Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Kevin Owens - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Canadian athlete Kevin Owens.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I don't know how well it can go when you get thrown off a 20-foot ladder.
I was a wrestling fan long enough, and once in a while, I would get bored. I'd be on board with a superstar and love what he'd do. Then eventually, I would get bored with him. I don't want people to think that way of me, so I'm doing everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen.
I hope that Ring Of Honor could one day sell out Madison Square Garden when WWE is not in town. — © Kevin Owens
I hope that Ring Of Honor could one day sell out Madison Square Garden when WWE is not in town.
I went from beating John Cena in my first match to winning the Intercontinental title to defending it at WrestleMania.
Being on Raw every Monday is obviously important, but the pay-per-views are the big shows: that's where everything comes to a head, and I want to be a part of those as often as possible.
I will be driving on the road after a show at night, and it will hit me that I am a WWE superstar, and this is what I dreamed about, and I get to live it.
I am not the typical WWE superstar.
All I can say is that Triple H is literally the most dedicated man in sports entertainment. Nobody works as hard as he does.
My son's a big John Cena fan and obviously a big fan of mine who is very proud of everything I'm accomplishing.
Everybody wants to get the MITB contract; that usually means at some point they will become champion. That's a big deal; that's what everybody strives for.
Sami Zayn and I have had a long history. Same goes for Adrian Neville. I might not get the chance to work with them now, but Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan, all those guys, we all spent a lot of time together wrestling all over the place.
I'm not as extreme in real life as I am in the ring or on television.
My wife, she's been with me for 10 years. She saw the ups and the downs, and she saw so many people tell me I would never make it to WWE, but she never doubted it. — © Kevin Owens
My wife, she's been with me for 10 years. She saw the ups and the downs, and she saw so many people tell me I would never make it to WWE, but she never doubted it.
The way I look and the shape I am in, I've had so many people tell me, 'You'll never make it because of the way you look.' But that never stopped me - it may even have motivated me a little.
Chris Jericho was always someone I looked up to. I was a WWE fan growing up, and I remember his debut.
I've always believed in myself, quite frankly, and believed in my abilities.
I went into NXT with no expectations. That's what I was told when I was hired - have no expectations, just do the best I could - and that's always what I've done for the last fifteen years. That's what I did, and you know, it's obviously working out pretty good.
A big reason why I signed with WWE in the first place was because my son wanted to see me wrestle in WWE, and he wanted to see me wrestle John Cena.
I have dreamed of being a champion in WWE, and there's nothing I won't do, no length I won't go to, in order to keep it that way.
I was never a WCW fan growing up, so I was never a Goldberg fan at all - and I've told him that.
I like having titles. I feel like when I walk out and I don't have a title, it's strange. Even in the independent scene before I got to WWE, I was a champion in most of the companies I wrestled for. Being a champion is just what I do.
I don't think I'm a loud mouth.
I just know that I have this Universal championship, and I want to make it worth as much as possible, and that's what I'm focusing on.
Cockroaches can't survive me, and neither can Dean Ambrose.
No matter how much wrestling you have watched in your life, you know how big Wrestlemania and how momentous it is. My sister-in-law and her boyfriend aren't die hard WWE fans, but they are fans of Wrestlemania just because of how huge the event is.
You can't choose who your brother is. You're born, and whoever is in your family is your family. That's your blood. That's the way it is.
The first time I was in the ring, I wasn't good at it, and I honestly thought, 'Maybe this isn't for me.' Then I went back the next day and the next day and the next day... because I loved it more than anything.
A. J. Styles is an incredible performer; very spectacular. — © Kevin Owens
A. J. Styles is an incredible performer; very spectacular.
When I'm on, people watch; people pay attention.
Jim Cornette and I have never really seen eye-to-eye.
My parents could have told me, when I was 12 years old and telling them I wanted to be a wrestler, that it was silly and to be serious and find something more secure and safe, but they didn't. They pushed me as hard as they could.
I have never been a SmackDown guy. I never felt at home at SmackDown.
It's not hard for me to stay humble. I think there is always somebody better than me, so that's what keeps me humble. A lot of people could learn how to stay humble.
I've been a top guy since I walked in - since I beat John Cena in my first match.
I wasn't in NXT for very long, but what I learned there was very valuable once I got onto the main roster - how to communicate to a larger audience, stuff like that.
Whether it's the NXT title or the United States title or the Intercontinental title or the World title, if I have that title, then that's the most important one.
I think if you look at NXT, the one guy who seems like he would belong in a WrestleMania main event is Nakamura because of the aura and the buzz that he gets. He is able to grab the attention of people who don't really know who he is right away with his mannerisms and entrance - by the time he gets to the ring, you are kind of hooked.
I've always enjoyed Twitter. I enjoy it a lot less now that I'm in WWE, I'll be honest. Because the number of idiots that have access to you is exponentially more. I feel like people shouldn't be able to tweet whatever they want without consequences.
I stopped playing video games, I stopped playing other sports, and I just dove head first into wrestling and it's been my passion ever since I discovered it. — © Kevin Owens
I stopped playing video games, I stopped playing other sports, and I just dove head first into wrestling and it's been my passion ever since I discovered it.
When I first started training for wrestling I kind of abandoned everything else.
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