Top 48 Quotes & Sayings by Mark Burnett

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businessman Mark Burnett.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Mark Burnett

Mark Burnett is a British television producer who is the current Chairman of MGM Worldwide Television Group. He is best known for creating and producing the reality show The Apprentice, along with Survivor, The Voice, and Shark Tank.

You've heard the saying, 'Analysis creates paralysis.' You can't be 100 percent sure of anything.
We celebrate the Bill Gateses of the world. We're not mad at Bill Gates.
Whether it is the cavemen in the caves thousands of years ago, Shakespeare plays, television, movies and books, stories and characters take us on a journey. All I do is tell those stories without scripts and without actors.
Every show on television has a downward trend because there are so many more things to watch. You can only deal with what is the benchmark of a hit series and 'Survivor' clearly remains a hit series.
'Survivor' wouldn't have happened had I not gone out there and helped CBS to sell sponsors to finance the first one. Part of my thinking on 'Survivor' was that it should have rewards that are corporate brands. A Big Mac, one thimble-full of Coca-Cola.
My mantra is: Realize you're going to fail all the time, and accept it. That doesn't mean I'm not frightened of it. — © Mark Burnett
My mantra is: Realize you're going to fail all the time, and accept it. That doesn't mean I'm not frightened of it.
I heard my name associated with the Peter Pan syndrome more than once. But really, what's so wrong with Peter Pan? Peter Pan flies. He is a metaphor for dreams and faith.
I learned in America that Americans are into results. Americans don't care where you came from, what your family did, what school you graduated from. They care about if you can deliver the results. That's what makes America the country it is.
In Europe and Australia, there is something called the Tall Poppy Syndrome: People like to cut the tall poppies. They don't want you to succeed, and they cut you down - especially people from your own social class.
There are screens at the gas station, there are screens at the shopping mall. And they all need content.
I've always liked adventure television. Pre-'Survivor,' I did a series on cable called 'Eco-Challenge,' an adventure race with experts mainly, and here we have 'Expedition Impossible.' I like the outdoors and I like doing something fresh for television you haven't seen before.
If you want to be certain, you should never get married. You should never change jobs. In fact, you might as well just stay home. Because I don't know anybody who is certain. That need to be certain is just procrastination.
So many people wanted an adventure. It was really more about finding the cast that I wanted for 'Expedition Impossible,' so it had good diversity, and people could really say, 'Oh, there's the firefighters, there's the team of cops, there's the grandpa' - so that you can really relate with them.
The world is changing, and the Internet is about to become the next broadcast network.
How many times have you been out for a beer or dinner and people are coming up with business ideas? Everybody wants to think they've got that great business idea.
America is the most giving nation on Earth. One of the best ways to feel better is by doing something for somebody else. — © Mark Burnett
America is the most giving nation on Earth. One of the best ways to feel better is by doing something for somebody else.
I honestly think that in five years time, television will be watched on computer screens anyway and you'll be doing multiple things. You'll be 'IMing' while you're watching a show and checking the news.
I'm the kind of person who if I was playing the role of someone who got shot, I'd probably want to get shot so I knew what it felt like.
My kids - even though it's a family business - they don't even know what day or time 'Survivor' is even on. They just know it's on TiVo.
The best person to get something done is a busy person.
The way I see it, more people are wired with broadband from 9 to 5 during the day than watch TV at night. So therefore isn't the real prime time 9 to 5? Playing games at your desk - that's the new prime time, isn't it?
I needed to be in the bush. There I find solitude and beauty and purity and focus. That's where my heart lies.
In my teens, I joined the Parachute Regiment. I jumped out of lots of airplanes, as much as the Government budget would allow us to. I did two active tours of duty: Northern Ireland, and then the Falklands war.
I found a nanny/child care position in Beverly Hills taking care of a 3-year-old and a 17-year-old. They had a large, wealthy house. I learned that I liked the way rich people lived. I learned that they were not smarter than me.
I'm not at all overextended... I'm very, very hands-on.
I look at decisions like - it's like an Indiana Jones movie. The guy comes to a rope ladder, and he's being chased. There's uncertainty on the other side, but he knows when he gets to the other side, he's going to take his machete and cut the rope ladder behind him. He has no retreat.
I learned firsthand that there would simply be no wars if people engaged in real conversation.
When I see someone in a military uniform I make it a point to approach them, shake their hand and say five words... 'thank you for your service.' 'Stars Earn Stripes' is a high energy, fun, action show, but at its heart it is all about those five words.
Singing shows are fun. Every viewer has their own opinion. We all know whether we think a voice sounds good or not. There's a play-along element. All these shows can be supported.
I very much like Kenya. It's hard to beat the Masai Mara and the idea of ballooning across it. I have a great time at Lewa. There's more rhinos than you'll find anywhere. A great part for the children is you can ride horses with the giraffes and the zebra.
'Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.
In Botswana in the Kalahari Desert there's a tented camp called Jack's Camp, which is like old Africa meets Ralph Lauren. The Oriental rugs, the old leather chairs - you feel like you've just jumped out of a Ralph Lauren ad.
You have to treat every hour of television you're given like a $100 million movie, and with 'A.D.,' we stepped it up even a stage further.
You can't just decide to take the subject matter of The Bible and figure out you can just change what you want. I mean, the audience knows, and if you give them a Biblical story, you better get it right.
Bug eating and backstabbing are the stuff of great entertainment. — © Mark Burnett
Bug eating and backstabbing are the stuff of great entertainment.
There's no reason the story of Christianity wouldn't be more prevalent in film and television considering the audience size who love and believe the stories. This is a broad audience and deserves to be on broadcast TV.
Attitude produces character, and character produces hope.
As the show's executive producer, I envisioned something akin to "Gilligan's Island" meets Lord of the Flies meets Ten Little Indians mets "The Real World." "Survivor" marks a return to a core element of adventure: staying alive.
Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.
One of the greatest freedoms of living in America is being able to ask the question: "If I could do anything I wanted with my life - money being no object - what would I do?" In many parts of the world, people don't have the luxury of asking that question.
I will guarantee you that the day you step outside your comfort zone by making success your goal is the day you discover that adversity, risk, and daring will make life sweeter than you ever imagined.
Facing your fears robs them of their power.
I came here with nothing, with maybe a hundred bucks in my pocket and had to get a job. And these wealthy people who had made their money themselves, I worked for. It did show me what could be achieved in America, what's possible if you have some vision to take big risks.
There's nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then chewing anyway.
He [Peter Pan] is a metaphor for dreams and faith. — © Mark Burnett
He [Peter Pan] is a metaphor for dreams and faith.
An instant family classic that is utterly unique but reminiscent of films like 'E.T.,' 'Sound of Music' and 'Life Is Beautiful.'
You don't need to make shows about sex and drugs and violence to get ratings.
No one's going to watch The Bible on primetime TV.
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