Top 294 Quotes & Sayings by Leonardo DiCaprio - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I touched emotions I've never tapped in my entire life. I've heard people say, 'I hope this movie doesn't glamorise drugs.
Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living.
Me, I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know its not some place you can look for because its not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something and if you find that moment, it lasts forever.
Right now, our mother -- our mother -- all of our mothers, Mother Earth is hurting. And she needs a generation of thoughtful, caring and active kids like all of you to protect her for the future. You can help us win the battle to clean up our air, our water, our land, to protect our forests, our oceans and our wildlife.
I'm shy, but when the time comes to be wild, I'm fun-loving, adventurous, and mysterious. — © Leonardo DiCaprio
I'm shy, but when the time comes to be wild, I'm fun-loving, adventurous, and mysterious.
Dark green is my favorite color. It's the color of nature and the color of money and the color of moss!
People want you to be a crazy, out-of-control teen brat. They want you miserable, just like them. They don't want heroes; what they want is to see you fall.
That's the magic of moviemaking. You clearly identify one scenario with the other, and it's a completely different experience.
You can either be a vain movie star, or you can try to shed some light on different aspects of the human condition.
Will this coffee get me an Oscar?
Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species.
[Success] always starts with the material; it always starts with the truth and honesty of the characters that you read in the screenplay and that's rarely something that can be remedied if it's simply not there by the time you shoot the film. Thank God we had that.
I didn't worry about what DeNiro thought... I went in, looked him in the eye, and got the part. I was confident, even though I'd never done anything like it before. Now I realise it was ignorant confidence-I had no idea.
Fame is not the worst thing. I went to dinner the other night, and the girls in the restaurant ignored me. It was so annoying.
Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity... We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet.
I became an actor at a very young age, but I also had a deep respect for nature and I think I was sort of a little biologist when I was younger. I watched documentaries on rainforest pollution and the loss of species and habitats for animals around the world. It affected me in a very hardcore, emotional way when I was younger. So, later in life I wanted to continue that path more and investigate and learn more about ecological issues.
When you grow up in the [film] industry, the director is your father. You follow your father's lead, but you make your own way. — © Leonardo DiCaprio
When you grow up in the [film] industry, the director is your father. You follow your father's lead, but you make your own way.
A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
I'm a big history buff so to walk the streets...the ancient world like that was pretty astounding.
It's a tough thing-you get in a situation where you feel you have to be perfect all the time and it sucks.
Most of the time I do feel like I need someone else when I'm alone. But I can still get by with just my own company and that makes me a stronger person.
Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me. I don't know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I'm a weirdo.
You have to enjoy life in the process. It may sound corny, but it's true. At the end of the day, we can't always achieve everything that we dream of but you do have to enjoy life in the process.
It's a hard concept for me to wrap my head around to completely sacrifice any sort of love in your life, to never experience that on a personal level.
Subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason.
Love at first sight? I absolutely believe in it! You've got to keep the faith. Who doesn't like the idea that you could see someone tomorrow and she could be the love of your life? It's very romantic.
I will fly around the world doing good for the environment.
I've just got to maintain my passion for what I do.
Obviously people don't want other people to tell them how to think or what to believe, or to tell them what's right politically and what's wrong.
I think it's much more interesting when people say, "I love being famous. I love the attention and getting laid and having people I respect admire me," than when they pretend it hasn't had an effect on them.
I'm never really conscious of saying, "I'm going to take on a specific role to combat a certain image in the public eye." I think that's pretty manipulative and transparent to the public anyway.
I cheated a lot, because I just couldn't sit and do homework. I usually sat next to someone extremely smart.
I don't have emotions about a lot of things. I rarely get angry, I rarely cry. I guess I do get excited a lot, but I don't get sad and enormously happy. I think a lot of people who talk about all that crap are lying. Right now I'm just trying to maintain happiness — that's all I really care about. Anyway, when you're my age and your hormones are kicking in, there's not much besides sex that's on your mind.
