Top 554 Quotes & Sayings by Lady Gaga - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer Lady Gaga.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Unless I am both capable of and willing to reopen the wound every time I write a song, if I choose to not look inside myself to write music, I'm really not worth being called an artist at all.
I do yoga, I do Bikram and I run, and I eat really healthy.
Well, in order for me to be successful... In order to be a great artist - musician, actor, painter, whatever - you must be able to be private in public at all times.
I think a lot of people love to convolute what everyone else does in order to disempower women. — © Lady Gaga
I think a lot of people love to convolute what everyone else does in order to disempower women.
The dieting wars have got to stop.
I don't know if I'm selfless - I still want to make a great record. I want to make a hit record. I want to tour; that's not completely selfless. But the truth is I'm not interested in people coming to my show for me as much as I am for them coming to my show for themselves. That's always been how I am.
Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.
I was doing these performance art pop music pieces in the city. And they were a bit on the eccentric side I suppose. So people started to call me Gaga after the Queen song 'Radio Gaga.'
If you are not being bullied all I would say - cause I like to talk about the other side of it as well - is you know, be someone that nurtures, and if there's someone in your class that maybe doesn't have a lot of friends, be the person that sits with them in the cafeteria sometimes; be the bigger person.
I love my friends and my past, and it's made me who I am.
I love Dolce & Gabbana. I love Versace. I love the crazy, more eccentric stuff.
I don't think that women need to smell interesting.
I'm working on bringing the instant film camera back as part of the future.
If I decide to make a coat red in the show, it's not just red, I think: is it communist red? Is it cherry cordial? Is it ruby red? Or is it apple red? Or the big red balloon red?
Sometimes I think that there's a fine line between impressionistic and messy. — © Lady Gaga
Sometimes I think that there's a fine line between impressionistic and messy.
I just am committed wholeheartedly to theatre with no intermission.
I don't want to make niche-oriented music.
If you only believe that you're an artist when you have a big advance in your pocket and a single coming out, I would say that's quite soulless. You have to have a sense of your own greatness and your own ability from a very deep place inside you. I am the one with the litmus test in my hands of what people need to hear next.
It is very hard to not be able to engage with people in a real and honest way because they either want something from me, or they see me as something that I simply am not.
I think what made it difficult for people to get, and still makes it difficult for people to get, is the theatrical nature of the work and the fact that, my music doesn't exist without the performance-art element.
I guess you could say I devoted myself so strongly to my music that for awhile I forgot about my family. But I only get one set of parents, and I think I forgot about that for a little while.
I write music every day.
I actually don't want a throne at all, because I don't view myself as a queen; I view myself as one of my fans.
I try to not focus on what people expect from me.
I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one.
History shows us that in times of people feeling like they are in need of some sort of rebellion or protests, the artists rise because the poetry we create about pain and its relationship to culture in the world begins to soothe and heal people who are feeling confused or afraid.
Men weren't always happy for me. It was very challenging to watch a woman be so successful.
I'm an inventor.
Don't say I hate institutionalised religion - rather than saying I hate those things, which I do not, what I'm saying is that perhaps there is a way of opening more doors, rather than closing so many.
I never intended for the Monster Ball to be a religious experience, it just became one.
Some artists are working to buy the mansion or whatever the element of fame must bear, but I spend all my money on my show.
I am so excited to extend myself behind the scenes as a designer and to - as my father puts it - finally have a real job.
I hope that what you take away from my album is not just the music - which I did want to be fun, and I did want it to be about individuality, but please also take away from it that there's no dream that's too big.
When you're around me and really see that all I do is live and breathe for my work, it's not strange, it's just Gaga.
It's hard knowing who to trust with your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you don't always know who to call. So I am very close to my family.
When I heard 'Jesus, Take the Wheel,' I was like, OK. Some people look at it as a song written for an American Idol, Carrie Underwood, who is wonderful. But when you're a songwriter listening to a song, you hear something else. I heard that song, and wow.
Where I come from it was really unheard of to be at a party and someone says, 'What kind of music do you make?', and you say, 'Pop music.' You may as well have 'I'm not cool' stamped on your forehead.
I'm half living my life between reality and fantasy at all times. It's best not to ask questions and just enjoy.
I wanted to be a skinny little ballerina but I was a voluptuous little Italian girl whose dad had meatballs on the table every night. — © Lady Gaga
I wanted to be a skinny little ballerina but I was a voluptuous little Italian girl whose dad had meatballs on the table every night.
You think I'm going to ask these sweet 14 year olds to ask their parents to buy a $100 ticket then run around in latex and lip sync? No way.
Fame is ultimately about the cycles of desire and how to do away with them or manage them well.
Gay marriage is going to happen. It must.
I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga, they said I was very theatrical and they said, 'You're Gaga'.
I talk about myself in the third person all the time. I don't live my life in the way someone like you does. I live my life completely serving only my work and my fans.
I think what's important is for us to decipher what is honest and what is dishonest and be accepting of those things and not operating from fear.
I'm definitely a Polaroid camera girl. For me, what I'm really excited about is bringing back the artistry and the nature of Polaroid.
I don't like celebrities; I don't hang out with them; I don't relate to that life.
I love imperfections.
When the whole world has their eyes on you, if you say something that doesn't truly come from your spirit and your soul, or if you wear something that doesn't come from your spirit and your soul, it's an injustice to your position. And so, I'm really myself every single day and I do it because I know my fans would want me to.
Returning to your family and where you came from, and your history... this is what makes you strong. It's not looking out that's going to do that - it's looking in. — © Lady Gaga
Returning to your family and where you came from, and your history... this is what makes you strong. It's not looking out that's going to do that - it's looking in.
I've suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life.
The instrument that I never learned how to play was my fans. You know, they are the part of the story that nobody teaches you. I just want to do the right thing; I want to be a voice with them, among them.
I love being able to be political without any political affiliation.
I believe that if you have revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it.
I'm terrified of therapy because I don't want it to mess with my creativity.
At the end of the day, who I really and truly am is a little girl who loved to play the piano.
Some people want to win races. Other people want to be President of the United States.
I miss people. I miss going anywhere and meeting a random person and saying 'Hi' and having a conversation about life. I love people.
I don't like L.A. It's just not fun. I don't know why, but I just don't get it. You have to drive to get everywhere, and when it rains everybody freaks out.
I hope when I'm dead I'll be considered an icon, though.
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