Top 117 Quotes & Sayings by Michael Beckwith - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an author Michael Beckwith.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Pain pushes until vision pulls.
You can change your life, and you can heal yourself.
The truth is that there's more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That's the truth.
Fall forward, in your failing, and rise up with a soul on fire! — © Michael Beckwith
Fall forward, in your failing, and rise up with a soul on fire!
We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness. Modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving way to breakthrough technologies wherein we heal ourselves at the level of all true healing, which is spirit.
There are laws of the universe and if you practice them they will respond to you.
If you want love, love somebody.
Be a beneficial presence on the planet. Give your Gifts. Boldly go where no woman or no man has ever gone before.
Integrity is about being integrated with the spiritual values of the Universe. It is also about being happy, because happiness and joy mean that you're coming into integrity with your soul.
This is the great Secret of life.
Naturally, when life's lessons knock at the door of our life, happiness can be momentarily obscured.
Thirty years of spiritual practice has given me the realization that emotions are based on our perceptions, whether or not they are based on reality.
You are at a choice-point in every moment of each circumstance, each activity, spoken word and thought.
Ah, the first step in humility: Listening. — © Michael Beckwith
Ah, the first step in humility: Listening.
To me, authentic love is a sacred encounter we all yearn for.
I've seen many miracles take place in people's lives. Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing of relationships.
When one begins to really feel into the spiritual dimension of their beings, they bump into love. They bump into compassion. They bump into beauty.
Today give up false mental attachments and beliefs! Free yourself from the delusion that anything external can fulfill the hunger of your soul for God-Consciousness.
Your good is happening right now, even as you accept this statement of truth.
If you are not living in joy, you are out of integrity with your soul.
We are unlimited beings. We have no ceiling.
Be for something and against nothing.
Human beings have a tendency to push away unwanted pain, but my experience is that when I give my consent to it, it delivers its gift and moves on.
You attract the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness.
The point is to create a system where individuals don't work simply for money or personal gain but to support the planet and its inhabitants in entering the next stage of evolutionary progression.
A spiritual intention is a resounding YES to awakening to your fullest potential. It may include several of your life structures: mental, emotional, financial, relational - because there is no aspect of your life that is not spiritual.
The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted.... As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.
The belief that a personal life exists apart from God creates experience disconnected from God. This is painful and frustrating. Our spiritual work is to break down the illusion that we have a life here and that a life of God is somewhere else.
When it comes to love as a spiritual manifestation, it is an experience of utter surrender to that which is greater than any concept of love can define.
When we have an inner initiation into pure love, we are in contact with our true nature.
When you make the U-turn to the Universal Presence and apply the Universal practices and principles, your life is changed.
Living in an inner state of vulnerability is a powerful practice that opens our hearts, causing us to live in a state of gratitude for our life and life itself.
Along with my spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and visioning, what catalyzes my sense of aliveness is putting those practices into action by being of service to others.
Happiness is a natural state of being.
Your technology is the inner practice of meditation, which will stimulate the link between your brain and ignite your innate desire to know your True Self. Trust yourself in a deeper way & reap the rewards!
You are a cosmic happening rooted in a local event, NOT the other way around.
Our primordial purpose is to respond to the impulsion from within to solve the mystery of our individual existence, to find and be the authentic Self that is, has been and ever shall be.
This is our moment. This is our destiny. It's a good destiny — © Michael Beckwith
This is our moment. This is our destiny. It's a good destiny
Going back to my mother's passing, there was no way I could hold back my tears or sense of grief at knowing her physical presence left the planet. Working consciously with such an in-my-face overwhelmingly painful loss, I was able to process it to the point of accepting that although my relationship with her would be different, I could still sense and celebrate that there was no separation between our spirits. Being present and open to each stage of grief eventually led to her visiting me in my dreams and a tangible sense of her presence.
We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision.
When emotions arise, I don't attempt to suppress or repress them, so that I can discern their basis or cause.
When you make genuine contact with your inner Spirit, there is an inner joy, an inner peace, that takes over.
It's a wonderful destiny! God made no mistakes when God wrote the beautiful, unfolding pattern of delight as You!
Realizing that I can't control or change the impermanence of things in human life is daunting.
There's an old saying that God made us in His image, and we've been trying to return the favor ever since. People often view God in a human image. This God changes His mind, gets upset, answers some prayers but not others, loves some people but not others. But even with that limited image, if we pray sincerely, we'll eventually realize that God is changeless. He's the same all the time because He's not in time-time is in Him.
I am inspiring and activating others to wake up to their unique selves to anchor the next stage of our unfoldment.
A person all wrapped up in themselves makes for a mighty small package.
The answer to any challenge you are having has nothing to do with God's willingness to help. It has to do with your acceptance of how the Infinite is already active within you, how it has already placed within you all that you need to solve and dissolve inner conflict through conscious communion with the Self.
When you see the world that God sees, you see a world that is loving, compassionate, and filled with individuals who live together in harmony and peace. — © Michael Beckwith
When you see the world that God sees, you see a world that is loving, compassionate, and filled with individuals who live together in harmony and peace.
There's an intelligence within the heart that is far bigger than our figuring out the mind.
When we radiate the warmth of our love-energy, our compassion-energy on the planet, we shine the qualities of our Source!
When we have an inner initiation into pure love, we are in contact with our true nature. Judgment of ourselves and others disappears. Compassionate, discerning wisdom then enters the equation in all of our relationships.
Mediocrity always attacks excellence.
Grow deep roots to harvest rich fruit! When your roots run deep, you cannot help but bear the fruit of the Spirit.
Happiness and joy are inner qualities that can't be shaken by outer circumstances because they are inherent within the core Self.
There are so many levels of understanding and experience when it comes to this thing we call love. In our human relationships, it can be vastly complicated. Each of us has our own unique love-history, perceptions, and expectations.
Happiness is the natural state of our being
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