Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Mark Henry

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American athlete Mark Henry.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Mark Henry

Mark Jerrold Henry is an American former powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter, strongman, and professional wrestler currently signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW) as a commentator/analyst, coach, and talent scout. He is best known for his 25-year career in WWE where he was a two-time world champion. He is a two-time Olympian and a gold, silver, and bronze medalist at the Pan American Games in 1995. As a powerlifter, he was WDFPF World Champion (1995) and a two-time U.S. National Champion as well as an all-time raw world record holder in the squat and deadlift. Currently, he still holds the WDFPF world records in the squat, deadlift and total and the USAPL American record in the deadlift since 1995. He is credited for the biggest raw squat and raw powerlifting total ever performed by a drug tested athlete, regardless of weight class, as well as the greatest raw deadlift by an American citizen.

I had a bunch of people who kinda looked out for me. You know, gave me the words of wisdom.
Nobody will ever top Owen Hart. Owen was like a brother to me. I loved him so much because he made me laugh harder than anyone's made me laugh in my life.
At one point in my life, I thought getting old was a bad thing. Then I realized that the prestige, the respect, and the honor that people hold you at for being able to do anything for 20 years is well worth it.
I've had five surgeries that could have ended most people's careers. But because of the fact that I'm resilient and have a lot of pride, I refused to let myself go out except on my terms. An injury is not going to take me out.
I'm more on the bigger side, so people don't think I have speed. I'm not the fastest guy, but I guarantee I'm not the slowest. — © Mark Henry
I'm more on the bigger side, so people don't think I have speed. I'm not the fastest guy, but I guarantee I'm not the slowest.
The more you shine, the more positively people start looking at you.
I remember being in a situation where everybody, as much as they loved seeing Jerry Lawler's gimmick, they loved to hate him. That's one of the things I learned early on, that if you're going to be in a situation where you're taking on a dominant competitor, you have to get to the point where you love to be hated, if that is what is required.
John Cena has granted more wishes than anybody in history. He goes the extra mile.
At one point, I remember throwing Jerry Lawler so hard that he didn't touch either rope. He just went straight through and hit the barricade.
Around 2015, I started to see my skills diminish. It happens to everybody. Father Time is undefeated. He is gonna win every time, and I saw him catching me.
People think our business is this completely fictional world of big guys in tight clothes with no brains. That's not the way it is; this is a psychology-driven business. You have to take people on an emotional ride without using words.
If you have a great woman, you don't need family and friends.
I love fashion. Actually, funny story, I used to give the 'Esquire Big Black Book' to young wrestlers when they would join the WWE, because they needed to know how to dress.
I always try to enjoy the moment.
I grew up learning from guys like Ron Simmons and Owen Hart. They were like mentors to me, so I was able to embrace what they taught me, and I think I did alright. — © Mark Henry
I grew up learning from guys like Ron Simmons and Owen Hart. They were like mentors to me, so I was able to embrace what they taught me, and I think I did alright.
Oh my God, if you're talking terrible theme songs, you have to mention Matt Hardy. I can't understand what they're even saying. There's a point in Matt Hardy's song where it sounds like they say 'I want to meet the cheese.' I'm always like, 'Meet the cheese?' Just goofy stuff.
You can't be a champion and look like a bum. You have to look, and be, the part. It's not just because it's required of your job, but is important to how you hold yourself.
I want people, when they remember me, to think of the Hall of Pain, when I was catching guys, 275 pounds. Picking up Big Show, close to 500 pounds, over my head and driving him through a table.
I want to be known as a great dad more than anything.
I've had matches go 38 minutes. To be able to move for 38 minutes and have somebody's life in your hands is a difficult thing.
I enjoyed my time working with Mae Young; she was one of the coolest, most respected people that I ever met in the industry.
The Attitude Era was something special.
The only thing better than winning a gold medal is going to Heaven.
Oh, man. I think if anybody deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Pain, it's Donald Trump.
