Top 52 Quotes & Sayings by Kemp Muhl

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer Kemp Muhl.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Kemp Muhl

Charlotte Kemp Muhl, also known as Kemp Muhl, is an American singer, songwriter, writer, model and film director from Atlanta, Georgia. She is best known as one of the faces of Maybelline. Muhl has been in a relationship with Sean Lennon since 2007 and performs with him in the musical duo The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger.

When Sean and I are old, we're just going to compose weird abstract symphonies.
I started off liking uptight music and then discovered Pink Floyd and Hendrix.
My theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters. — © Kemp Muhl
My theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters.
When it comes to touch and feel as a musician, style is infinitely more important than chops.
I grew up with a lot of classical music around.
I think it's now really feminine, jaunty-cool to carry a little clutch like you would a football.
Well, I didn't go to Julliard or anything. I'm basically self-taught. When I was younger, I wrote folk songs on a guitar my father gave me.
Give me PVC, not P.C.
I started writing songs with my best friend Eden Rice when were in our early teens. We performed together at local coffee shops in suburban Atlanta as Kemp and Eden, until fate intervened and we were separated.
I'm not a stickler for appropriateness.
We're so bored of plastic, prime-time predictability.
If you're going to have a rock band, you've got to do it while you're young.
There's room for many definitions of masculinity in the modern era. — © Kemp Muhl
There's room for many definitions of masculinity in the modern era.
I grew up listening to a lot of Simon & Garfunkel and Peter, Paul and Mary. I know that sounds dorky, but I always responded strongly to that kind of lyric-driven folk music.
When I became a model I was traveling a lot.
I think every man should have a pair of boots. They're really sexy. Leather boots, cowboy boots, it depends. I really like the ones from the Seventies with the heels.
We are obsessive NPR listeners.
Because I'm a little ADD, I would like to incorporate even more facets to my career eventually, such as writing and directing films.
I want to be riding with the Four Horsemen!
Sean was a lot shyer lyrically in his solo career. I think because his father was such a great lyricist it was hard to tackle that.
Sean and I are fighting so many cliches, it's funny. But ultimately we just want to play people the songs we wrote while we were in our pajamas, in love.
We're pretty much Luddites when it comes to demos; we don't do anything too elaborate or high-tech.
My father is a retired army colonel, and my family is into hunting.
The idea of old world instruments mixed with sci-fi, futuristic lyrics, playing baroque guitar on a song about a robot boy and a banjo solo on a song about white noise - that's our sense of humor.
Everyone has this idea of Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin: the woman being pretty and prancing around while the guy writes all the songs.
We want to return to an era when we think music was better basically but still infuse it with something modern.
We love creating these fantastical worlds, and that really comes from things like 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'I Am The Walrus.'
When Sean came to meet my parents, the first thing my dad did when he picked him up at the airport was to take him right to a shooting range. My dad was like, 'I want to see how he shoots.'
We think the juxtaposition between banjo solos and songs about the future are really funny.
I come from a Catholic Republican military family in Georgia - the antithesis of Sean's hippie-artist-peacenik background.
It's definitely a hard pill to swallow; the son of John Lennon and a model having a band together is a cliche. But I think that once people get past that I think there's been a really warm reception to our music.
We have entered an age where religious ideologies and nuclear technology coexist. This alone is a terrifying concept, plus the fact that humanity is like Icarus, flirting with how close we can get to the sun of technology before our wax wings melt.
I've definitely evolved into a monster.
I was lonely as a young teenager and my only companion was an acoustic guitar. I would bring it with me on modeling trips. — © Kemp Muhl
I was lonely as a young teenager and my only companion was an acoustic guitar. I would bring it with me on modeling trips.
Some of the greatest guitarists, historically, have had no chops, they've just had great taste. I know a lot of musical school kids who just have no taste.
We love the juxtaposition of something saccharine with something morbid.
Very few empowered couples work together as peers.
I find it funny because people complain about Brooklyn becoming too hip, but would they prefer stock brokers or gunfights or something?
I don't like when things don't match. I love some Eighties fashion, like Grace Jones but primary colours only work in certain situations.
I do think vajazzles need to stop. The whole thing of glitter-ising your cell phone and your purse and your body needs to stop.
I don't think men should think too much about their hair. They shouldn't think. They should just open bottles for women, hammer nails into wall and chop wood.
When I was young I had this blonde haircut that was shaved on one side with a rat tail and tram lines in it, but I don't really regret that. It was really elaborate but I was 12 and it looked cool. It was like what people in Iceland do.
I think every man should have a pair of boots. They're really sexy. Leather boots, cowboy boots, it depends.
I've been waiting for techno to die. I was in Germany once and this guy was telling me that techno was dead, and then he proceeded to play me techno for hours. — © Kemp Muhl
I've been waiting for techno to die. I was in Germany once and this guy was telling me that techno was dead, and then he proceeded to play me techno for hours.
My theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters. Where I come from my friends and family don't even know what they are. The only people that talk about hipsters are hipsters.
Whatever the medium, if you have great taste and not very much skill, you can still make something great.
I don't like it when people ask me what my favourite Beatles song is. I always get that. First of all, I don't like having to pick a favourite thing anyway. You can't pick a favourite Beatles song! What about "Strawberry Fields"? What about "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"? What about "Tomorrow Never Knows"? Come on. That question is small minded to think you could even have a favourite Beatles song.
My guilty pleasure is Simon & Garfunkel. I'm embarrassed about it. They're dorky.
The trend that should definitely die is following trends.
You have to be kind of sensitive to be in rock and roll.
It takes a real man to wear silk! There aren't a lot of manly men in rock and roll because it's all about cross-dressing to a degree. You have to be kind of sensitive to be in rock and roll.
Glitter is cool because that's like glam rock, but rhinestones need to die out.
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