Top 332 Quotes & Sayings by Kristen Stewart - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Kristen Stewart.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid's name and I'm not going to say it for ages. That's just the way I want to do it. It'll come out but it won't have come from me.
There's an idea about who I am that's eternally projected onto me, and then I almost feel like I have to fulfill that role. Even when things come out of my mouth, I want to be sure I'm saying exactly what I mean.
I'm 19, and, being a public figure, I'm supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it's hard and you're never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media.
I went to public school up until junior high. — © Kristen Stewart
I went to public school up until junior high.
Once you have done with school, you realise that it is just a smaller version of life, and really I have felt that I should have been an adult since I was aged about five.
My brother's a grip. My mom's a scriptwriter. My dad's a director. So it's like, at heart, I'm a below-the-line girl.
I just really am trying, trying, all the time. But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control.
I'm about to play an emaciated pregnant vampire, so I've stopped using as much butter as Paula Deen - just until 'Breaking Dawn' is over.
I don't want to be a movie star like Angelina Jolie. Nothing about being a celebrity is desirable. I'm an actor. It's bizarre to me that everybody's so obsessive.
You don't always just have to do an indie movie to feel like you're controlling it with a few people that you really have connected with, creatively. You can do it on a bigger scale.
I don't want to be Angelina Jolie. Not that Angelina Jolie is not the most talented, beautiful, successful, amazing, admirable person who does good things for the world, but I don't want to be a movie star like that.
You should never step outside of your life and look at it like it's this malleable thing you can shape so that people view it a certain way.
I don't think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at nine years old.
I want to make books. I want to take pictures and then write all over the pictures. And then I don't have to say a complete story, because I have the picture, and I have just a word.
But I'm glad I'm not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone. — © Kristen Stewart
But I'm glad I'm not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone.
It's a funny thing: You want so badly for people to see what you do - you're proud of it - and I like the effect that movies have on people. But the attention can also make me uncomfortable.
I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often.
I've actually always been interested in following a character more long term, but the only place to really do that as an actor is on a TV series.
Despite what people think, I was such a rule follower at school.
I grew up in a happy household.
I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph. I'm not embarrassed about it. I'm proud of it. If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, 'What an actress! What a faker!'
I have brothers, and that so-called boyish quality was something that I was deathly self-conscious about when I was younger.
I think I'm a bit less inhibited, and not thinking too much before speaking. It's not about being shameful, I'm just a bit more unabashedly myself because of this thing, and it probably started at age 15. I can be around people and say what I think without fear.
Females want other females to be really strong, so there are a whole lot of scripts that are basically just male parts renamed as a girl.
It took me a long time to realise that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long time. Now, finally, I feel like a woman.
I have a great family by the way, but you need to find people who can pull something out from you that might be otherwise unseen.
I think people are used to seeing actors be wide open and desperately giving of themselves, and while I do that on a movie set as much as I can, it's so unnatural for me to do it on television, in interviews, in anything like that. I also don't find that my process as an actor is really anyone else's business.
My best friend just had a baby, and she's my age. So I'm a godmom now, which is crazy.
It doesn't matter if you're doing a studio movie or you're doing an independent movie. When you get to set and you're doing a scene, it's always going to be the same job. I really don't think about my career, in terms of planning it out and what this does for me.
I mean, I love L.A. - I love living here. But I wish that we could make things without the need to hit a home run every single time. It's a unique thing to Hollywood that if you don't do that every time, then you're considered a failure. But it's like, 'Well, are you making movies to be successful? Or are you making movies to learn something?'
I'm not sure if I'm most happy when I'm comfortable and content or when I'm pushing myself to the limits. There are such different versions of happy, and I really appreciate both.
And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It's a funny little game to play and it's a slippery slope. I always say to myself I'm never going to give anything away because there's never any point or benefit for me.
Everyone always says, 'Kristen got 'Panic Room' because she looks like Jodie Foster.' But it was actually Nicole Kidman who was supposed to play my mother.
For most actors, it's such a struggle to get work. Once they have it, they feel that there's an enormous amount of pressure on them to make it work, and have everyone love them. In my case, it was never like that. It was just about working with the people that I want to work with, and telling the stories that I want to tell, you know?
I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body.
It's not like I sit around watching my movies again and again, but I've never quite believed actors when they say they don't watch themselves.
I know who I am. I have a very strong sense of self.
If you are going to make something forever, you should be yourself.
I think we want to be around people that kind of push us and inspire us and maybe teach us. — © Kristen Stewart
I think we want to be around people that kind of push us and inspire us and maybe teach us.
It almost makes the secrets more important, those few things you actually do choose to keep to yourself.
Hate me for who I am, I don't care. At least I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not.
Just don't hold back. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and stuff.
If you respect yourself and you love yourself, that's the only way anybody else is going to.
Sometimes you have to be selfish to get what you want and move forward in life.
One of the greatest struggles of becoming an adult is figuring out what you want to do and what makes you happy. The courageous thing is to stick with it and see it through and see if you were correct.
I don't pretend to be perfect. I want people to see me as I am.
If you follow your heart, you're never going to regret anything, even if you completely mess up constantly.
I think it's cool to come out of somewhere where you're being pushed into this mold and then you figure out in that who you are.
If you didn't have anxiety, then you wouldn't have passion for anything. The reason we have anxiety is because you care and you're thoughtful.
I stand by every mistake I've ever made, so judge away. — © Kristen Stewart
I stand by every mistake I've ever made, so judge away.
Anybody who's ever been broken up with, or had their heart stepped on or ripped out of them; you question everything you've based your whole life on. It's like, is anything real? Cause nothing 's more real than that, and now it's gone.
I don't expect to seem cool to everyone; nor do I want to be. I think that's the opposite of the definition of cool. So I don't care at all.
I am fearless when I think I'm alone.
You don't need to give reasons for the things you do- you just have to do what you want. And sometimes the thing that seems messed up to everyone else is what's right for you. You have to do it and not be ashamed of it.
Nobody lived my life. Nobody cried my tears. So don't judge me.
Beauty is more than just shining for others. You don’t need to have the perfect face to be beautiful. Being ugly or beautiful is a matter of energy, and true beauty comes from the heart.
It's okay,' you know? It's okay to be you. It's okay to just not be okay. It's okay to not be okay.
Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are
There's no way to be prepared for a conversation with someone you don't know about something that means the world to you.
Appreciate what you've got and follow your heart and you're all good. Don't over-complicate things.
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