Top 306 Quotes & Sayings by Mata Amritanandamayi

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Indian leader Mata Amritanandamayi.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Mata Amritanandamayi

Mātā Amritānandamayī Devī, often known simply as Amma ("Mother"), is an Indian Hindu spiritual leader, guru and humanitarian, who is revered as 'the hugging saint' by her followers.

Each and every object in Nature teaches us something. Renunciation and selflessness are the greatest lessons to learn from Nature.
Those that have an attitude of service towards others are the beauty of society.
If you see deficiencies in others, your duty is to forgive instead of pointing at it. — © Mata Amritanandamayi
If you see deficiencies in others, your duty is to forgive instead of pointing at it.
Thankfulness is a humble, open and prayerful attitude that helps you receive more of God's grace.
The beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of this earth. The world should know that a life of dedication is possible, that a life inspired by love and service to humanity is possible.
Be like the honeybee who gathers only nectar wherever it goes. Seek the goodness that is found in everyone.
No one becomes pure and selfless overnight; it involves time and concentrated effort, coupled with tremendous patience and love.
Pure love removes all negative feelings. Destroying all selfishness, it expects nothing but gives anything. Pure love is a constant giving up- giving up of everything that belongs to you. What really belongs to you? Only the ego. Love consumes in its flames all preconceived ideas, prejudices and judgments, all those things which stem from the ego. Pure love is nothing but the emptying of the mind of all its fears and the tearing off of all masks. It exposes the Self as it is.
A musk deer searches for the source of the fragrance of musk, but it won't find it because the fragrance comes from within itself. Bliss is not to be found outside of us; it exists within us.
Most human beings know only the language of exploitation. Due to their selfishness, they are unable to consider others.
Love one another without any expectations. Then, there is no need to go anywhere in search of heaven.
The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God's favorite place.
Instead of "I love you," it would be better to say "I am love-I am the embodiment of Pure Love." Remove the I and you, and you will find that there is only Love. It is as if Love is imprisoned between the I and you. Remove the I and you, for they are unreal; they are self-imposed walls that don't exist. The gulf between I and you is the ego. When the ego is removed the distance disappears and the I and you also disappear. They merge to become one - and that is Love.
Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master.  Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower. — © Mata Amritanandamayi
Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master. Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower.
We should forgive and forget the faults of others. Anger is the enemy of every spiritual aspirant. Anger causes loss of power through every pore of our body. In circumstances when the mind is tempted to get angry, we should control ourselves and resolve firmly, 'No.' We can go to a secluded spot and chant our mantra. The mind will become quiet by itself.
Whether we laugh or cry, the days are going to pass by. So why not choose to laugh?
A person's destiny can be changed through the power of a saint.
There is no short cut to God; sadhana must be performed regularly and with devotion. It is our own effort which will enable us to experience the grace of God which is being showered on us all the time. Therefore, whatever spare time you get, use it to seek God. If you create peace in your own heart by doing sadhana, then that will have a positive effect on your family, your work and so on. The peace and love of God will overflow out of your heart and encourage others to move on the right path.
Many people meditate in order that a third eye may open. For that they feel they should close their two physical eyes. They thereby become blind to the world. But the fact is that the third eye will never open. We can never close our eyes to the world in the name of spirituality. Self-realization is the ability to see ourselves in all beings. This is the third eye through which you see, even while your two eyes are open. We should be able to love and serve others, seeing ourselves in them. This is the fulfillment of spiritual practice.
Don't be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. Light your little candle and step forward.
In this universe it is Love that binds everything together. Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life.
Children, not a grain of the food we eat is made purely by our own effort. What comes to us in the form of food is the work of others, the bounty of Nature and God's compassion. Even if we have millions of dollars, we still need food to satisfy our hunger. Can we eat dollars? Therefore, never eat anything without first praying with humility.
Learn to be thankful to everyone, to the entire creation, even to your enemy and also to those who insult, because they all help you to grow
Many of us may have watched the waves at sea. They rise, then fall, then rise again, then fall again... and this cycle continues endlessly. It is the same with our experience of the world and its objects and relationships. We may find happiness, but this happiness will soon turn to sorrow. The sorrow that we feel will subsequently turn back to happiness but this oscillation continues endlessly. In order to maintain inner balance, we need to find peace within instead of depending on the external world.
Love is the only medicine that can heal the wounds of the world.
