Top 1964 Quotes & Sayings by Mehmet Murat Ildan

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a writer Mehmet Murat Ildan.
Last updated on September 9, 2024.
Mehmet Murat Ildan
Mehmet Murat Ildan
Born: May 16, 1965
We must always think about death, because death always thinks about us!
Every time you go to the zoo, you prolong the captivity of the animals there! If no one goes to the zoos, there will be no zoos! Destroying the evil is very simple and it is in your hand!
Behind every success, there lies a magical word: Dare! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Behind every success, there lies a magical word: Dare!
Smile creates love and peace; love and peace create smile.
We like rain if the sun comes after it; we like night if the day comes after it; we like everything conditionally! We are conditional people!
Everyday, spend some time in solitude to repair the damages done by the crowds!
Intellectual is a parrot; wise man is a crow. One is repetitive; other is creative!
Once upon a time millions applauded and supported Adolf Hitler; ignorant masses often cannot see the simple truths and evidently they do not have the ability to see the very clear ends! The stupidity of the ignorant masses has been proven thousands of times in the history! Each time they follow the wrong leader and in the end fall in the cesspool!
Roads are long; make them short with a good company!
When somebody criticise you, be happy and thankful because they have given you an opportunity to think about the matter more precisely and more detailed!
Earth travels in the space at the speed of 108,000 kilometres per hour. When you walk calmly in a forest, you must know that you are in fact flying in the space at that crazy speed!
I have not seen any Christian sparrow or Muslim lion or Jewish elephant! Animals are lucky as they have not yet invented the religion!
If you want to give an advice to someone, you must first be somebody. — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
If you want to give an advice to someone, you must first be somebody.
If you haven't admired anybody in your whole life, you are the best candidate to be the world's greatest megalomaniac!
While eating a delicious food, remember the peasants and the workers who made this possible!
Every time thief steals, he steals from his own peace, from his own honour! No man is as poor as a rich thief!
In nature, everything has a job. The job of the fog is to beautify further the existing beauties!
Kings kill; clowns don't; therefore the clowns of the kings are more valuable than the kings!
May God protect us from all the religions!
There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you!
Doing goodness is good only when you don't expect anything in return; not a medal, not even a simple thanking!
If you love the roses, that is ordinary; if you love the weeds, that is extraordinary! Rather than being common, be extraordinary!
History never recorded this phrase: 'The Mass of Wise.' Because the wise is not too abundant to form masses!
For an apple you can't reach up and pick, you have to climb that tree; the tree won't bend down for you!
If heaven is within you, everywhere you go you will find heaven!
At whatever age you find the truth, that will be your real birth year! That's why man can be born even at the age of eighty!
Birds teach us something very important: To whatever height you rise, you will finally come down to the ground!
For humans as well as for ships, dark stormy nights are better teachers than tranquil sunny days.
Happy moments are the times to be stupid, not be genius!
Why pay money for the horror movies? Just go to a street without trees!
If the view is very beautiful, do not sit and watch; go to the view, be in the view!
Silence is a giver; it gives some things to you! Noise is a taker; it takes some things from you! Seek for the silence!
Horizons will not come to you; you must go to the horizons!
When you are alone, bless the solitude; when you are with someone, bless the togetherness! Think of the seagull: It flies alone happily; it flies with another happily too! Solitude is a food; togetherness is a food; man needs both and he must be happy with both!
As long as your curiosity is greater than your fear, you will move forward!
Some people are so weak that whenever they see a hammer, they immediately turn into a nail!
If somebody praises you; change the topic!
The face of tomorrow can be seen only in tomorrow. — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
The face of tomorrow can be seen only in tomorrow.
Think about the answers of the questions that have not yet been asked! When they are asked, you will have the answers ready!
All the uglinesses of the world can best be forgotten in the beauty of nature!
Sometimes life puts too big weights on little shoulders and the reply of little shoulders to this injustice is remarkable: To carry the burden with courage and dignity!
No competence is required to be a scarecrow!
A man who sits under a tree and dreams makes more journey than a man who goes around the world without dreaming!
If you want to appreciate the Sun, be a miner; to value the land, be a sailor and to long for freedom, get married...
Dogs are happy with few things because they have already observed man who is unhappy with many things!
Ignorant voters of the democracies are always a great threat to the progression of humanity, simply because they give their votes to the people who look like themselves!
If you have too many enemies, it means that you are either too good or too evil!
Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake!
You need a temple to feel good spiritually? Go to a beautiful garden!
When the sun sets beautifully, other beauties rise. Nature is a theatre; when one great player leaves the scene, another great player immediately enters. The play always continues excellently.
There is no need to dream in nature because you are already inside the dream!
When you close your mouth, your ears will be bigger!
For someone who doesn't have the key, the door becomes a wall; for someone who has the key, there is no door!
When the wisdom speaks, be silent. Do not waste your candle when the sun is there.
Every time I stepped into madness of the crowds, I longed for the wisdom of the loneliness.
The power of every dictator has two main sources: His psychopathic mind and the support of the very easily deceivable ignorant masses!
A little happy house is the strongest castle in this whole universe!
It's very dangerous to invent something in our times; ostentatious men of the other world, who are hostile to innovations, roam about angrily. To live in peace, one has to stay away from innovations and new ideas. Innovations, like trees, attract the most destructive lightnings to themselves.
Good manners open the closed doors; bad manners close the open doors!
If you want to do something very praiseworthy and very saintly, make a child happy!
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