Top 105 Quotes & Sayings by Juliette Binoche

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a French actress Juliette Binoche.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Juliette Binoche

Juliette Binoche is a French actress, artist, and dancer. She has appeared in more than sixty feature films and has been the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Silver Bear, a Cannes Film Festival Award, Volpi Cup and a César Award.

For me, habit is just a synonym for death.
My private life is very private, and I have chosen not to live in America or England, where you are so exposed and can't fight against it.
My only ambition is to be true every moment I am living. — © Juliette Binoche
My only ambition is to be true every moment I am living.
I would say I'm humanly engaged.
I love the unknown. I think because it brings fear, and to embrace fear is the best feeling.
Attraction is beyond our will or ideas sometimes.
Maybe it's because my mother divorced and my grandmother divorced, so maybe I'm frightened deep down. But then I also feel there is no real need. Why do I need to get married? To reassure me? No I don't need reassurance.
Being a famous actress may give you a sense of being important, but believe me, it's just an illusion.
But, you know, when I choose a film I need to believe in it and believe I can do something special with it, and after a while that means not trying to judge or analyze why I should do it. You have to follow this intuition thing, which is a mystery to me.
But I've never felt that being an actress is being in a comfortable place. It's seen from the outside that we're being driven in big cars and having these gorgeous suites and all of that. But come on, it's not about that.
Oh, I'll be forgotten too, don't worry.
You must understand, I don't have to be happy to be happy.
But I think it's a little different in Europe, because 40 is really the best age for a woman. That's when we hit our peak and become this ripe fruit.
When you really put your heart in the work, you don't think of how you look. And I think that's the beauty of it. — © Juliette Binoche
When you really put your heart in the work, you don't think of how you look. And I think that's the beauty of it.
I want to know why I'm alive. I want to understand. It's like exploration; it's like someone being interested in a place and its history, digging into the earth and looking for it, searching - it's a passion.
My ambition is to have beautiful encounters, not to make money.
It's never been my purpose to become an American icon, or more famous or richer.
I was used to theatre classes. I studied with my mother; she was a theatre teacher and directed, too, so it was very family-like. Then I studied with a great teacher in Paris, and she was wonderful; she pushed me, but she was a warm soul.
I like travelling and if I have to come to Hollywood to make a movie I will, but otherwise I'd never move there. It's very much an industry town and that doesn't really interest me.
People think actors have such glamorous lives, but the truth is actors go where nobody wants to go.
I move on stage differently. The more you act, anyway, the more you live, your perception of life becomes more and more accurate.
I think acting is about forgetting yourself in order to give the best of yourself. It's passing through you more than you're creating it. You're not the flower, but the vase which holds the flower.
What I need is to express my passion for life... It's movement I'm interested in, the life in me, the life in humanity.
Acting is like peeling an onion. You have to peel away each layer to reveal another.
If you have everything, then you don't want to go on. It's the lacking that makes you search for something better.
I don't believe in coincidence.
I won't do something just for the sake of working.
I am not a woman staying at home.
I've never thought of my characters as being sad. On the contrary, they are full of life. They didn't choose tragedy. Tragedy chose them.
I am not a great French woman. George Sand, Marguerite Duras and Simone de Beauvoir are great French women.
I'm not obsessed by looks. I think you can become a prisoner of your own image.
I want to make films that are political and social. Films with a message or an idea. Films that dare to ask.
I sometimes feel like I could do another job. Anything. Maybe because as an actress you're playing different characters, everything feels possible.
Choosing to be in the theatre was a way to put my roots down somewhere with other people. It was a way to choose a new family.
Movies are open doors, and at every door, I change character and life... I live for the present always. I accept this risk. I don't deny the past, but it's a page to turn.
When I'm in the movie, I'm entirely in the movie. When I'm on the set, I'm 200 per cent there; when I'm at home, I'm 200 per cent at home.
As an actress, I think there is always a political consciousness there.
For me, acting goes to a special place; it's almost mystical. You have to let go of what you think is good; it's a jump into trust, and trying to reach without wanting too much.
Usually I love preparing. It's really the time I prefer, because it's a time of reflection and of possibility of growth - to let it cook inside. — © Juliette Binoche
Usually I love preparing. It's really the time I prefer, because it's a time of reflection and of possibility of growth - to let it cook inside.
What makes a person sexy is when he's not trying to be sexy.
If you told me tomorrow that I couldn't act anymore, it wouldn't bother me. I have only one wish: to meet the man of my life.
Fighting the ageing process just doesn't work. I think that actresses, ultimately, are responsible for the faces we give to women.
I try to see my films just once. it's like a dream you've been through when it's been intense, and you just have to go through it once more just to make sure you've had it.
Each new film is like a trial. Before I step in front of the camera, I do not know whether I am going to fall or whether I am going to fly - and that is exactly the way I want it to stay.
I live for the present always. I accept this risk. I don't deny the past, but it's a page to turn.
I'm not even aware of my success. Success is such an illusion.
Acting is a tough business, and you need to be in good shape mentally and physically.
I never felt being an actor or making a movie was an easy thing to do.
There was probably something as a child I wanted to express, something unsaid that I needed to share. — © Juliette Binoche
There was probably something as a child I wanted to express, something unsaid that I needed to share.
It's not a struggle to be on a diet. You feel lighter, and your spirit is lighter, too. But I love chocolate, and I allow myself to have chocolate. That doesn't go against a diet for me.
I have stories that I'd like to maybe one day consider directing, but you need a lot of time to write and put it together.
As an actress we don't beat one another. It's whoever's right for the part.
I would have loved to have met Marilyn Monroe and have dinner with her.
Before I thought there was a common denominator between my films - as if all my characters were sisters - but I'm not so sure now.
The thing is that I never felt beautiful. I really never did. I think I can change my looks and be different things, but I've never thought of myself as this face.
What I love most about this crazy life is the adventure of it.
I think I am pretty much melancholic.
You make your own path as an actor. Nobody does it for you, so you have to invent yourself.
Movies are open doors, and at every door, I change character and life.
I think it's the same simple thing for everyone - to be happy, and have love in your life.
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