Top 71 Quotes & Sayings by Kevin Feige

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American producer Kevin Feige.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Kevin Feige

Kevin Feige is an American film and television producer who has been the president of Marvel Studios and the primary producer of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise since 2007. The films he has produced have a combined worldwide box office gross of over $26.8 billion, making him the highest grossing producer of all time, with Avengers: Endgame becoming the highest-grossing film on its release.

The best thing about being a film producer is I get to spend 99 per cent of my time behind the scenes.
We try to keep audiences coming back in greater numbers by doing the unexpected and not simply following a pattern or a mold or a formula.
Rejection is a common occurrence. Learning that early and often will help you build up the tolerance and resistance to keep going and keep trying. — © Kevin Feige
Rejection is a common occurrence. Learning that early and often will help you build up the tolerance and resistance to keep going and keep trying.
I've always believed in expanding the definition of what a Marvel Studios movie could be.
In the case of 'Thor,' it was just casting the best people for the part. Ken Branagh had the idea to cast Idris Elba as Heimdall, and we didn't blink at that chance to do it.
'Iron Man' and 'Iron Man 2' are as Jon Favreau films as you can see.
What other people are adapting from the comics medium, I watch with as much interest as I do any other movies. Because I'm a fan, and I want to see what other people are doing in the world.
Chris Evans has embodied Captain America as well as any actor has ever embodied an iconic pop-culture figure like that. I go back to Chris Reeve as Superman as the gold standard, and I think Evans is right there.
All of the Marvel characters have flaws to them; all of them have a deep humanity to them.
I'm always worried about overhype. I love underhype.
A very high bar has been set with Robert Downey in 'Iron Man.' That idea was, find the best actor for the part, regardless of whether they've been in a movie like this before.
We want to see a Joss Whedon 'Batgirl' film be awesome.
I had admired the way the producers of the 'Harry Potter' franchise had found David Yates, who ended up doing their four final movies, and he'd come from television. — © Kevin Feige
I had admired the way the producers of the 'Harry Potter' franchise had found David Yates, who ended up doing their four final movies, and he'd come from television.
We said, as we were developing 'Iron Man 1,' and working on these films, that our characters need to be as interesting out of their costumes as they are inside their costumes, fighting and flying around.
One thing that brings me great, great joy is reading the reviews of 'Civil War' and seeing the much deserved credit that Chris Evans is getting for his performance as Captain America.
It's true that once a year I travel to Comic-Con... but there I can quickly lower the lights; I can show them the clips, introduce a few stars. And the spotlight is quickly off me.
Humor is the secret into the audience's other ranges of emotions.
You can drive yourself crazy and tie yourself in knots trying to anticipate what someone's going to like or not like, and doing test screenings and opinion polls. But pay too much mind to that, and you'll wind up with a big pile of mush.
'Captain America: First Avenger' is very much a Joe Johnston film.
'X-Men 1' - I did a cameo.
'Guardians Of The Galaxy' was, as 'Ant-Man' was, just fun, in terms of expanding this universe. We always say, how can we keep audiences surprise at what an MCU film can be?
Kenneth Branagh has his stamp all over 'Thor.'
From a financial perspective, you have to think about what the film will generate in revenue so you can set a budget against it.
Every time we make a movie, 'Guardians' included, 'Black Panther' included, 'Infinity War' included, we just feel lucky to be making that movie, and that's basically what the focus is on.
I'd argue that the term 'superhero' is much too broadly used.
We always set out to just make a great movie.
I'm not sure that 'Iron Man' is a superhero movie. I think towards the end of the movie, Iron Man pretends to be a superhero - he's entertained by that notion. I think 'X-Men' is a sci-fi movie.
When we bring the filmmaker, we bring somebody to help us elevate the material with those things, to help us do something different with all of those resources at their disposal.
It's one of the reasons why Spider-Man: Homecoming is so exciting. Because it's a new genre for us, a new character, the first time that Spider-Man is in our cinematic universe and you can see what he was meant to be in the comics. He's such a young teenager in comparison to these other heroes. But I think, because we're film fans who go and see everything, it's much more natural that you're inspired by other work. And then of course that influences your work, and the way you make films.
I'm not a scientist. I just read articles that are interesting and that capture my imagination, but I think there's a reason why there's so much faith placed in science.
We have audiences that seem to be embracing whether they've heard of the characters or not.
I think those with knowledge of the comics may expect things that will not be happening in the movies. Those who don't know what has happened in the comics will be shocked at what we do.
The only thing I'll say, and I'm sure everyone says this, is stick with it. I'm not shy about telling people about the fact that my dream was to go to USC film school when I was growing up in New Jersey. I got rejected five times. You just keep going, keep going, keep going.
The more films we make the more we get to deal with those pre-existing relationships. But when it comes to a movie like Ant-Man or Guardians or certainly Doctor Strange, it's just bringing to life stuff that's already been there in the comics and we finally get a chance to do it on the big screen.
