Top 239 Quotes & Sayings by Kristin Cashore

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American writer Kristin Cashore.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Kristin Cashore

Kristin Cashore is an American young adult and fantasy writer.

Things don't ever stay the same. Natural beginnings come to natural or unnatural ends.
Everyone was willing to take some small risk to lessen the damage of their ambition and disorder and lawlessness.
I know you don't want this, Katsa. But I can't help myself. The moment you came barreling into my life I was lost. I'm afraid to tell you what I wish for, for fear you'll... oh, I don't know, throw me into the fire. Or more likely, refuse me. Or worst of all, despise me," he said, his voice breaking and his eyes dropping from her face. His face dropping into his hands. "I love you," he said. "You're more dear to my heart than I ever knew anyone could be. And I've made you cry; and there I'll stop.
It's as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus. — © Kristin Cashore
It's as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus.
If I wanted to stun anyone at dinner, I'd hit them in the face.
There are no medicines to bring a dead thing back to life.
I meditate, and when I do, Prince Harry appears in my subconscious and meditates with me. It's a little strange but I don't think there's anything I can do about it. Sometimes he's not the only one; the other day it was me, Prince Harry, the Dalai Lama, Mr. Rogers, Coco the gorilla, and George Clooney. We were all floating above the earth looking down at the continents as they passed. George Clooney suggested I visit Providence, Rhode Island. The Dalai Lama sighed deeply and said he'd like to visit Tibet. Poor Dalai Lama.
Gratitude takes less energy than anger.
I push everyone I love away." He shrugged. "I don't mind you pushing me away if it means you love me, little sister.
Bacon improved things dramatically.
Sneaking was a kind of deceit. So was disguise. Just past midnight, wearing dark trousers and Fox's hood, the queen snuck out of her own rooms and stepped into a world of stories and lies.
You're good at love," she said simply, because it seemed to her that it was true. "I'm not so good at love. I'm like a barbed creature. I push everyone I love away." He shrugged. "I don't mind you pushing me away if it means you love me, little sister.
The more I see and hear, the more I realize how much I don't know.
Mercy was more frightening than murder, because it was harder. — © Kristin Cashore
Mercy was more frightening than murder, because it was harder.
It was a strange monster, for beneath its exterior it was frightened and sickened by its own violence. It chastised itself for its savagery. And sometimes it had no heart for violence and rebelled against it utterly.
When Brocker arrived he took her hands and held them to his face and cried into them.
Tell me what I can do to help you feel better." Well...I always like when you kiss me... "Do you?" You're good at it. "Well, that's lucky. Because I'll always be kissing you.
Part of avoiding thoughts about something was not encouraging opportunities for that something to makes itself felt.
Hidden yourself in a hole and dared to burden no one with your grievous friendship? I will have friends, Katsa. I will have a life, even though I carry this burden.
Lady Katsa, is it?" "Yes, Lord Prince." "I've heard you have one eye green as the Middluns grasses, and the other eye blue as the sky." "Yes, Lord Prince." "I've heard you can kill a man with the nail of your smallest finger." She smiled. "Yes, Lord Prince." "Does it make it easier?" "I don't understand you." "To have beautiful eyes. Does it lighten the burden of your Grace, to know you have beautiful eyes?
There was no helping her tears. For they would leave Po behind… She cried into his shoulder like a child. Ashamed of herself, for it was only a parting, and Bitterblue had not wept like this even over a death. ‘Don’t be ashamed,' Po whispered. ‘Your sadness is dear to me. Don’t be frightened. I won’t die, Katsa. I won’t die, and we’ll meet again.
How unjust then to meet that person you love, and be kept away from them only because ones bed is made of hay , and the other, feathers.
She expected the pain, when it came. But she gasped at its sharpness; it was not like any pain she had felt before. He kissed her and slowed and would have stopped. But she laughed, and said that this one time she would consent to hurt, and bleed, at his touch. He smiled into her neck and kissed her again and she moved with him through the pain. The pain became a warmth that grew. Grew, and stopped her breath. And took her breath and her pain and her mind away from her body, so that there was nothing but her body and his body and the light and fire they made together.
She cried like a person whose heart is broken and wondered how, when two people loved each other, there could be such a broken heart.
