Top 97 Quotes & Sayings by Linda Sarsour

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American activist Linda Sarsour.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Linda Sarsour

Linda Sarsour is an American political activist. She was co-chair of the 2017 Women's March, the 2017 Day Without a Woman, and the 2019 Women's March. She is also a former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. She and her Women's March co-chairs were profiled in Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People" in 2017.

There are no perfect leaders.
Being a Muslim American activist, I've been targeted by the right wing in a way that is very dangerous.
What's wrong is wrong, and that's absolutely acceptable, and I understand that people get hurt by things that people say that are hurtful, and we should be able to say that when someone says something that hurts us, that it hurts us.
When I stand up here, and I'm fighting for your rights and the rights of all people in these United States of America, I am a true patriot. — © Linda Sarsour
When I stand up here, and I'm fighting for your rights and the rights of all people in these United States of America, I am a true patriot.
My work has always been rooted in nonviolence, as espoused by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, and I intend to continue to push my country to respect the rights of all its citizens. I will not be silenced.
I'm not going to hide my positions to make anyone else feel comfortable.
Slavery was legal. Japanese interment was legal in this country. Segregation was legal.
I get to say I was alive when the first Palestinian woman went to Congress. I was alive when the first Somali woman, in a hijab, who's black and Muslim - she's literally an immigrant, a refugee, black and Muslim and a woman and progressive.
Dan Donovan was the district attorney at one point who could not indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who choked Eric Garner on video, for the whole country to watch, for the whole world to watch. And he actually, immediately after that, won a seat in Congress. He beat a Democrat to get into Congress.
My family is originally from Palestine, who came here to the United States, you know, from an occupied land to find a better life and find security and safety.
I will not walk away from the people and communities whom I love deeply. I will continue to raise my voice for justice and equality for all, organize communities who want to defend the rights of black people, stand against policies that target and marginalize Muslims, and advocate for health care for all people.
Since when can somebody tell me a time or a case where there has been a Syrian refugee in this country who has committed an act of terror?
There is no country in this world that is immune to violating human rights.
We are rooted in Kingian nonviolence. — © Linda Sarsour
We are rooted in Kingian nonviolence.
I was on the steering committee of the New York City Coalition on Muslim School Holidays.
We will continue to organize. You have seen consistent organizing since the Women's March on Washington in every corner of this country.
Can we be against anti-Semitism and understand that it's at the root of white supremacy? So you can't tell me to combat anti-Semitism if you're not ready to join me and tell me, 'Let's end white nationalism and white supremacy,' which is really the real threat on all Americans.
Look, yes, I'm a Muslim woman and I want to bring my community to the table, but I also want to make sure that I'm not being tokenized.
When you talk about feminism, you're talking about the rights of all women and their families to live in dignity, peace, and security. It's about giving women access to health care and other basic rights.
The progressive Left is sometimes very uncomfortable for staunch pro-Israel supporters, but what's very clear to me is that the progressive Left does not make Jews feel unsafe.
Women need to find the courage to demand what they rightfully deserve. Women should be paid for the same work as their male counterparts, ask for promotions, and stand in their power in their place of employment, whether they are in a boardroom or in the movement.
Jared Kushner is the last person that should be trying to bring peace to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Alleviating suffering of the most marginalized communities must begin with assessing the needs of entire communities and allowing the most marginalized to lead the strategy. My belief is those closest to the pain are closest to the solution.
Intersectional organizing is the new agenda. And if we're gonna lose, we're gonna lose together. If we win, we're gonna win together.
I hope that we when we stand up to those who oppress our communities that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad.
If you woke up this morning and you are breathing, and you are Muslim, then you are political. You have no choice but to be political in a country that has politicized you and politicized your religion.
It just doesn't make any sense for someone to say, 'Is there room for people who support the state of Israel and do not criticize it in the movement?' There can't be in feminism. You either stand up for the rights of all women, including Palestinians, or none. There's just no way around it.
I care about affordable housing. I care about bus routes. I care about small business. I care about schools. These are not Muslim issues. Even protection of civil rights - that's not just a Muslim issue. That is for everyone.
You have to understand when you're organizing with women of color, you can't use words like 'marginalized' and 'second-class citizen' loosely.
I began my work as director of the Arab American Association of New York in the wake of the horrific attacks of 9/11.
I haven't given up on my country. I believe in the potential. I believe in the Constitution.
Reading a teleprompter is not what makes you presidential. It's your actions that you take, and it's democracy.
Minister Farrakhan absolutely says anti-Semitic, misogynistic and homophobic remarks. And we have unequivocally rejected all forms of racism and hate, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
I believe that this is the land of religious freedom and that that applies to Muslims. And if I have to make it apply to Muslims with the work that I do, I'm going to do that.
My Pandora station is Boyz II Men.
I'm the national co-chair for the Women's March on Washington.
We have to, as a progressive movement, organize climate justice and reproductive rights and racial justice. We've got to do this. We can't continue to organize in silos.
We show up to fight racism, anti-black racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, patriarchy, anti-Semitism, because after Donald Trump is out of office, there will still be all those things here.
Rudy Giuliani is a known racist Islamophobe. — © Linda Sarsour
Rudy Giuliani is a known racist Islamophobe.
You can't be a feminist in the United States and stand up for the rights of the American woman and then say that you don't want to stand up for the rights of Palestinian women in Palestine. It's all connected.
Sharia is, for me, a personal basic set of guidelines that Muslims follow. It's about being respectful to elders. It's about praying five times a day. It's about etiquette that I have with members of my family. It's about inheritance, and it's about how we get married. Just the kind of basic things that anyone engages in in life.
BDS has been used as a tactic to raise awareness for Palestinian people, including women and their children.
If you're on the side of the oppressor, or you're defending the oppressor, or you're actually trying to humanize the oppressor, then that's a problem.
We will protect our constitutional right to boycott, divest, and sanctions in this country.
There are plenty of Muslim women who are backbones of the community, but they aren't usually at the forefront. There just aren't a lot of me out there - women in hijabs, doing what I do.
It's not enough just to elect people of color and women of color and progressives. We need to make sure that they have a work plan and that they are - continue to align with the communities that helped get them to where they're at.
As one of the national organizers of the Women's March back in 2017, immediately after the Women's March, over 20,000 women across the country had registered to run for office - the largest numbers we've seen in probably our entire American history for women to run in this way.
I've been working with Jews for over 20 years.
I'm impacted by my women's reproductive rights. — © Linda Sarsour
I'm impacted by my women's reproductive rights.
One of the things that makes me horrified about a Trump administration is the continued use of code words like 'law and order.'
People see whatever the media first reports.
The Palestinian people were governing themselves before the creation of the State of Israel.
I'm going to make mistakes. I'm going to say things I may not understand have hurtful impact on people. I always call people to call me in, to educate me. And to love me enough and to see my contributions in a way that, when I become better, our country becomes better.
I think Bernie Sanders is a realist.
We must stand together united in solidarity against the targeting, demonization, and vilification of any group of people.
Sometimes, it seems like the whole world has already set my life out for me.
We, as Palestinian-Americans... will not change who we are to make anyone comfortable.
You've probably seen that any visible Palestinian-American woman who is at the forefront of any social-justice movement is an immediate target of the right wing and right-wing Zionists. They will go to any extreme to criminalize us and to engage in alternative facts, to sew together a narrative that does not exist.
We are taught to attack the forces of evil and not those doing evil. That is what we are trained in.
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