Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Madison Cawthorn

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Madison Cawthorn.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Madison Cawthorn

David Madison Cawthorn is an American politician who has served as the U.S. representative for North Carolina's 11th congressional district since 2021. A member of the Republican Party, he is the first member of Congress born in the 1990s and the third-youngest in U.S. history. He describes himself as a Christian and a constitutional conservative.

I completely and wholeheartedly denounce any kind of white nationalism, any kind of Nazism.
For too long, for way too long the Republican party has just been the party of 'no' that has always conceded things. They have let God out of our schools, they have let socialism creep into our country.
When I left my mountain home and came to Washington, I promised the veterans in our district that I would be their weapon in Washington. I will never abandon those who sacrificed their life and livelihood in defense of our freedoms.
The American idea my ancestors fought for during the Revolutionary War is as exciting and revolutionary today as it was 250 years ago. — © Madison Cawthorn
The American idea my ancestors fought for during the Revolutionary War is as exciting and revolutionary today as it was 250 years ago.
Too many younger Americans have been misled by the Green New Deal, which is a socialist manifesto more than a climate proposal. The GND's reckless energy policies would punish American workers while allowing China to pollute at will.
We fought a war where the American people went to war to end the scourge of Nazism across this country and I'm very thankful for that because it's evil and its vile.
I don't cherish the idea of having to raise children in this political atmosphere, and so, you know, I definitely want to at some point to get out of congress, come back home, you know, continue to run successful businesses.
I believe I can carry the message of conservatism in a way that doesn't seem so abrasive - that has better packaging, I would say, better messaging.
When my accident happened, I had spent my entire life building my athletic ability, building my mental ability, making sure I could pass any tests I was ever given.
I would like to be the face of the Republican Party when it comes to health care.
If I have a daughter, I want her to grow up in a world where people know to explicitly ask before touching her.
If we want our politics to be different, we need to be different.
I don't want to raise a family in a country run by left-wing socialists.
We can't let extremists on any side hijack or rewrite history because those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it.
I was supposed to die at 18. I had a 1% chance of life.
The Biden Administration's Executive Actions have attracted an influx of migrants seeking to take advantage of irresponsible and poorly thought-out immigration policy.
I feel a lot like Magellan. You know - the great explorer during the Age of Exploration.
The people of western North Carolina are the only people I care about. — © Madison Cawthorn
The people of western North Carolina are the only people I care about.
I'm a proven fighter - overcoming life's toughest challenges.
Tapping into the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and work ethic of people in Western North Carolina through rural broadband will benefit not just NC-11 but our state and nation.
At the end of the day we cannot demonize the police, they are ones who keep us safe in society.
We can decide to kneel to the mob and kneel to the state, cede all of our power over to the federal government, and then, you know, be confined to the ash heap of history. Or we can decide to come together and realize that we all want the same thing, which is a better America.
Religious freedom is a proud founding principle of America and ethnic bigotry flies in the face of American principles of liberty and equality.
The right to work is as intrinsically American as the right to vote.
When I came to Washington, I believed that I had one duty, one purpose. I was elected to serve my district, my people and no one else. Since arriving in Congress, I've learned that not everyone shares this philosophy.
I love the Betsy Ross flag because it has the thirteen stars and a circle, which represents our thirteen colonies, and I think we need to get closer back to our founding values.
I'm not against pulling down our statues of Confederate generals and Confederate leaders.
I come from a military family. I understand the sacrifices they make and the struggles they endure.
Voter fraud is common in America. Those who tell you otherwise are lying.
The thing I found when I was actually reading through the Quran is that Christianity - that is a very easy switch to make to lead a Muslim to Christ.
We need to rise up to the challenge if we want to give our children a better world and want them to be proud of us.
I know something about adversity.
The people of western North Carolina are wise and discerning.
I'm a pretty astute person.
I choose to fight for the future, to seize the high ground and retake the Shining City on a Hill.
Our faith, our freedoms and our values are under assault from coastal elites and leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I will put the Republican establishment on my shoulders and drag them kicking and screaming back to the Constitution.
If I had a son, I want him to be able to grow up in a world where he would not be called a sexual predator for trying to kiss someone.
I was so frustrated after 2016 with the Republican Party. When we had the House, the presidency and the Senate, and we had a pretty fair Supreme Court, I really expected to see all of these things that Republicans have wanted for so long finally come to fruition, but then it all kind of fell flat on its face.
There is nothing that I would dread doing more than having to pick up arms against a fellow American. And the way that we can have recourse against that is if we all passionately demand that we have election security in all 50 states.
White liberals are the most racist people I've ever met in my entire life. They define everything by race. They want people to be able to get into college with lower grades and lower school scores simply because they are African American. That's insane.
The thing that we need to move on from is any time you meet somebody, we always say, 'Oh, this is my friend so-and-so. And, you know, he's a Republican.' You know, we always label each other as a liberal or as a conservative or as a Democrat or as a Republican.
I think that our country would probably be better-served if we had people that were wearing work boots... crafting legislation. — © Madison Cawthorn
I think that our country would probably be better-served if we had people that were wearing work boots... crafting legislation.
I'm pretty physically vulnerable, just being in a wheelchair.
I don't think it makes you weaker to apologize.
I do not believe that we should create an atheist culture - I think it leads to debauchery, and I think it leads to a spiritual poverty within the soul.
We should be thought leaders in America.
I'm a millennial.
Well, I like the environment. I think anybody who owns land or really likes going out hunting, they care about the environment as well.
We need to not be afraid to step up and take a fight to the corruption that's in this world.
I do have very strong conservative values.
I will remove Joe Biden from office, and then, when Kamala Harris inevitably screws up, we will take them down, one at a time.
I say to Americans who love our country - young and old - be a radical for freedom. Be a radical for liberty. Be a radical for our republic. For which I stand. — © Madison Cawthorn
I say to Americans who love our country - young and old - be a radical for freedom. Be a radical for liberty. Be a radical for our republic. For which I stand.
While the radical left wants to dismantle, defund, and destroy, Republicans, under President Trump's leadership, want to rebuild, restore and renew.
I believe all of us love legal immigration. We love how the diversity adds to our country.
I had over $3 million in medical debt as an 18-year-old.
I feel like a lot of frustration from Americans comes from when they don't feel like they're being represented in politics.
Demagogues always have something to hide.
If you are not on the record calling for fair, free and just elections now and in the future, I will come to your district and I will fund a primary opponent against you.
The policies the Left wants to push are both morally and financially bankrupt.
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