Top 124 Quotes & Sayings by Matthew Hussey

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British celebrity Matthew Hussey.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is a British life coach, YouTube personality, and writer. Hussey has also made many television appearances, including being the matchmaker on NBC's Ready for Love. He has been the resident love expert on the Today Show. In 2013 he released his first book, the New York Times bestseller Get The Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve.

People don't want to be put on the spot over whether or not they like you, they want to come to that conclusion themselves. It's ok to let someone know you're interested, but there's no need to go any further than that.
It's instinct: Men love to feel like they take care of you. Knowing you feel protected makes his ego grow two sizes bigger.
Even the toughest of eggs to crack will have soppy, soft moments when they feel in love. Usually they'll want to be more physically affectionate in terms of hugging and kissing, and they'll feel more protective towards you.
A hint of competition goes a long way with guys. — © Matthew Hussey
A hint of competition goes a long way with guys.
Think of your early dates as a chance to leave clues about your expectations with a little technique called pre-framing. Say: 'My friend gets annoyed because her boyfriend never opens the car door for her. It's a shame when guys don't do those little things.'
We live in a world of social media, dating apps, online profiles where everyone is portraying themselves in 2D, trying to look cool. Portray yourself in three dimensions.
Plenty of casual daters will throw you off with maddening phrases like 'I'm just enjoying having fun with you.' This doesn't make them a bad person, but it's your call now how to respond. Just don't assume 'having fun' or any such cliche means they're going to suddenly decide they want a relationship next week.
You invest in someone based on how much they invest in you.
If you are in a toxic relationship, that poisons you everywhere else in your life.
Women leave my seminars with a level of confidence they didn't have before. They can go out, meet people, start conversations and have a good time. They don't have to worry about waiting for someone great to come along as they know they have the tools to make it happen.
Commitment phobes will be scared of making plans for the next weekend, let alone six months from now!
I love when people come up to me and tell me they are in a relationship because of me. But I equally love the breakup stories, the person who says, 'I left someone last week because of you.' I like to think I saved 10 years of their lives.
The guy who wants to spend all his time with you may seem romantic, but he's also the guy who'll try to stop you from doing anything that doesn't involve him. If he presses you to ditch hobbies, passions, and friends, it's time to ditch him.
By getting hurt, you might realize that what you thought you wanted and needed wasn't actually right for you. And that's a lesson only heartbreak and pain can teach you. — © Matthew Hussey
By getting hurt, you might realize that what you thought you wanted and needed wasn't actually right for you. And that's a lesson only heartbreak and pain can teach you.
I really like classic, simple clothes.
You'd never be able to appreciate what's good in life if you've never experienced the bad.
Halloween might be a time that's renowned for ghosts, but we no longer experience ghosts only on Halloween. In our dating lives, we are now used to being 'ghosted' the whole year round.
The right man applauds your potential, he doesn't stifle it.
If you want to meet a better quality man, you're going to have to get used to taking more risks.
Your Friday and Saturday nights are sacred. When a new guy asks for a prime-time date early on, suggest drinks and make him the warm-up.
The truth is men like women who are challenging, and set them standards to live up too. Caveat: This doesn't mean he wants someone to neurotically pick at everything all the time.
When someone feels truly in love, they feel certain. That means they lose any commitment-phobia and will want to find ways to bring you closer together.
I believe that if a guy doesn't offer to pay the whole thing when he asks you on a date, he wasn't taught right. But I also believe if a woman on a date allows him to pay for the whole thing without at least offering to pay half, she wasn't taught right.
We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity.
Women want to attract a 'high-value' man. If that's the man you want to attract you have to be high value yourself.
Being in a relationship doesn't mean you're successful. You are successful if you are happy.
Women in their thirties are much more nervous about dating. They feel time is 'running out for them. They want to get married and have a family. The women I see in their forties and fifties know what they want. They are amazing, confident women with good jobs, but they are just struggling to find someone who is their equal.
Research shows that making eye contact is a powerful draw for guys - even in photos. Just don't mistake duck face for flirty.
When women want things to get more serious they can come across like relationship saleswomen but a man wants to think his own mind took him there.
There's nothing like a man watching a roomful of guys look his woman up and down to make him desire what he already has (and vice versa).
Women are conditioned to believe Prince Charming is going to come and sweep them off their feet.
Too many women are being chosen by men that they don't choose.
If you label someone lazy or a liar, he'll feel like that for life. Worse, guys lose motivation to change when we feel like your perception of us is set in stone.
One of the people I most admired was Christopher Hitchens. He was extremely polarizing but extremely honest, to a fault sometimes, but I respected him for that, and I loved his debating style.
Remember that the most confident people make others feel confident around them.
Choose a guy who has a similar level of drive as you. There's nothing sexy about being your boyfriend's life coach.
One of the classic mistakes is we think if we get closer to someone by just listening to all of their relationship woes, we're going to suddenly end up romantically involved.
You know he's invested when he doesn't treat his 'friend time' and 'girlfriend time' as mutually exclusive.
If he wants you over for the holidays or can't wait for you to have dinner with his buddies, it's a sign he wants them to love you as much as he does. — © Matthew Hussey
If he wants you over for the holidays or can't wait for you to have dinner with his buddies, it's a sign he wants them to love you as much as he does.
Guys aren't used to out-of-the-blue compliments.
Men feel safe and more open when they know that the woman they're talking to approves of their passion for a particular band/book/cereal.
Working with guys allowed me to at least understand guys in a way that I could then say to women, 'Look, here's what I've learned about men.'
Getting hurt in a relationship is simply a part of life.
The key to asking someone out is to not really ask. In other words, don't feel your sentence needs to end with a question mark.
If he doesn't follow through with actions, he's either selfish or a liar. Neither makes him sound like The One, does it?
Firstly, there is no perfect man. Looking for that it worse than starting the race badly, it means you're in the wrong race. What women should be searching for is their ideal man - i.e. the one whose values, beliefs and outlook on life synergise with their own.
A little flattery goes a long way.
The need to make sure everyone knows all of the great stuff about us is usually an insecurity in itself.
Women often try too hard to say what they think a man wants to hear, to like what he likes, to laugh at every joke, and get so nervous talking about themselves that nothing interesting comes out.
Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional. — © Matthew Hussey
Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional.
Speaking from personal experience, if someone asked me on a date, I would still want to pay.
How do you bust out of the friend zone? It's a horrible place to be when you end up there unintentionally with someone you have a romantic interest in.
The coolest people reveal themselves gradually, and flirting isn't just about making yourself look great, it's about making him feel great too.
Don't just praise a guy's achievements. Praise the personality traits that made them possible.
Quite simply, if someone tells you often that they're dreaming of, or thinking about, you, it means you're someone they see as a big part of their life. When you're in their head, it means you're also pretty close to their heart.
Boldness is sexy, especially when it's done with a wink.
Life isn't easy but it's not as complicated as we make it out to be.
There is literally no one on earth who isn't interested in relationship dynamics, or how to meet someone special. Or if they've already met someone special, how to make that relationship as good as it can be. It's a universal subject.
A friend of mine once earnestly said to his girlfriend, 'You look so pretty tonight,' and she replied, 'You're such a dork.' Her deflection was a total turn-off. It didn't make him feel attractive, nor did it encourage him to keep complimenting her.
So many books are designed to help you with your love life spend their time telling you what you can't do. What I love about 'Get The Guy' is it spends the majority of its time telling you what you can do.
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