Fill your hearts with love and gratitude. Life gives us what we need and not necessarily what we want. It follows its own wisdom, which is often incomprehensible to our gross minds. We should learn to accept situations in life. This attitude of acceptance is the secret to happiness.
Keep a constant awareness and a conscious effort to say good words, perform good actions, and to practice patience and compassion.
We are not isolated islands, we are connected links in a chain. Each kind word, each smiling face, each good action, benefits our neighbor, nation, world. Let us pray and meditate together and we shall reach the shore of peace, spreading the sweet holy fragrance of love and vibrations of unity and harmony. Tuning our minds to the supreme consciousness, let us open our hearts and chant the words, "May everyone everywhere be happy."
Our attitude should be: Whatever happens I will remain strong, courageous and happy.
There are thousands ready to die for their religion, but only are few willing to live by its principles. Because of their narrow vision and envy, they have missed the true essence and message of religion which is love and compassion.
When humanity serves Nature, Nature serves humanity. When we serve animals and plants, they too serve us in return.
The guru is not someone who is confined to the body. When there is selfless love for the guru, we will be able to see him not only in his body but in every living and nonliving thing in this world. Learn to see everything as the guru's body and to serve them accordingly.
Happiness is within everyone, but we are not able to experience it because of our ego's likes and dislikes.
Peace is not a product of an intellectual exercise. It is an inner blossoming that occurs with meditation.
Our efforts to remove hatred and indifference from the world begin by trying to remove them from our own mind.
Up to the age of five, children should be given a lot of love. From the age of five to fifteen they should be brought up under strict discipline especially regarding their study. It is at that time that life's foundation is formed. Love without discipline will only spoil them. Above the age of fifteen children should be given maximum love otherwise they may go astray.
Go out and serve the suffering. Learn to place others in front of yourself.
Real love is the complete absence of any negative feelings towards anyone. — © Mata Amritanandamayi
Real love is the complete absence of any negative feelings towards anyone.
If you are unable to meditate, chant your mantra or sing bhajans.
We must remember that man is not an island, totally isolated and disconnected from others. We are all part of a universal chain, or the universal consciousness. What happens to one happens to all.
Everyone in the world should sleep without fear at least for one night, sleep without fear. Everyone in the world should eat to their fill, at least for one day, eat to their fill. There should be one day when there is no violence, no one is injured, no one is harmed. All people young and old should serve the poor and needy, at least for one day serve selflessly. This is my dream....this is my prayer. Love is the answer, love is the way. Love is the answer, love is the way.
While carrying responsibilities, never forget to smile.
Consoling a miserable soul, wiping the tears of a crying person is greater than any worldly achievement.
Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity-and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature-is the true goal of human life.
Happiness depends on how you accept, understand and surrender to situations.
Make a firm decision: 'Whatever happens, I will be happy. I will be strong. God is always with me.'
Understand this great truth: The happiness that comes from the pleasures of the world is but a minute reflection of the infinite bliss that comes from within your own Self.
Couples should abstain from sexual relations at least 2 or 3 days a week. Gradually try to reach a stage of celibacy most days.
The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.
When we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people. — © Mata Amritanandamayi
When we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.
When someone is full of Love and Compassion, he cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or two religions.
Nowadays everybody wants to become a leader. No one wants to become a servant. In reality, the world is badly in need of servants, not leaders. A real servant is a real leader.
The change will only happen outside once we change within ourselves.
True happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.
When thoughts are reduced, power of the mind and its subtlety increases, tunes with the Universe. Then you can see the realms beyond the common understanding. When the mind is pure and quiet it becomes one with the universal mind. That mind is like a mirror. The secrets of the Universe will be revealed there.
Most people are concerned only with what they can get from the world, but it is what we are able to give to others that determines the quality of our life
Life is like a garden. Quite naturally, leaves wither and flowers fade. Only if we clear the decay of the past then and there can we really enjoy the beauty of the new leaves and flowers. Likewise, we must clear the murkiness of the past bad experiences from our minds. Life is remembrance in forgetfulness. Forgive what ought to be forgiven; forget what ought to be forgotten. Let us embrace life with renewed vigor. We should be able to face every moment of life with renewed expectation, like a freshly blossomed flower.
Crying to God for five minutes is equal to one hour of meditation.
To awaken spiritual unity, and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature, is the true goal of human life.
Today, society is sacrificing love, values and dharma in its pursuit of materialistic gains.
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