Top 169 Quotes & Sayings by Kevin Durant - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American athlete Kevin Durant.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I was always in the gym. People would look at me crazy because I spent so much time there. But that's what it was about. I'm glad I did it.
I know when somebody is trying to get something out of me for clicks. And sometimes I feel like giving it to them. Sometimes I feel like being real and open to them, but at the same time, I know how much I can give you.
You can't speak openly about everything. — © Kevin Durant
You can't speak openly about everything.
I'm just content with myself, happy with myself.
Music has always been a big part of my life. It's kind of like a refuge for me. I just use it to get away.
With a versatile player, there's no spot on the court you can't pass him the ball. You can do anything.
Experience is the best teacher. I've been through a lot - going to the Olympics, going to the Finals, having a lot of good games and having a lot of bad games. It's a rollercoaster ride and I'm just happy I'm a part of it. If it was easy, then everybody could do it.
I’ve been second my whole life.
I want to be one of the best players in the game.
I don't have to be anybody I'm not.
I probably play games more than I practice.
It's all about knowing the balance, because I like to remain somewhat of a mystery. You need to have that, you know what I mean?
I like to sit on things and digest them and then I'll figure out my next move, but I never said I was right for doing anything.
I'm not trying to have my whole life out there in the media. — © Kevin Durant
I'm not trying to have my whole life out there in the media.
I go to sleep at night, like, ’Am I gonna be alone forever?’
I'm not out here to be beefing with nobody.
Set the goal and work all days for it, until you achieve, I want to be a champion, the best!
Grateful for this opportunity with Roc Nation Sports. It’s go time.
I've been more content with just who I am.
I've learned that it's harder to try to put on this goody two-shoes persona when that's not me.
This city, all they want us to be is ourselves. You love us how we are. We’re all a work in progress as men and you still love us and I thank you so much for embracing us.
I'm going to be real as hell and show you who I am, because I want the kids to see who I really am and the basketball players to see who I really am, and that's all that matters to me.
I just want to grow spiritually with the Lord.
I want to have some stuff that I keep for myself, my friends, my family, my loved ones. That's how I view.
I miss Seattle a lot. It was my first city that I lived in on my own. It was a great city to play for. It was unfortunate for the fans what happened, but it’s time to move on. I’m sure they’ve moved on. But in the back of my mind, I still have a thing for Seattle and always am going to remember what they’ve done for me.
I didn’t fall in love with it just because it was me playing. I fell in love with it because I’ve got guys like this – like these guys every single day that push me to be the best that I can be.
My mother taught me to always be strong and always work hard. She's been working hard her whole life for me and my brother. I'm a lot like her in that I work hard for what I want. She taught me that.
I don’t watch a lot of other basketball away from the gym. But I do look at LeBron’s box score. I want to see how many points, rebounds and assists he had, and how he shot from the field. If he had 30 points, nine rebounds and eight assists, I can tell you exactly how he did it, what type of shots he made and who he passed to.
I'm going to show you my faults, I'm going to show you my insecurities, I'm going to be real.
If it's controversy out there, or if it's some false stories out there, I want to clear it up. That's just what I'm all about.
There's a lot of falses - out there and if I take up for myself, it's a bad thing. Sometimes you just got to live with it, but for the most part, I'm like look, I don't want no problems with nobody.
I'm like a chameleon. I adapt to my situation. It's very slowed down here. I like it that way. I'm a guy that's very reserved, quiet and shy myself.
Hopefully before I'm done, I can be on an Olympic team.
I'm not trying to be like what I thought an NBA player is supposed to be growing up.
If I'm educated and passionate about a topic, I'll answer the question. But I also know when to shut the hell up.
I'm going to let you know the real, and I'm going to let you know the real as I can about me.
It's easier for me if I'm just open and transparent to a point.
And last, my mom. I don’t think you know what you did. You had my brother when you were 18 years old. Three years later, I came out. The odds were stacked against us. Single parent with two boys by the time you were 21 years old. Everybody told us we weren’t supposed to be here. We went from apartment to apartment by ourselves. One of the best memories I had was when we moved into our first apartment, no bed, no furniture and we just sat in the living room and just hugged each other. We thought we made it.
How I grew up, everybody was telling me, "You can't do this, you can't get tattoos, you've got to look a certain way." Now, I'm like, "Why?" — © Kevin Durant
How I grew up, everybody was telling me, "You can't do this, you can't get tattoos, you've got to look a certain way." Now, I'm like, "Why?"
Me as a person, I'm not the president of the NBPA (National Basketball Players Association). I don't even know what to say. I'm not like this perfect, buttoned-up, suit-and-tie guy.
Some guys like to talk. What's the problem with that?
My friends are happy for me, and that's all that matters.
I know what to keep to myself. I know what I want to give up.
I like the nucleus that we have. I'm excited. I want to be here as long as possible. It's like family. I love being here.
I'm not out here to be showing you I'm this perfect person.
Beautiful fans of Oklahoma City, I can’t say enough about you guys. All the support you give our team. The home-court advantage we have is the best I’ve ever seen. We disappoint you sometimes, but we try our best every single night to win for you guys. And we want to win a championship for you guys.
For me, as a 14-year-old aspiring to be in the NBA, I wanted to hear from players.
I don't [know] what everybody else's motives are, I don't know what your motives are, but mine is to portray the real life of an NBA player. And it's not all about I just do everything, like I'm the hardest worker, or I love to play basketball every day, I go to the gym at eight and don't leave until five. No, that's not how it is. That's not how I am.
You sacrificed for us - you're the real MVP. — © Kevin Durant
You sacrificed for us - you're the real MVP.
I believe I'm enough, you know what I'm saying?
If I continue to just get to the playoffs every year, I guess you could say I arrived, but right now I'm just trying to find my way.
If I come to work every day and do my job, work as hard as I can, be a great teammate, the rest of that stuff will take care of itself.
Mr. Bennett, for just giving me this opportunity. I thank you for always being there for me when I need you. Every time I see you under the basket for a game, I feel confident. No matter how the game is going, I look at you - I say, if our owner's behind us, we can do it all. I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.
Coaching staff: I know there's days you look at that film and you want to kill me. I'm not playing defense, taking bad shots, getting too many techs. But you always believe that I can be the guy. Through the tough times, you guys never left my side... That's something that I really appreciate and I never want to take you guys for granted. I thank you so much for being part of my life. And not just on the basketball court, but giving me talks about growing as a man first, and a basketball player next.
If I'd gone straight to the NBA, I don't think I would have been ready as a player or a person.
I want the younger kids, the basketball players in high school and college to hear from me and let them know that when you come to the league, this is what happens and this is how I feel as an NBA player. And it's not all peachy keen.
I want to go down as a winner.
Everybody. No matter how they feel about me, everybody on Oklahoma City, on that team, of course I watch them. I support them. I want them to do well.
In this league, experience means a lot.
I feel like I can get a good feel for people.
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