My kids are jaded, spoiled, entitled as hell.
I usually eat whatever I want... about 5,000 to 7,000 calories a day.
People say, 'Oh Mark, you're a big softie, and you burst into tears so easily.'
The Undertaker's theme isn't really a single, but in terms of eerie music, you can't beat it.
Learn how to humble yourself, and be able to take advice and not feel like you know everything.
Ribbing is a part of wrestling. That's the way they show a fondness for you - they play practical jokes on you. They put your wrestling gear in plastic bags and throw it in the shower. Just stupid stuff.
Wrestling isn't like ballet; it's not about practicing a routine. You need to focus. You need to concentrate. You need to know your craft.
I'd like to be a tag titleholder, I'd like to be the WWE champion, but more than anything, I want to make guys leaders.
I never in my career did appearances, like where you go and sign autographs, and you do the comic-cons and all of that stuff, because I wanted, when I stopped wrestling, to go and do that stuff and have it really mean something to somebody, that it hadn't been watered down.
I was kind of sheltered. I grew up in Silsbee, Texas, a town of 3,000 people.
I had vied for a championship; I had been involved in being a No. 1 contender, and having runs where I got close but I never got there. Being able to finally get there and be the guy to carry the load and carry it for a while, I felt like I arrived, and it validated my career.
Our fans - they wanna see you, so give the fans what they want.
I love the WWE, I love the company, but I have two kids, and they want me home. They want me to see their recitals and sporting events, and I want to see them grow and evolve.
So many things come with your maturation process. I changed throughout my time with WWE from a kid in his 20s into a man.
It's humbling how my peers view me as not only one of the best Olympic power and weightlifters, but as an athlete.
Originally, nobody knew John Cena rapped. It was just something he did in the car. I told Bruce Prichard, and that's how the whole 'Thugonomics' run began. — © Mark Henry
Originally, nobody knew John Cena rapped. It was just something he did in the car. I told Bruce Prichard, and that's how the whole 'Thugonomics' run began.
If I am in it, I want to win it. I am not here to look pretty.
Kids - young men find it uncool to be a dad, I think. It's very cool to me... I love being at home with my kids.
I'm a firm believer in not leaving people out to dry.
I believe in freedom of speech. I believe people have the right to say whatever they want to say. As long as they're ready to own what they say. Because there's a price to pay when you say something that's against the grain that is not correct.
I was called everything ugly and black in the world. Man, those where some tough times. They called me Fat Albert, Magilla Gorilla, black ape. It all hurt.
Personally, I had no confines: there were no bounds, no boundaries that I felt when I got in the ring.
Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him.
I always see what I did wrong, what I could do better.
To know that you will be in the International Sports Hall of Fame and that people for hundreds of years will know who you are and what you did, it means everything.
I had the pleasure of learning how to wrestle long matches and use psychology. — © Mark Henry
I had the pleasure of learning how to wrestle long matches and use psychology.
Being 19 years old and making the Olympic team on my last lift. I went 6-for-6 and had a perfect Olympic trial. Making the team and being one of the youngest to ever go to the Olympics was pretty special.
Black culture - we dance and sing. We're entertainers. James Brown said it best: the things we are make people want to be like us.
It was an unbelievable experience to be in the ring with Jerry Lawler, one of the biggest wrestlers of all time.
I was a big kid my whole life. I grew up among big people. My brother was a big kid. I didn't really feel like a big kid. Except for the teachers, who pretty much didn't want me to squish any of the other kids.
Eventually, you've got to go from being a talent to being a guy that makes talent.
The true measure of strength is through a squat and deadlift.
Daniel Bryan is one of my favorite wrestlers - as a talent, as an entertainer, the way our fans love and revere him. There's never been a match he and I have been in where it was bad.
Randy Orton is one of the people in the industry I respect the most. Not many people can be as smooth and polished in the ring as Randy is, and still be over with the fans, and he is one of the very best in the industry.
Daniel Bryan is a good athlete, but he's a better entertainer.
Antonio Cesaro is beyond naturally strong. He trains hard, but he's got that strength you don't expect him to have.
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