You've heard me talk about the quantum realm in Ant-Man which was certainly designed for that movie and for that story to take the notion of somebody who has the ability to shrink to another level we've never seen before, but as we were doing that, and studying it and talking to the science advisors who are always more than willing to spend an afternoon with us and talk about these amazing things - the quantum realm is another dimension.
I think [Doctor Strange] it is - it does tap into a supernatural type of genre that is not horror.
Let's use that to make as interesting and different and unique a story as possible and not just stay with the same thing.' And this movie is certainly the embodiment of that.
Filmmakers are anxious about what other people are working on. — © Kevin Feige
Filmmakers are anxious about what other people are working on.
Most obviously it [Doctor Strange] will introduce a new character who will be in play in the universe, but once you have gotten an audience to buy into a new concept then it's fun to keep, to play-off, or spin-off that concept down the line.
Once that Gauntlet is on, as the poster of Doctor Strange says, "the impossibilities are endless."
I'm not a huge comic book fan, but I'm a closet fan of certain Marvel heroes, two of those being Iron Man, and the other being Guardians of the Galaxy, which I'm looking forward to.
Clickbait is the worst. That's my big moral highground, when I don't click on clickbait.
In the past that you should choose a list of female action superhero movies that haven't worked. I don't believe they haven't worked because they had a female in the lead, I believe they didn't work because they weren't good. They weren't technically well done movies.
The Avengers films, ideally, in the grand plan are always big, giant linchpins. It’s like as it was in publishing, when each of the characters would go on their own adventures and then occasionally team up for a big, 12-issue mega-event. Then they would go back into their own comics, and be changed from whatever that event was. I envision the same thing occurring after this movie, because the Avengers roster is altered by the finale of this film.
I don't think it's a mistake to put every great idea into the first movie, because I've always said there won't be a second movie if you go 'we'll hold back these ideas for another one.
Comedy is a meritocracy. If you are funny, you are there. If you are not, you are out.
I think when comic book fans hear parallel dimensions or multiple dimensions they think of Earth 616 and Earth 617 and Earth 618. That's all possible.
I do think that as I said before the canvas of action sequences and the way in which the sequences unfurl will be very unique and will be different than any movie we've made before, and that's what makes it interesting, what makes it [Doctor Strange] special, and what makes it worth pursuing, and worth bringing to life for the first time.
We do not want to repeat ourselves [in Doctor Strange] or do what's been done before necessarily, and when you have a track record now you can either do that and keep, this seems to work and let's keep doing this - which some people accuse us of no matter what, because I don't think they pay attention, but really what we do is say, 'Okay, we have a studio that trusts us and let's us do what we want for the most part with the creative.
It's kind of weird to meet people that grew up in films who are still in touch with reality. — © Kevin Feige
It's kind of weird to meet people that grew up in films who are still in touch with reality.
People say 'Scott's [Derrickson] movies are kind of scary, is this a horror movie?' Of course, [Doctor Strange] it's not a horror movie. But what Scott has done so well in the best of his films is have one foot completely in the real world and one foot in this whatever supernatural sub-genre he was playing with.
People who know and read comics know that there's a huge diversity amongst the types of stories. Nobody ever goes 'how many more of these movies based on novels are there going to be?!'. People laugh at that question and they go novels, there are all different types of novels. But there are all different types of comic books, they just happen to have drawings on the cover!
There's nothing more disheartening than seeing a movie and going oh, that doesn't work, or it didn't inspire us. Versus seeing a movie that is 'this is so awesome!'. Oftentimes, a really good movie just inspired you to go and make movies!
I love female heroes too and would love to bring many more to the big screen in the future.
I don't know if it was written off in that single line in Thor. It was given another way of looking at it. There are a couple of lines in Thor basically saying that science and magic it gets to a point where what's the difference. And I think we're continuing that.
When you get into individual characters certainly there's been things that have been updated .
Sometimes you can have a great scene but it just doesn't need to be in the movie. If it's not progressing the plot, not progressing the story, not adding to the momentum, or if it's not purposefully serving a breath - it has got to go.
I think it's what we've always tried to do, is just find a unique way in, and find a unique way to be true to what the character is from the comics and what fans are aware of and expecting. And at the same time do it in a way that mainstream audiences and as wide an audience as possible can find their own way into it.
I do think we've looked at this film [Doctor Strange] not with any direct genre comparison but as a play on the supernatural genre. Certainly more so than we've done in the past, which is what makes his journey from person that doesn't wear a cape to person who does wear a cape - cloak, much more unique than we've seen in the past.
I was making Marvel Studios movies, Amy Pascal was running Sony. Occasionally, she would share drafts with certain people at the studio and I would read them, and see cuts of the movies. But what I've learned with is that I'm no help whatsoever giving passive comments on other people's projects.
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