A man who fights you as he does is no better than an opportunist and no worse than a thug.
The only way for you to keep your mind straight is to run from those who would confuse you.
Fire sat unbreathing. A life that was an apology for the life of his father: It was a notion she could understand, beyond words and thought. She understood it the way she understood music.
Brigan was saying her name, and he was sending her a feeling. It was courage and strength, and something else too, as if he were standing with her, as if he'd taken her within himself, letting her rest her entire body for a moment on his backbone, her mind in his mind, her heart in the fire of his. The fire of Brigan's heart was astounding. Fire understood, and almost could not believe, that the feeling he was sending her was love.
Go safely. Go safely, she thought to him. what a silly, empty thing it was to say to anyone, anywhere.
Katsa watched the long grass moving around them. The wind pushed it, attacked it, struck it in one place and then another. It rose and fell and rose again. It flowed, like water.
Circumstances don't always align themselves with human intention.
The kingdoms' people were at the mercy of the natures of those who rose to be their rulers. It was a gamble, and the current generation did not make for a winning hand.
A king who’s innocent of the things of which he’s guilty?
Still doing your best to ruin the horses, I see.
Katsa didn't think a person should thank her for not causing pain. Causing joy was worthy of thanks, and causing pain worthy of disgust. Causing neither was neither, it was nothing, and nothing didn't warrant thanks.
It humbles me, but it doesn't humiliate me.
Katsa now sat calmly on the stomach of her vanquished foe. "He was handsome," said said. Po moaned. "Was he beat-to-a-pulp handsome, or perhaps just push-down-a-flight-of-stairs handsome?" "I would not push a seventy six year old man down a flight of stairs," said Katsa indignantly.
Wonderful," Garan grumbled when he'd gone. "We'll grow a reputation for our kindness to lawbreakers.
A consciousness was like a face you saw once and forever recognized. — © Kristin Cashore
A consciousness was like a face you saw once and forever recognized.
She didn't want to go far, just out of the trees so she could see the stars. They always eased her loneliness. She thought of them as beautiful creatures, burning and cold; each solitary, and bleak, and silent like her.
I'm not such a bad fighter myself," Skye said. Po exploded with laughter. "Oh, fight him, Katsa. Please fight him. I can't imagine a more entertaining diversion.
He leaned heavily on the desk now, as if danger had strengthened him before and its lack now made him weak.
I must stop wishing for things to happen. Because something will happen eventually, and when it does, I'll be bound to wish it hadn't.
I don't want to love you if you're only going to die.
There's no shame in crawling when one can't walk.
And the kings were no better to their own people than they were to each others.
Some of the smartest men have a hard time comprehending the obvious.
And of course she understood now why her body wanted to run whenever he appeared. It was a correct instinct, for there was nothing to be got from this but sadness.
Some people had too much power and too much cruelty to live. Some people were too horrible, no matter if you loved them; no matter that you had to make yourself terrible too, in order to stop them. Some things just had to be done. I forgive myself, thought Fire. Today, I forgive myself.
And you may blame me for your feelings, but it isn't fair to blame me for how you've chosen to behave. — © Kristin Cashore
And you may blame me for your feelings, but it isn't fair to blame me for how you've chosen to behave.
Raff, what have you done to yourself? Your hair is positively blue.
Maybe it was for the best that she'd been so foolish, for if she'd known how hard this would be, perhaps she wouldn't have done it.
Perhaps I can stay by the fire and mend your socks and scream if I hear any strange noises.
What a horrifying notion," he said. "A creature with the power to take over one's mind.
You won't even take your bow? Are you planning to throttle a moose with your bare hands, then?
When a monster stopped behaving like a monster, did it stop being a monster? Did it become something else?
Every configuration of people is an entirely new universe unto itself.
Great seas," he said. "What do you want?" He held the candle up to her face. "Po, what do you want?" "She did a far better job than I would've done.
Archer, is there a servant girl in my fortress you haven't taken to bed? I announce you're leaving and within minutes two of them are at each other's throats, and another is crying her eyes out in the scullery. Honestly. You've been here all of nine days." - Roen, "Fire
It's hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.
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