Top 36 Quotes & Sayings by Lana Turner

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Lana Turner.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Lana Turner

Lana Turner was an American actress and model. Over the course of her nearly 50-year career, she achieved fame as both a movie star and pin-up model, as well as for her highly publicized personal life. In the 1940s, Turner was one of the highest-paid actresses in the United States, and one of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's (MGM) biggest stars, with her films earning more than $50 million for the studio during her 18-year contract with them. She is frequently cited as a popular culture icon of Hollywood glamour and a screen legend of classic Hollywood cinema.

I've always loved a challenge.
That Shaw is the most egotistical thing! He hogged the camera and spent more time with the hairdresser and the makeup man than any actor on the lot!
Cheryl's artistically inclined. She draws and sketches, but I don't know about acting. — © Lana Turner
Cheryl's artistically inclined. She draws and sketches, but I don't know about acting.
I have matured with the realization that I can live without a man!
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
It's said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies - because you never know when you'll have to work with them.
I started off wanting one husband and seven children, but it ended up the other way around.
I'm always nervous when I start a new picture.
I'm so gullible. I'm so damn gullible. And I am so sick of me being gullible.
The most important tool of my trade was a mirror.
When he would give you direction, it was not sitting in a chair saying, 'Hey, babe! Do this and that and the other thing.' Mr. Sirk would ask, 'May I speak with you?' and sit down and say, 'I think this should be done this way. And how do you feel about it? Do you feel it that way?'
Humor has been the balm of my life, but it's been reserved for those close to me, not part of the public Lana.
The truth is, sex doesn't mean that much to me now. — © Lana Turner
The truth is, sex doesn't mean that much to me now.
Artie said it would be nice if we got married. I said it would be nice, too. The next thing I knew, we were on our way to Las Vegas.
Some day... some day, I want to go much deeper into the human mind.
Whenever I do something, it seems so right. And turns out so wrong.
We started by playing girls who only married at the end of the picture. We didn't play wives. That came later. But the most dreadful thing was when a star had to play a mother. That was the beginning of her professional end.
It used to be that when an actress reached thirty, she was considered almost washed up.
Since my life has been wayward and impulsive, always a search for something that is not there, and then disillusionment, I believe I need all the excuses I can make.
A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.
Oh, how I treasure this freedom. I really do It's a glorious, wonderful experience. I am off marriage - for life!
My life has been a series of emergencies.
I would rather lose a good earring than be caught without make-up.
I find men terribly exciting, and any girl who says she doesn't is an anemic old maid, a streetwalker, or a saint.
Let's be honest, the physical attracts me first. Then if you get to know the man's mind and soul and heart, that's icing on the cake.
All men are alike. The approach is different; the result is always the same. — © Lana Turner
All men are alike. The approach is different; the result is always the same.
How does it happen that something that makes so much sense in the moonlight doesn't make any sense at all in the sunlight?
The more famous an actress becomes, the less she's allowed to eat. Unless she wants to play people's mothers. And in bad clothes, yet.
I expected to have one husband and seven babies. Instead I had seven husbands and one living baby.
Where wolves live, the forest is healthy
Well, I'm going up and up and up - and nobody's going to pull me down!
The thing about happiness is that it doesn't help you to grow; only unhappiness does that. So I'm grateful that my bed of roses was made up equally of blossoms and thorns. I've had a privileged, creative, exciting life, and I think that the parts that were less joyous were preparing me, testing me, strengthening me.
My goal was to have one husband and seven children, but it turned out to be the other way around.
If you stay away from parties, you're called a snob. If you go, you're an exhibitionist. If you don't talk, you're dumb. If you do talk, you're quarrelsome. Pardon me while I change my nail polish.
Fame is one thing, notoriety is another.
Trash is something you get rid of - or disease. I'm not something you get rid of. — © Lana Turner
Trash is something you get rid of - or disease. I'm not something you get rid of.
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