anything that entices or prevents us from following the call of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women I have known.
The more sin is rationalized, the greater the possibility of destruction by Satan's wolves.
Anything that does not draw us closer to God takes us away from Him.
The compassion of Christlike friends deeply touches and changes our lives.
How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can't - at least not in the moment.
Some carry the burden of bitterness and resentfulness for many years.
Many run primarily for the exercise, but others run to condition themselves for well-publicized races of various distances.
Mortal experiences give us the opportunity to assess what we are doing with our lives. — © Joseph B. Wirthlin
Mortal experiences give us the opportunity to assess what we are doing with our lives.
Think of how dark that Friday was when Christ was lifted up on the cross... It was a Friday filled with devastating, consuming sorrow that gnawed at the souls of those who loved and honored the Son of God.
The Lord is well aware of our mortality. He knows our weaknesses. He understands the challenges of our everyday lives. He has great empathy for the temptations of earthly appetites and passions.
Every day carries with it a responsibility.
A computer can be a useful and indispensable tool. But if we allow it to devour our time with vain, unproductive, and sometimes destructive pursuits, it becomes an entangling net.
Some of the happiest people I know have none of the things the world insists are necessary for satisfaction and joy.
The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in his own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.
A testimony of the truth of the gospel does not come the same way to all people. Some receive it in a unique, life-changing experience. Others gain a testimony slowly, almost imperceptibly until, one day, they simply know.
Logic itself affirms that a loving Heavenly Father would not abandon His children without providing a way for them to learn of Him.
The Gospels record that nearly everywhere the Savior went, He was surrounded by multitudes of people. Some hoped that He would heal them; others came to hear Him speak. Others came for practical advice. Toward the end of His mortal ministry, some came to mock and ridicule Him and to clamor for His crucifixion.
Life will continue on the other side of the veil. — © Joseph B. Wirthlin
Life will continue on the other side of the veil.
God's commandments are not given to limit or punish us.
The Holy Ghost will warn us of danger, and it will inspire us to help others in need.
The most cherished and sacred moments of our lives are those filled with the spirit of love.
When we reach out to assist the least of Heavenly Father's children, we do it unto Him. That is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the pathway of discipleship. It comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles.
The Resurrection is at the core of our beliefs as Christians. Without it, our faith is meaningless.
The greater the measure of our love, the greater is our joy.
There is no limit to the potential of brethren working together in complete brotherhood and selflessness toward spiritual goals. The power of God working through such channels will bring unimaginable blessings to all concerned.
Remember this: debt is a form of bondage. It is a financial termite.
We will all rise from the grave.
Missionaries labor diligently to teach and baptize those who accept the gospel. In the process, their own testimonies become deeply rooted.
We are commanded to seek out those who are lost. We are to be our brother's keeper.
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