Top 110 Quotes & Sayings by Melissa de la Cruz

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Melissa de la Cruz.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Melissa de la Cruz

Melissa de la Cruz is a Filipina-American writer known for young adult fiction. Her young-adult series include Au Pairs, the Blue Bloods, and The Beauchamp Family.

I was always a sci-fi and fantasy geek. I was in the 'Lord of the Rings' club and all my cool friends made fun of me.
Once you start telling people you're famous, they believe you.
I don't write that much horror. People tell me my books are scary, but they're not really; I don't go there. — © Melissa de la Cruz
I don't write that much horror. People tell me my books are scary, but they're not really; I don't go there.
As an author you hope your characters have sparks but truly in the end they have minds of their own!
Just because I worked in fashion doesn't mean I didn't go to see 'Underworld' three times!
I haven't paid for anything since I became famous.
We all want to live forever, but we don't want to suck blood to do it, right? I think people like to have these deep moral questions that don't come up in real life.
I used to write my books at night when I was a freelancer with no children. I used to really work in huge spurts - I could turn around a revision in two weeks, I used to be able to write 10,000 words a day. It's like, 'Wow, what happened to that?' That's just gone.
Dark books do appeal to kids because they have nice, sheltered lives - and they also appeal to children who are going through pretty hard times themselves.
I always thought of vampires, especially the young-adult ones, as a metaphor for sex - sucking blood, forbidden, taboo. I think they just ooze sex. Vampires are all the big themes in life in one attractive, bloodsucking package.
Being an adult comes with a whole new set of issues.
That was the thing about pictures--they were worth a thousand words, but sometimes they weren't the right ones.
I'm so sorry for loving you, I'm so sorry.... But it was such a wonderful dream, my love, such a wonderful dream. — © Melissa de la Cruz
I'm so sorry for loving you, I'm so sorry.... But it was such a wonderful dream, my love, such a wonderful dream.
You cannot be with someone just because you don’t want to hurt him. You have your own happiness to think about.
It didn't help that she was painfully shy and kept to herself, because then they just thought she was stuck-up, which she wasn't. She was just quiet.
Dude you scare me sometimes! You're all vampire superwoman
Love. It's so close to hate, it's almost indistinguishable. But this is how it was for the two of them. Love and hate. Life and death. Joy and anguish.
Even if they end up together, which I highly doubt, given the strength of that particular bond-...-but even if Schuyler still loves him, or thinks she does, it doesn't matter. Because Jack is going to leave her one day. i know he will. He's too much for Schuyler. They're wrong for each other. Anyone can see that. And when he leaves her, I'll be there. However long it takes, I'll still be there for her. Waiting.
One should not seek those who do not wish to be found.
This is college?' Schyler asked. 'or Downton Abbey?
I am not sorry for a moment . It was worth every moment, every second we were together. I would not change it for an immortal lifetime
Black is the color of night. White is the true color of death
Because love was not the answer to every question. Because real love meant sacrifice. Sometimes love means letting go.
When their lips met, and their tongues touched, it was like they were kissing in a hundred different places, and her senses were flooded with new sensations and old memoires. He kissed her, and their souls melted into each other in a melody older than time.
Not that they were there to have fun—although with Kingsley Martin around, fun was never far from the agenda.
I love her because she has become something more to me. She become my life.
Instead of fearing the future, I should live and enjoy the present, she told herself.
When she reached the shallow end, Kingsley held out his hand and pulled her up, but she lost her step and fell into his arms, her body crushing momentarily against his.
I still love you. I will always love you, and that is all that matters. I will forgive you anything, and I will forgive you this.
She could not trust herself to hope—but without hope, she realized, she had no reason to go on.
Never trust a shiny surface. They hide a multitude of flaws.
White for light. White for love. White for forever.
we laughed until we had to cry, we loved until we said goodbye.
Tonight the world is yours, as am I.
Schuyler pulled Oliver close and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go.
A mind is like a puzzle; you must unlock it to read its hidden secrets.
Looking for Narnia? You’re in the wrong universe
This is not some silly game...This is life and death Angels and demons. — © Melissa de la Cruz
This is not some silly game...This is life and death Angels and demons.
Bonds are like rules, they're meant to be broken.
Trust me to return to you." "I will wait forever. however long it takes.
Evil was seductive and easy, and virtue was difficult and unappreciated.
And Kingsley being Kingsley, he smiled as he pretended to pull the trigger.
You have punished me long enough, you have punished yourself long enough. Return to me. I beg.
He was like a shooting star you tried to catch with your hands. She would only get burned.
Love. It's so close to hate, it's almost indistinguishable.
They did it for love, and sometimes love makes us do the irrational .. even the inexcusable.
Had pretended to be Abbadon of the Dark, when always he had been working for the Light.
I have never given this ring, my soul, to anyone. Azrael has never had any part of this. This is the only part of myself that is truly mine, and now it is yours.” —Jack Force
That morning, she had found an envelope stuffed into her locker. It was from the Mercer Hotel, and held a plastic door key for their suite. "See you there tonight," Oliver had written. "Chomp! Chomp!
I know you. I know this isn't you. And even if it is, I still love you. As much as I always have. You will always be mine. I will always love you, I promised you that when you left, and it's true now.
Kingsley did the same, except he also removed his T-shirt, showing off his broad chest, tan and smooth. When had Kingsley had time to work on his tan? Mimi wondered. — © Melissa de la Cruz
Kingsley did the same, except he also removed his T-shirt, showing off his broad chest, tan and smooth. When had Kingsley had time to work on his tan? Mimi wondered.
A promise, a bond, a joy, a love for the ages, for the history books.…But what was love but pain?
Who knew that the path to a womans heart was through the soul of an honest man?
Time did not mean anything to those who had too much of it, but it was even more precious once it was limited.
Kingsley, ever the joker, had his Venator mark tattooed near his unmentionables
You made a sacrifice. And heaven rewarded you.
It was so nice just to live in the moment, to enjoy holding him so closely, to pretend for a little while that they were merely two young people in love and nothing else.
Remember all fairy tales end at some point.
I'm tired of being your best friend. I'm tired of being second best. I won't settle for that anymore. It's all or nothing, Schuyler. You have to decide. Him or me. - Oliver Hazzard-Perry
It was maddening how your best friend could twist the knobs inside of you so much that it hurt.
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