Top 103 Quotes & Sayings by Lee Corso

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American entertainer Lee Corso.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Lee Corso

Lee Richard Corso is an American sports broadcaster and football analyst for ESPN and a former coach. He has been a featured analyst on ESPN's College GameDay program since its inception in 1987. Corso served as the head football coach at the University of Louisville from 1969 to 1972, at Indiana University Bloomington from 1973 to 1982, and at Northern Illinois University in 1984, compiling a career college football coaching record of 73–85–6. He was the head coach for the Orlando Renegades of the United States Football League in 1985, tallying a mark of 5–13.

Basically I'm an entertainer and I use football as my vehicle.
I love Pistol Pete and the pistols. Man, I just love to do that. I put on that Pistol Pete head and shoot those guns, that's fun.
Darryl Hill was a fantastic player. — © Lee Corso
Darryl Hill was a fantastic player.
Business is nothing more than relationships. It's the secret.
I absolutely loved working with the players at Navy. There are no better young men to coach than those you find at a service academy. I really enjoyed going to work every day because I loved being around those midshipmen.
I have a soft spot for Iowa.
I never even thought about it, but I think if I had to be known for something it would be that I tried to treat everyone right and nice.
1958 was my first year as a defensive backfield coach at Florida State. I remember one thing about that game: It was so cold. It was freezing.
I found out people want excitement. Fans don't want to see a lot of running. Even if a team wins it's boring. The total concept of the game must be entertainment.
You don't beat football teams like Nebraska with a trick play. They're too well-coached, too well-disciplined.
The one thing that saved me is that in 17 years of coaching I never had an NCAA investigator talk to one of my players. I lost games, but I lost the right way.
I've never had any regrets about anything. I live every day like it's gonna be my last one.
You got to have a gimmick in this got-to-have-a-gimmick world. — © Lee Corso
You got to have a gimmick in this got-to-have-a-gimmick world.
Television was almost a natural for me.
Pass a lot, use some reverses and toss in a gadget play once in a while for the TV audience. None of that detracts from winning.
Bill Murray made the headlines by throwing me down and stomped me on the set with Clemson.
I look at films every day. I study. I coach.
To be a contender in the Big Ten a squad must have a solid player at every position.
When I rest, I can talk. When I don't rest, I can't talk.
The more games you win the warmer it gets in December.
As bad as some of the teams in the NFL seem to be, they all have way more talent than any college.
I've given the idea a lot of thought and I believe it is a sound, logical course of action to hire a woman. The woman I hire won't be on the field blowing a whistle. She'll be in charge of academic counseling for the players and will do some recruiting.
I have nothing against the Razorbacks. In fact, they are one of my favorite teams because they play so hard for Houston Nutt.
I don't have anything against long hair. I've known some crew-cut bums.
You better not kick a field goal if you have a lousy defense.
Teams just don't go into Autzen Stadium and win very often.
Humor is not a sign of weakness. In fact, humor can be your greatest asset in the face of tragedy.
I love college football. I've been involved with college football since 1953. That's a long time as a player, coach and 30 years in television.
The Florida Gator head is long and funny looking. It scrapes my nose. Every time I put that thing on I get scraped and blood comes down my face.
I always stand on the visiting team's sidelines because there aren't as many people.
Remember one thing about ESPN: People can be critical of them sometimes for being a large corporation but nine years ago I had a stroke and I couldn't talk. That's the way I made my living. ESPN could've dumped me very easy, but they didn't. They helped me and presented me an opportunity to get back on the air.
This job is like stealing. I travel first class in a nice plane. I have a driver waiting for me. I go in a room and have room service. I have a meeting. Then I go to the best game of the weekend and talk football - and they pay me.
But even the people who don't like my opinions must admit that I always have a reason behind what I say.
I wouldn't coach football now for nothing, and it's because of social media. That just bothers the heck out of me. People blast ya and you don't put their name down.
The thrill of winning or losing, or getting on the field and coaching on Saturday afternoons, that's all great. But it's the association with the players, and that's lifelong. That is the one thing you miss and you can't substitute for it.
I'm going to pick the team I believe will win, regardless of where we are.
Everybody asks me, 'Lee when did you know it was time to retire?' I said, 'when they quit asking me to coach.' After the Orlando Renegades, not many people were busting down my doors to coach, so why not do something else.
The bigger, stronger, faster and meaner my players are, the better I coach. — © Lee Corso
The bigger, stronger, faster and meaner my players are, the better I coach.
You don't beat football teams. You outrecruit them.
Some athletes aren't small, they're just short.
I was almost as famous at Indiana for my television shows as I was my coaching. That's kind of embarrassing when you think about it.
I don't think guys in TV should stay when it's time to leave.
I'm like an old vaudeville act. They'll have to pull me off the stage with a hook.
I don't appreciate people taking shots and joking at my expense, when I don't do that to anybody else.
There is a rule that says there is no age limit in college football. You could be 45 years old, and if you've never been in college and are good enough to play, you can play.
Tough times were when I didn't have a job and nobody called me.
In life, passion is the secret to success.
There's a certain amount of pleasure in being able to create something and watch it grow. — © Lee Corso
There's a certain amount of pleasure in being able to create something and watch it grow.
I recruit defensive players first. That's where most games are won. Then you've got to get the offensive linemen.
You can't buy the loyalty that ESPN has showed to me.
And I love the Oregon Duck. He's my favorite mascot.
Bo Schembechler will go down in history as the greatest football coach. He knows the game, he works hard. And he's not a crook.
People are doing too much e-mail. The basic thing is eyeball-to-eyeball. Business relationships are made to be personal. The more people get away from it, the more they are going to lose that personal relationship. That's what I learned - to develop personal relationships with people.
People say, 'Burt Reynolds is so good-looking.'... I used to set him up for bait. I'd send him to the student union, and he'd come back with a beautiful girl and an ugly one. But his ugly girls were better than anything I'd get on my own. With his looks and my car, we'd kill 'em in Tallahassee.
I've always said that the games in November are the ones you remember.
Coaching's not a job, it's a privilege.
I had gotten a master's degree in administration supervision with it in mind that I would some day be a professor, then get a doctorate degree and move up and eventually be president of a university.
I represent college football and have been doing it for 26 years. It's a great thrill.
Don't ever underestimate Mike Gundy throwing the ball with his quarterbacks.
If you lose you better at least be entertaining while you do it or people will turn you off.
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