Top 95 Quotes & Sayings by Ksenia Sobchak

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Russian politician Ksenia Sobchak.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak is a Russian-Israeli public figure, TV anchor, journalist, socialite and actress. She is the younger daughter of the first democratically elected mayor of Saint Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, and the Russian senator Lyudmila Narusova. Sobchak became known to the wider public as a host of the reality show Dom-2 on the Russian channel TNT. She was an anchor at independent TV channel "Rain" Dozhd.

I feel like I'm in a horror film. Everywhere I turn, there's a journalist.
I want my government to be transparent.
Russia is the biggest European nation. We are Europeans, we are not Asians. — © Ksenia Sobchak
Russia is the biggest European nation. We are Europeans, we are not Asians.
All Russian people know who I am. So I use this to the good because, you know, it's really hard to shut my mouth off because... I'm too bright, and I'm too many years visible to everyone.
I am who I am. Why should I hide because someone might say, 'How can she really care when she wears Chanel?' Actually, yes, I can care about justice even in Chanel heels.
Putin has all the power under his control, all the security forces, all the billions of dollars he needs. It's mad to pretend otherwise.
Many people voted for Trump just to say, you know, their 'no' to the system.
What I do is good for Russian opposition. What I do is I speak freely on the things and items that were never discussed loudly with Russian public for years.
Well, first of all, I think that Russia has to have free democratic elections, that means everyone who wants to take part in it should be admitted.
My burden is my past as a TV star. But, you know, pasts cannot be a life sentence.
I don't want revolution in my country. The only way to change Russia without blood is evolution.
I'm really a self-made businesswoman.
Because I really believe that Russia needs a fresh face, a new generation, to be seen on the political stage. — © Ksenia Sobchak
Because I really believe that Russia needs a fresh face, a new generation, to be seen on the political stage.
People can't go into the street endlessly. My friends get asked why aren't they going to the next protest? They answer, 'Because we're tired of being thousands. I'm ready to become the 100,000th person at a rally, but I don't want to be the 10,000th. Because it's pointless.'
Any window of opportunity is important. If your hands are tied, you should swim with your legs. If your legs are tied, you should try to hold on to the edge of the boat with your teeth. We have to use every option.
Work hard and go your own path. You'll make enemies, lose friends, but you'll make even better ones on the way.
I think I can really make people go and vote against the system - voting for Ksenia Sobchak.
Well, like in Orwell books, whom I cherish very much as an author, in classical totalitarian regimes, you always have to make people hate someone. And this hatred is all around the Russian politics.
I wanted to become a star, of course. That was very important to me. I wanted to achieve something.
I didn't go into politics because I'm a woman. I have done this because I have been interested in politics my whole life.
I've been famous for years through my entertainment programs, through my show business activities and my business.
Yes, I love good clothes, good shoes, but I earned it.
I have no political weight, and I haven't earned the right to launch some kind of political programme or stand as a candidate.
You can't just chant 'Putin, go away!' because it doesn't make any sense at this point. We need to chant: 'Putin, give back our votes!'
I wish I were a man. It would make my life easier in this sexist society.
I'm like the Russian Tyra Banks.
I mean, I'm a political figure in Russia for more than 10 years... This is how people in Russia know me.
That's the tragedy of our country. Everyone is an inexperienced politician.
There's a view in Russian society that there are 'male professions' and 'female professions.' The women should be looking after the home and children. It makes me sad. But the only thing you can do is fight it.
To present me as the main face of the opposition movement is completely incorrect. I'm not a person who is 'against Putin.' I'm just a person who is standing up for a fair society, for free elections.
I am one of the most famous people in Russia, which is maybe not modest, but it's true.
Russian people are not stupid. They know that the system we are living in is undemocratic.
Ksenia Sobchak as president is like Sergei Shnurov as an artist. It's satire. It's a very high-level art project.
My voters, my core audience, are young people in Russia, so I actually do what I need to have their support.
Any president we choose becomes a czar in Russia. I don't want czars anymore. I don't want to be a czar myself. I want to be a democratic leader.
Why was I going around in rhinestones before, and am now wearing a plaid shirt and glasses? It's not a question of fashion. It's a question of time and yourself. The country changed, I grew up, life changed. It's normal.
I'm the kind of person whom you like or hate, you never stay neutral.
I'm a politician who's against corruption that Putin has done in our country. — © Ksenia Sobchak
I'm a politician who's against corruption that Putin has done in our country.
The only thing which is important to do is to tell about the values I share. It's to say how important liberalization of Russia is.
In the end, believe me, there will be no friendship between Trump and Putin.
I have my mother. I love her very much, but on many issues, we will never find a common language, because she simply doesn't understand many things.
With situations that you have no power over, there is no point in worrying about one thing or another. Why think about things that you can't control?
Vladimir Putin is a person from a different generation.
I see that I can do good, I can help free political prisoners, I can raise questions that are silenced on the national level, I can talk about Navalny and others on national television channels, and show that we have 20-30 million supporters around the country.
My dream was to do political journalism.
I'm very drawn to the story of Carla Bruni. Why is everyone talking about her? Specifically because everyone sees the first lady, but they know she was somewhere, topless, and had some Hollywood lover. There is some contrast in this person. I have these contrasts.
With men it's always like this in Russia - they always want to be the head of everything.
My participation in the presidential elections can truly be a step on the path towards the transformation that our country needs so much. — © Ksenia Sobchak
My participation in the presidential elections can truly be a step on the path towards the transformation that our country needs so much.
My goal is to bring the issues that were never brought up on federal TV, such as LGBT rights, which are a shock for many people because they really think that those people should go to prison, they shouldn't have any rights. And moreover, there is lots of people who share the idea that they should be punished for being LGBT, just for the fact.
It's Russia. It's a patriarchal society. That's a fact you have to get used to. We have sexism. And it's widespread.
Well, Trump is certainly not my hero. I'm sorry to say that, but that's true.
I don't need anyone's approval for going to elections.
I'm a journalist and, before, a next TV star.
Even if we imagine I'm a Kremlin project, then I'm a good Kremlin project because I'm saying out things that have not been said before.
The mission is to demonstrate that Russia is not Putin, that we're ready for cooperation, and that there are a lot of people in Russia who want the U.S.-Russia relations to be improved and that we don't view the United States as our enemy.
Problems in our country haven't been caused by Donald Trump, America and its ambitions or CIA spies. Our problems are rooted in a bad government system, the lack of free elections, independent courts and freedom of speech.
You know, in Russia we say there are three things you can't choose: your parents, your gender and your president.
Let's not make out as though I will be the winner. I won't be. Putin will run and he will win.
I think it is my big advantage that I know Putin personally... that he can trust me, that he can see in me a new generation. I want to be a person who really makes him see how many people are against the system.
I want to show a new vector of policy that will be there when I will become a president. And my vector is friendship with America and friendship with European Union.
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