Top 429 Quotes & Sayings by Marilyn Manson - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American singer Marilyn Manson.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I'm completely unlike a lot of other performers in the past who have been forgiven or come to terms with the real world because they tell everyone their performance is 'just a show.' And so, people say, 'Oh, it's OK then. We don't care. He's not really a bad person.' It's not just a show for me. It's my life.
When I finish a picture I don't show it to anyone if I feel it's not good enough yet. I've learnt to listen to my partners and my friends. For me it's the biggest success if they like it.
I've never treated anyone in my band like they're not on the same level as me. I'm not that kind of person. — © Marilyn Manson
I've never treated anyone in my band like they're not on the same level as me. I'm not that kind of person.
I often obsess so much about things that I can't get done, that I ruin other things.
Jesus is a half-naked guy, hanging, nailed to a cross, and then people wear that around their neck, and then those are the people that are upset about violence in movies.
When I was stalking my special lady friend on MySpace, people would always say, 'Is this really Marilyn Manson or some kind of psycho?' And I'm like, 'Both.'
Sometimes you feel awkward being what you're best at, you feel like you have to be something new.
As a kid I had buck teeth and braces and acne. I hated what I saw. I'm still not comfortable, but that's why I change and adapt the way I look.
I'm absolutely not looking for someone who agrees with me about everything or someone who wants to please me by believing what I believe.
I don't try to be bad as much as I just am by nature.
To me, Columbine is just as awful as Vietnam, and it's just as awful as anything else.
The word 'Antichrist', to me, is the collective disbelief in god.
On my albums, it's as though the parental advisory is built in. — © Marilyn Manson
On my albums, it's as though the parental advisory is built in.
There's nothing that anyone could say about me that would hurt my feelings.
Everything is acting.
There was definitely a lack of any sort of villain in the Clinton era, which is why, when Columbine happened, it was easy to pick on me. My face was around, and it made good TV.
Actors always want to be musicians, and musicians want to be actors.
I think art is the only thing that's spiritual in the world. And I refuse to forced to believe in other people's interpretations of God. I don't think anybody should be. No one person can own the copyright to what God means.
I refuse to say things behind people's backs.
I've found a woman I can relate to. That's something - and I don't even feel sappy saying it - that, if anyone has that, don't lose it, because it's probably the only thing that you can ever really find any satisfaction from.
I realized that I started writing songs to make people feel how I felt, rather than just making them feel something. That's not the way I should do things.
People expect me to me a 'shock rocker,' but there's nothing you can do anymore to be shocking.
The difference between me as Brian Warner or Marilyn Manson is just words. Same personality, sensibility, sense of humor, behavior. He is me.
I like to make people think differently than they did before I walked in the room.
I did vote Obama. But I've never believed in the authenticity of the two-party system.
Marriage changes everything.
I like zombie movies. I like 'The Walking Dead;' I like the metaphor of it, simply because when we go with the zombie concept - if you're bitten by a zombie, you don't transform into something else like a vampire or a werewolf or whatever. You become something that's not you.
I've started to think that maybe I wouldn't mind passing my demented genius on to some small thing who can set fire and breathe profanity.
I was an extra on 21 Jump Street when I was 19 years old.
I feel like I've dreamed half of my life that hasn't happened yet, so a lot of times I'm going along, and I do stuff, and I know that I've done it. I have deja vus more than I have regular experiences. If half of your day is a deja vu, then you start to wonder, 'What is real and what isn't?'
I haven't looked at marriage in the conventional sense, as far as settling down. I look at it as putting faith in another person, which has always been hard for me to do.
Rumors, stories... I'm used to them. I got my ribs removed, I was on 'The Wonder Years'... You know there's a different story every day.
I don't want to feel like I've matured. That's a stupid word that I never want to use.
Art gives me the freedom I don't have when I make music.
When you want to die, you at least have a goal. You're aiming for something. It's not a good goal, but at least you want something. And you've got anger and fear, but at least you're feeling something.
The hero is never the star of the story.
I don't need to drive. I have no business driving. I would never be able to find my keys.
Comedians have a huge carte blanche and the ability to get away with saying a lot of things. — © Marilyn Manson
Comedians have a huge carte blanche and the ability to get away with saying a lot of things.
The point is that life for me is not going to be the way it is for everyone else. I have a fog machine and movie lights in my bedroom.
I'm thinking about entering a Marilyn Manson costume contest to see if I lose.
The time that people aren't expecting what's going to happen, I find that's the best time to really cause the damage that needs to be done.
I can't go to sleep at night if I didn't accomplish at least something. That's the one thing that keeps me up.
My dad loves what I do and I support my parents financially because they didn't have a job that gave them a pension.
I think everybody's got a presentation. Everybody looks a certain way because they want to convey a certain image. You look a certain way because you want people to listen to you in a certain way.
I'm someone who is open-minded to new experiences because they teach you new things.
My feelings are, if you're gonna lead a rock n' roll lifestyle, don't let it affect your work. I know I can stay up all night and still come in the next day and write a song, and nothing will stop me from doing it. I expect the same from everyone else.
The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at.
The first time I performed musically, I threw up. — © Marilyn Manson
The first time I performed musically, I threw up.
I don't think I have ever tried to create things to encourage people to hurt others, or themselves.
Marilyn Manson is a mockery of American pop culture.
I'm my most creative between 3 and 5 a.m. That's the way I've always been.
I don't say things to be offensive; I say things because they're funny to me. It amuses me.
It's my job to be the Pierrot, the clown, in the theatrical sense.
In music, you feel a connection to the voice and think about the person behind it. In art that's secondary.
If you believe in what you're doing, you're going to make money. When you question it, you won't.
If one more 'journalist' makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans' help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.
I decided to make music again at a time when I couldn't have had more obstacles.
Things have become devalued to the point where people don't realize the repercussions, that they're devaluing themselves. It could end up bringing about chaos, a lawless situation.
I never said to be like me, I say to be like you and make a difference.
Yes, I'm reckless and sometime express no concern for my own well being, and I express a misanthropic view of the world, but to have an opinion, you can't be a nihilist.
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