It’s easy to be an expert if you’re the only one in the world with an interest.
The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it. As for myself, I'm not really sure who I am. I change every day.
Obviously, we suppress things, emotions, things during the day - thoughts that we obviously haven't thought through enough, and in that state of sleep when our subconscious, or mind just sort of randomly fires off different surreal story structures, and when we wake up we should pay attention to these things.
The things that you did with parents, whether it was spending every Sunday morning with your dad and eating French toast and watching Popeye, or decorating the Christmas tree with our mother - these are memories that help you be happy.
I'm not a big dreamer. I never have been. I remember fragments of my dream, and I try to take a traditional sort of approach to researching this project and doing preparation for it.
As we progress into the twenty-first century, anyone who considers themselves a realist will have to make the environment a top priority.
What I really wanted was to travel and see all the different animals that were on the verge of extinction. — © Leonardo DiCaprio
What I really wanted was to travel and see all the different animals that were on the verge of extinction.
You see, I think negative emotions are always trumped by positive emotions.
If you're gonna let the character be the story, you better set a tone that allows the actors to do the best work they can do.
I'm open to doing any kind of role and any kind of genre as long as it's interesting and as long as I feel it could be a great character to play. I never take into my own personal opinions or my own public image into account when I chose movie roles.
I spent a long time in art school so I can really draw. I'll doodle and suddenly I'll find the beginning of the movie in one picture. Usually, I start my stuff on the telephone. Right by the telephone I've got a book of doodles. When I'm on the phone, I'll be doing a drawing eventually.
I think the environmental movement is the biggest people's movement in the world. Unfortunately, our governments and corporations haven't responded accordingly to protect our planet's natural resources.
Doing what we do [filming], you have to be your own critic and judge and adjudicate as to what you do and how it turned out.
I'm still exploring in a lot of ways. I don't know myself completely.
I have never been a fashionista or someone who puts a lot of thought into what I wear, and I dress to be as comfortable as I possibly can.
We only get one planet.
As an actor, you're constantly searching for that great character. Also, being a history buff and learning about people in our past and amazing things that they've done, I came across a book about Howard Hughes and he was set up as basically, the most multi-dimensional character I could ever come across. Often, people have tried to define him in biographies, but no one seems to be able to categorize him.
What I do is whatever it takes, it takes. Sometimes you see a scene right away and a take looks great so you might print that and you might print a couple more and take elements of all three. It just depends. You're looking for the highlights. You're looking for the best elements of the scene, but preferably you'd like to have one good take that would go all the way through.
I'm not really the quiet type, although some people think I am. But I'm the rebel type in the sense that I don't think I'm like everyone else. I try to be an individual.
When I can't immediately define the character, and there's an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that's when I say yes. — © Leonardo DiCaprio
When I can't immediately define the character, and there's an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that's when I say yes.
I think it's a real danger, as an actor, when you try to make some statement through your career about what the business should be doing or ultimately what your image should be or how you want to be perceived. I look at every project that comes along and say, "Is this something I can sink my teeth into and can do a good job on?" That's really how I choose roles.
It's very hard to impose your beliefs or a specific message about any given movie. I think that audiences always extract what they want from a film even if something isn't overtly political. They may or may not get it, and it's hard to control that.
As far as my own dreams, I'm not a big dreamer, I think obviously we suppress things in life, emotions and thoughts, and we should wake up and look at that.
I always wanted to be an actor and I'd never dreamt that not only would I be able to do this for a living, but also on top of that I'd be able to choose and steer the course of my own career.
I remember when I first started having these interpretations of these images, these clichés of what movie stars are and this and that, and they're egomaniacal pricks and tyrants, but in general, for the most part, they're nice people to tell you the truth.
Most of the time I just keep to myself. I think like what it would be like to be... someone else.
It gets to the point where you're hot, you're hot, and when you're not, you're not. It's so true. I have to slow down soon.
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